Emperor Xiaoyao of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 147 The way to make money is everywhere

Chapter 147 The way to make money is everywhere

Early in the morning, Jin Yu heard the noise in the backyard, and stretched out his hand to touch the side - no one, it seems that Yang Ying got up early in the morning and arranged for people to start digging the cellar.Jin Yu took a lot of effort to put on the clothes. These days, the clothes have no buttons, let alone zippers, and basically rely on wrapping, which is very troublesome.Yang Ying was so thoughtful that Jin Yu even prepared the wash water. Jin Yu wiped his face, picked up the comb and combed his hair in the mirror.This buddy didn't have this habit in his previous life. Who made Datang people have long hair?After saving for four months, the hair still can't be tied up, which is very annoying.Fortunately, there is a mirror that Wang Guo put in his bag, otherwise Jin Yu would not be able to stand it even with the bronze mirror, and the blur is as uncomfortable as looking at the moon in the water.

The servant girl heard movement in the room and immediately reported to Yang Ying. Now Yang Ying's family rules are so strict that no girl dares to enter the bedroom!Didn't someone say that?Whether a man is mature or not is mainly reflected in the performance of encountering a beautiful woman with bumps. When he is young, he just knows how wonderful it is - salute with a gun, while a mature man stretches out his hand to salute.Jin Yu thought to himself that he was already a member of Ben San, so how could he molest a girl?My heart is very indignant, as for guarding myself against wolves?
Seeing that school will start in two days, Jin Yu plans to prepare lessons, and if he doesn't hurry up, he won't know what to teach the students.Mathematics should be learned step by step, and it is not good to talk nonsense. In this regard, Jin Yu is still very responsible.

There was nothing wrong with Yang Ying at the construction site, so she immediately came to Jin Yu when she heard the maid's report, and chased her all the way to the study.

"Husband, have you slept well?" Yang Ying opened the bamboo curtain and came to the study room. There is no screen window these days. Jin Yu proposed to get a piece of white cloth to hang on it, but Yang Ying ruthlessly rejected it—they are all alive and well, What are you doing hanging a coffin?
"Well, the most comfortable thing in life is to sleep until you wake up naturally, and count money until your hands cramp." Jinyu is not used to using bamboo paper, and it crumbles into pieces after a little kneading. It can't stand his frequent flipping, so he cut the rice paper I sewed an A4 notebook with thread to serve as a textbook, which is very useful.

"The husband has done it all. How many days do you not sleep until you wake up naturally? Last month, there is still more than half of the dividends sent by the Cheng family. Now you don't have to worry about food and drink." How can people these days hear it? World's wisecrack?A little fun can make Yang Ying laugh for a long time, and the ancients are so satisfied.

"Is this enough for a lady? Do you remember what I said to my husband? Let my lady be a wealthy landlord woman. I believe that as a husband, within two years, our family property will be so large that my wife can't even imagine it!" Jin Yu He is not afraid of blowing the cowhide, but this is not false. The objects he brought from later generations are basically not available in this year. Throwing one away is money, but there is a problem of profit.Take this bamboo curtain for example, the profit is not big enough, so he would rather control the bulk of the money by himself, and let those with vision make these "small profits".

Yang Ying looked at her husband full of confidence, and felt indescribably satisfied, but she said, "Don't be exhausted, husband, you are the pillar of the family."

"Don't worry, your husband is made of iron!" Jin Yu touched the rice paper with his hands, it was a bit thin, and the playing cards were too soft, but this couldn't help him, just put some paste, and the two sheets would stick together. "My lady, go and boil some paste, it will be of great use to your husband!"

"I know it's a waste of paper, so be careful that people will criticize you when you say it." Yang Ying saw that her husband had already taken out a knife and started cutting the paper, so she complained, but she still followed Jin Yu's advice.

Jinyu’s female celebrity is not good, so dolls can’t be made; carpentry can only be done by him, so the wooden horse and Huarong Road should be done by Thai enshrined; Just engrave a template for mass production.After all, what Jin Yu can do is a whole deck of Three Kingdoms Killing cards.

The rice paper that Jin Yu bought is not very big, it can cut eight sheets of A4 paper size, and one A4 sheet can paste two cards, which consumes a lot of paper!After a while, as soon as the rice paper was beaten, it was divided into a pile of paper by Jin Yu. Yang Ying came in and exclaimed. She thought her husband was making a fuss, but how could she know such a big situation?Can't help complaining: "A piece of rice paper costs hundreds of Wen, and my husband doesn't know how to save it."

