Chapter 251

It is said that last year, Jinyu had no land, and the seeds he brought were only planted at home.All the work of leveling the ground and loosening the soil is done by servants, and the harvest is basically done by hand. Jin Yu doesn't want the limited fruits to be damaged by improper handling.

The situation is different this year. Potatoes and corn are relatively small, but the planting area is small.But the sweet potato `````` at this moment reflects the benefits of cutting propagation.I heard that Li Er asked people to plant on a large scale in Wentangjian, and set aside a special field, and when new melon seedlings grew, they were cut off and moved out for cultivation. That looks like sweet potatoes must be propagated in the shortest time regardless of the cost. to the most!Anyway, Wentangjian has spring all year round, so there is no major problem with the temperature, that is, the sunshine time``````Next time, remind Li Chengqian to delay the harvest time.In other words, the baby is still good, at least there are no signs of psychological distortion.

Jinyu Zhuangzi's method of planting sweet potatoes this year is similar to that of Li Er, but it does not have the unique conditions of Li Er, but the area is still quite large.Yang Ying attached great importance to these few crops unique to Jinyu, and asked Han Wu to arrange someone to be on duty at night, for fear of being stolen.Jinyu has never been in a disaster year, so it can be said that he has no worries about food and clothing since he was a child. Although he felt that Yang Ying was making a big fuss, he didn't stop him. After all, it was related to his ecological rural concept.When Jin Yu has nothing to do, he will go to the fields for a while, watching the crops grow vigorously, and the bottom of his heart is very, beautiful!For example, today, when he was puzzled by the cotton gin, Jinyu wandered around the vegetable field again, so he had the right to adjust his mood.

It is said that last year Jin Yu ordered Chen Rui to grow some vegetables, but he was reported and fined some money.If you put it in the homes of ordinary people, you will definitely not serve him, but Jin Yu is not an ordinary person.The first batch of people in later generations who got rich first did not all accumulate wealth through illegal income, but more money was earned by playing around the edges of policies.

After being fined, you need to know why you are being fined and how you can stop being fined.For this reason, Jin Yu specifically asked Zhang Peng, an official of Sinong Temple.Sure enough, as Jin Yu expected, Guo Yu was mainly gold-plated, which belonged to the kind of temporary post in later generations, and Zhang Peng was the main person in charge.Sweet potatoes are very important, and the emperor attaches great importance to them. Zhang Peng still wants to be promoted, so he runs to Jinjiazhuangzi every day. In fact, this time Jinyu happened to meet Zhang Peng when he transferred to the sweet potato field.

"My lord, do you want to plant another crop in autumn?" Regardless of Jin Yu's personal style, his academic reputation is still very good, and everyone should give him a thumbs up.Wouldn't you be excited if a very learned person asked you for advice?It doesn't matter if you are excited or not, Zhang Peng is very excited anyway.

"If you have this kind of thought, what a pity to let it be idle?" Jin Yu nodded in response, pointing to the shade of the trees on the side of the road, and motioned Zhang Peng to go to that shaded place to chat together, and by the way, he could stay away from him.Unkempt is the most appropriate way to describe Zhang Peng now. His hair is long enough (basically everyone has long hair), but apart from the dandruff flying around, there is no feeling of elegance at all.That is to say, Jin Yu, who came through, has the consciousness of respecting people in later generations. If Cheng Huaimo is beside Zhang Peng now, he must have been thrown into the Bahe River to take a bath.

"No." Zhang Peng was even more excited. There were not many opportunities to give advice to such a knowledgeable Sir, so he shook his head. "The imperial court decree does not prohibit planting two crops of grain, but the fertility is not enough and the harvest is very small, so the government does not advocate it, and most of the people are also wintering, so don't worry about it."

"Oh? So as long as I want to plant, I can plant it?" Jin Yu didn't care about the fertility and effortlessness. Could the biogas digester be built for nothing?The short board of fertility is not within the scope of his consideration. "Then why did the yamen servants charge me a fine last year?"

"Isn't that the vegetables grown on the Lord's Zhuangzi?" Zhang Peng smiled, looking like a fortune teller.

"I planted a la carte, but I didn't order green ones in winter, so how can people eat?" Jin Yu spoke with confidence and confidence, without any timidity.It doesn’t matter if there is no food in the winter of the Tang Dynasty, but as a time traveler, he still eats water and dry food at the door like a Tang Dynasty person, then it is his fault, he deserves it, and no time traveler will sympathize with him.

"My lord didn't find the right way." Zhang Peng looked like a chicken thief, sold it to Jin Yu and said: "Although the government does not prohibit the planting of two crops, there is a strict order to prohibit the cultivation of vegetables. If you want to eat greens in winter Vegetables can only be cultivated in wasteland, not to mention fines, and tax exemption for five years!"

"Oh? There is such a decree?" Jin Yu was overjoyed!Although the yamen servants had already talked about opening up wasteland to grow vegetables last time, they didn't talk about taxation.

"Yes." As Zhang Peng was speaking, he did not forget to cup his hands with his sleeves facing the direction of the palace, with a solemn and solemn demeanor, which was completely different from what he had shown just now. No wonder people said that officials have two faces and two mouths. "It's because the current emperor has the people in the world in mind, and for the betterment of the people's life, he came up with this good policy. I heard that it was opposed by the major clans at that time."