"Don't worry, this thing makes a lot of money." Jin Yu Yangyang has already drawn a few playing cards in his hand, each with black heads, and notes are marked vertically on the bottom according to the habits of modern people.It is really not easy to include the above content on such a small piece of paper, and the brush is definitely not up to the task, thanks to the duck that has been eaten by Jin Yu.In line with the principle of waste utilization, Jin Yu can make a duck feather pen by picking some heads. Not to mention, it is quite easy to use, at least the written characters are much thinner than a brush.

"This is Zhang Fei?" Yang Ying took the small card in Jin Yu's hand with a look of disbelief—why is it so ugly? !According to "Three Kingdoms" records, Zhang Fei's two daughters are both the queens of the Shu Han!How could this father be so dark and ugly?
"Zhang Fei! Swallow jaw and tiger beard, leopard head and eyes, face like carbon! Do you know why Zhang Fei succeeded when Liu Bei escaped? Isn't it because the enemy was frightened by his appearance? Think about it, my lady, at night Such a human head popped out, holding a spear in his hand, staring at him like this! There are not many people who are not afraid when they see it, right?" Jin Yu held a duck quill in his hand, and made a picture of "Red Treasure" in his hand. Book" standard action, said to Yang Ying.Jin Yu has no concept of Zhang Fei's appearance. He drew it according to Yu Chigong's appearance. I don't know what expression Yu Chigong will have on his face when he sees it. It must be interesting, right?

Yang Ying was amused by Jin Yu's action. It seems that this aesthetic concept has not changed much, except for that special period. "Come on, paste these pictures according to the fold line in the middle. The paste should be thin and even." Jin Yu arranged a job for Yang Ying, and went to the match factory to paste matches with those who would not be able to eat in the future. The box is about the same.

"What kind of snake is the 'chess and chess snake' my husband muttered about last night? Did he have a nightmare?" This "paste" can be made with hands, but not with mouth for the time being.

After listening to Yang Ying's question, Jin Yu's back felt cold, as if he was in a cold storage. "I```````I`````What else did I say?" It was too cold, Jin Yu's teeth were chattering a little, his fingers were stiff, and a piece of paper was useless.

"'Turbid oil'? What kind of oil is this?" Yang Ying thought about what she heard last night, and it seemed to be just these two words.

"No more?" Jin Yu asked.

"No, the concubine has heard these two words."

Jin Yu finally felt relieved, threw away the discarded card, wiped off his sweat and explained to Yang Ying: "Board games are a group of people playing games around a table. The chess club is the place where such games are played. " Jin Yu secretly warned himself in his heart, to be vigilant in front of outsiders, not even dozing off!Go to bed as late as possible at home, life is hard~~~
"Oh, it's really 'thinking by day, dreaming at night'." Yang Ying did the work with the cooperation of eyes and hands, so she didn't notice Jin Yu's abnormality.

"Well, no." Jin Yu calmed down. Seeing that Yang Ying's writing speed had caught up with his own writing speed, Jin Yu continued to draw symbols.

"Uncle Chen told my concubine yesterday that the farmers wanted to plant some soybeans in the field, and I agreed. When we took over the land, the farmers became very excited and planned to buy cattle. Planting some soybeans not only It can extract oil, feed cows, and fatten up in winter.” Yang Ying recalled this incident and casually said to Jin Yu, after all, Jin Yu asked most of them to plant wheat.

"Well, yes, it's my husband's negligence. Beans are a good thing. After pressing the oil, they can be fed to livestock. It's also good to send out bean sprouts, and you can also make tofu and tofu nao." Jin Yu admitted Chen Rui's arrangement It's reasonable, I don't have the experience of managing a large family, and I'm a little short of ability in this area. Fortunately, I have capable subordinates.

"It's getting more and more comfortable these days. But the soap at home is almost gone, and my husband has to work hard to make some more." Yang Ying raised her head and smiled at Jin Yu. It was so beautiful that Jin Yu couldn't get tired of watching it. .

"It's easy to say, let's fix this brand first, and it won't be too late to tinker with soap in the afternoon." Nowadays, soap is increasingly inseparable from life. Even if you use soap locusts to take a bath, your whole body is still greasy after washing, and it feels very uncomfortable to the touch. .It's fine for me to be a big man, how can I make my daughter-in-law greasy?That's going to be taken advantage of by yourself!Jin Yu also knows that this thing can make money, but the available materials are too expensive!Although it is a prosperous age, how many years have you not fought?Farmers can barely make ends meet, if there is a little bit of oil in the dishes, it will be like Chinese New Year!