"Today's sage is so talented and generous, which is admirable." Jin Yu nodded, agreeing, and said a fairly fair evaluation in history. Of course, Li Er also has shortcomings. Since his people support his leader so much, don't say Worth mentioning.Although the folk customs of the Tang Dynasty were open, would you beheaded if you said the wrong thing?Even if he won't be beheaded, the possibility of being blackmailed by Li Er is very high, so Jin Yu wisely changed the subject.Li Er's character has little to do with me, it's better to care about what can be planted. "Master Zhang said just now that the imperial court does not prohibit the cultivation of two crops of grain a year. I wonder how this grain is defined?"

"Well``````" Seeing Jin Yu's seriousness in asking, Zhang Peng looked contemplative, maybe thinking made his scalp itchy, his hands acted as a powerful wooden comb, and the dandruff flew up and down with the wind. Changing to snowflakes would definitely be a beautiful sight, but now it makes Jin Yu feel a little queasy. Fortunately, he is standing on the upper wind, and Jin Yu is very happy.

"It's really hard to say." Under Jin Yu's patience, Zhang Peng finally stopped thinking, with a heavy expression on his face, adding a bit of helplessness. "I thought about it just now. It seems that there are really few things that can be grown. Most people in Guanzhong grow rice. After the autumn harvest, the weather will be cold, and other crops cannot grow before the frost."

"What if you don't grow rice?" Jin Yu continued to ask without waiting for the answer he wanted.

"What do you grow if you don't grow rice?" Zhang Peng looked at a loss. How else can people have inertial thinking? Stone rice is usually only four stones, and you have to pay rent. How can a family of seven have to plant more than ten acres of land to avoid starvation. If there is a disaster year, alas ``````"

"Master Zhang is concerned about the country and the people, I admire it." Jin Yu became a little impatient, and the same question was always distracted. "My son also thinks that the rice production is too little, so I plan to see if I can grow a crop of grain. Hitting more grain will save a few more lives. I hope Master Zhang will tell you how this grain is defined."

"Rice, upland rice, wheat, yellow rice, millet, and soybeans are all grains, and they all belong to the category that can be cropped twice a year, but if rice is planted, the flat land will be troublesome, and it will also miss the festival." Zhang Peng finally understood Jin What Yu meant, he gave an affirmative reply, and at the same time he murmured in his heart, how could such an educated Sir not even know the "five grains"?
"Beans count as food?" Jin Yu asked, taking out a handful of beans from his pocket. Recently, Jin Yu has been thinking about how to make good use of beans, especially soybeans and mung beans. Although there are already bean sprouts and tofu at this time, but The popularity is not high, especially bean sprouts, which are rarely eaten by people, except monks.At this time, the monks had already abstained from alcohol and meat, and the protein needed by the body was basically provided by beans, so the tofu in the temple was very famous, which is why Jianzhen can make tofu.

"How can this not be counted as food? This thing is very hungry. If you grind it into powder, you can eat a few mouthfuls and drink some water to not be hungry all day." Zhang Peng said in surprise.

"My son has been taught, hurry home and write it down, or you will forget it in a while, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, hehe." Nonsense, Jin Yu thought, soybeans absorb water and swell, who can bear it?After Jin Yu learned the answer, he planned to leave.This can't be blamed on Jinyu crossing the river and tearing down the bridge. Anyone who puts a dandruff machine next to him can't stand it, and I don't know how his wife can stand it.If Jinyu can mass-produce Head & Shoulders, he really wants to give Zhang Peng a bucket!The dandruff is gone, and the hair is more outstanding!Maybe Zhang Peng, the dandruff production machine, can be the spokesperson of Tang Dynasty Head & Shoulders, but unfortunately, Jin Yu doesn't know the formula of that thing.

Planting two crops a year, Jinyu will not worry about rice. Jinyu will not let his farmers grow rice. The yield is higher than that of wheat. What about the income after making it into food?Big difference!After planting winter wheat and soybeans, they can not only be used to extract oil to raise livestock, but also to make tofu, raw bean sprouts, dried tofu, tofu skin, stinky tofu, frozen tofu, etc. How can we do without soybeans?More importantly, soybeans can synthesize ammonia!Is there any better crop than this in this age when no chemical fertilizers are produced?Zhuanghumen has tasted the sweetness this year, and it happens to be able to advance smoothly!
According to Zhang Peng, as long as you buy some wasteland to grow vegetables, no one will check it, and you can save taxes, which is a real benefit.As for planting two crops a year, fertility is a big problem for others, but it is a piece of cake for Jinyu. The fertilizer produced by the biogas digester is not formulated properly, or it lacks the microorganisms that decompose the odor. All the bugs stayed away, and Jin Yu just happened to use it to exterminate the bugs.Just pouring it into the ground will not only eliminate pests, but also fertilize the land, killing two birds with one stone!
Strange to say, there are fertile fields to the east of the Chan River, but wasteland with thatched grass to the west!It's easy to do things with money, so let Chen Rui go to the government to buy the remaining wasteland that no one wants.Yang Ying won Jin Yu's words, she spared no effort to buy labor, and the houses on the village are not enough. Even if the thatched land can't be used to grow vegetables, it is good to build a house, even if Li Er and his wife say that they are He's a prodigal son, so he can bear it!In less than two years, those who scolded him as a prodigal behind his back would be dumbfounded!
Prodigal, you must lose badly, lose to a higher level!Hey, Jin Yu laughs like a thief``````
(End of this chapter)

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