"Well, the godmother praised her husband last time." Yang Ying spread the pasted cards one by one on the table, and put them on the ground when they couldn't be placed on the table.

"What are you bragging about? Handsome and suave? He looks better than Pan An, and he's so talented?" Jin Yu's subordinates didn't listen to their actions, and teased Yang Ying.

"Suave and suave? To be honest, are you still thinking about that red-sleeved trick?" Yang Ying stopped her work and asked.

Jin Yu groaned bitterly, his mouth was really twitching, Yang Ying finally forgot, why are you still talking about flair? "Who is Hongxiu Zhao?" I had no choice but to pretend.

"Hmph!" Yang Ying wrinkled her nose, "Do you think my husband is a jealous woman?"

"Where are you thinking? Tell me what the godmother said." Jin Yu brought the topic back.

"My godmother praised my husband for his good craftsmanship. It's a pity not to be a cook, hehe." Yang Ying couldn't help smiling when she thought of the scene that day.

"Is this a compliment?" Jin Yu finally became a little "scholar" conscious, and suddenly he was beaten back to the level of "worker".

"The godmother is saying that the concubine is blessed, and there will be a husband who can cook." It seems that the mother-in-law's standards for son-in-law are the same as those of later generations. My daughter finds someone who can cook.

"That's true. If I open a restaurant for my husband, will the other restaurants in the city still be closed?" Jin Yu is very confident about this, and all the imperial chefs come to learn from him. He has the capital to be proud.

"Beautiful!" Yang Ying gave Jin Yu a white look, seeming to be both angry and happy, and Jin Yu's bones were lightened by two or two halves.

"Miss, don't look down on those who run a restaurant. You can make a lot of money if you open a restaurant with your husband! Let's not talk about the dishes. The leftovers from the guests are all good things. If you feed the pigs, the pigs will grow fast. It can be ready for slaughter in a year. If you cook the oil from the leftovers again, hey, it would be nice to get some waste oil.” Jin Yu lived in an era when morality had no bottom line, and everyone wanted to get rich. There are endless tricks, and waste oil is only a very small part of them.

"We don't dare to do such immoral things." Yang Ying looked very disgusted when she heard Jinyu say that, a big pot of leftovers, and then reused the oil, she lost her appetite even though she didn't know what waste oil was , but she couldn't stop her nausea.

"Haha, that's what my husband said, I think I scolded those wicked grandsons back then. But the oil is really good, it can be used as soap." Jin Yu shook his hand after saying this, and scrapped another one Card.

Jin Yu scolded himself for being stupid, why didn't he think of this trick?Good oil can't be used, this gutter oil can be used to make soap!It seems that this restaurant is really going to be on the agenda!

"Husband, why are you patting yourself on the head? You dipped your clothes in ink again!" This is already the third body, and it is also very challenging for Jin Yu to use a quill, and he will get on his body if he is careless.Because Yang Ying took care of Jin Yu's appearance, there was no need to wear this kind of clothes anymore, so Li Er rewarded him with a lot of silk, which was enough for Jin Yu to wear for a lifetime.

"Hey, I thought of an idea to make a fortune." Jin Yu YD smiled, threw away the discarded piece of paper, and grabbed a new one to continue drawing symbols.

"I'm such an adult, I don't know how to cherish things." Yang Ying was quite emotional, saying this sentence gave me a sense of accomplishment, like a little adult.

"Be careful next time, hehe."

"How do you play this kind of card?" Yang Ying is not a narrow-minded person, so she didn't hold on to it anymore, especially for her husband, she wished she could satisfy him with everything.

"There are 4 identities in it: the lord, the traitor, the loyal minister, and the traitor. A table of people draws lots. Except for the lord, the identities of others are not revealed. It is an intellectual game where loyal ministers help the lord catch the traitor and traitor. Subdivided into Game cards, kit cards``````" Jin Yu explained to Yang Ying half-stop, it took more than an hour to make a deck of cards!It seems that batch printing saves time.

"After spending so much time, I can't sell unless I earn three or four times!" Jin Yu was so busy that his mouth was dry and his wrist was sore.

"Husband, don't think about making money." After finishing her work, Yang Ying also figured out how to play, with a look of pity, "Isn't this card teaching people to rebel? It can't be passed on."

"It's just a game card, isn't that an exaggeration?" Jin Yu asked Yang Ying to say this, and he really didn't know what to do. It's taboo to do anything these days, even tolls are not allowed!He has been brooding over this matter, and plans to assign a cook to set up a shed to sell some tea and food, so that he can make some money.

"Why don't we ask our godfather?" After all, this is the result of her and her husband's labor, and Yang Ying couldn't bear to give it up.

"Okay, ma'am, why don't you send someone to deliver fruit today? Let's ask together." Jin Yu didn't want to call "fruit" like Yang Ying, because it would easily remind him of Sister Wang Guo.

"My concubine ordered the garden to deliver it in the afternoon, and send it to my godfather while it's fresh." Yang Ying nodded in response.

"Let's go, eat, I'm starving to death." Jin Yu was so hungry that he was screaming. This kid got up late in the morning and didn't eat breakfast. It's no wonder he wasn't hungry.

The two were having lunch in the yard, when Chen Rui ran in sweating, looking excited, as if he had won 500 million. "Young master, it's done! It's done!" Chen Rui held a stack of papers carefully, for fear of breaking them. Seeing this, Jin Yu's heart was half cold. Is it as brittle as bamboo paper?

"Uncle Chen is here? Sit down and eat something together." Yang Ying gave Chen Rui a special treatment, now the only man in the house who can enter the backyard is Chen Rui, other than Jin Yu, no one else has this qualification!No one in the family was dissatisfied, and they all took it for granted. From this point, it can be seen that Loli Yang Ying has a lot of tricks.

"Don't dare, the old slave has eaten it, Madam, please use it." Chen Rui is very responsible, how should I put it, his expression and tone make people feel very kind, at least Yang Ying thinks so.

Jin Yu took the stack of papers, twisted one and kneaded it. It looked pretty good, with wrinkles, but no cracks. It was much better than bamboo paper, but it was a bit harsh, and it was enough for wrapping paper.Making toilet paper is still a bit difficult, if it is a little more humid, it will be almost the same, but it is better than rice paper, which is cheaper. "Is this dry?"

"The dry one is sandwiched in the middle. It's too light, and it will fly away when the wind blows." Chen Rui pointed to the paper in the middle and explained. He really didn't understand why Jin Yu specifically ordered it to be thinner and dry in the shade. Can't write, but Jin Yu has a deep meaning in what he does, so he doesn't doubt it.

Jin Yu took one from the middle, twirling, kneading, excited!The long-lost feeling came one after another!This kid was very unpromising, grabbed a few, ran towards the toilet without saying anything.

Treasure!Toilet treasure!Top toilet treasure!Jin Yu is so excited, it works better than damp rice paper!Although it is not as white as the later generations, with a yellowish color, it has good toughness and softness, and the buckle will not be broken when double-layered, which is great!
Chen Rui thought that Jin Yu was in a hurry, and the young couple had dinner, so he didn't stay any longer, and went out after telling Yang Ying about the situation.

Seeing Jin Yu lazily coming out, Yang Ying also thought that her husband was in a hurry, so she conveyed the rest of Chen Rui's words to Jin Yu: "Uncle Zhang has tried it himself, the thicker paper is the best for ink, and it can be used Come to write, Uncle Chen has already asked Hu Yue to take some to test the ink at Bishou. This thin one is not good, Uncle Zhang said it is waste paper, not worth reproducing.”

"Produce! Why not produce! Not only must produce, but also produce more! He doesn't need to worry about sales, but this thick paper can be produced less. In the future, we will open a dim sum shop, just enough to wrap dim sum." Jin Yu wiped it. Hold your hand and continue eating.

"Why is useless paper so prolific?" Yang Ying didn't know why, so she continued to ask.

"Hey, this paper, as a husband, I didn't intend to use it for writing! It's for ``````" Jin Yu planned to tell his wife after dinner, after all, it's a bit disgusting, isn't it?Seeing that Yang Ying was so curious, Jin Yu couldn't stop his inner excitement, so he still spoke out.

"Ah!" Sure enough, Yang Ying put down her chopsticks and stopped eating with a disgusted look. "Husband ```disgusting!"

"Didn't my lady always think that rice paper is expensive? This is cheap and softer than rice paper! Take it out and sell it for a good price!" Yang Ying couldn't understand the preference of the future generations for hand paper. I am used to the toilet paper, it doesn't matter if I can go further, but Jinyu is different, the toilet paper has regressed to the toilet paper, which is unbearable!

(End of this chapter)

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