Chapter 31
Bai Ruoxi came back and said seriously to the director, "I want to audition."

"Are you sure?" the director asked respectfully again.

"I'm sure, although I have to play the leading role, I don't want to rely on my relationship to make an appointment. I believe that I have that strength." Bai Ruoxi confirmed very seriously.

"Okay, okay, then you go to audition for the part where the female lead meets the male lead." Feng An said two good words, and the more he watched, the more he liked Bai Ruoxi, and the more he watched it, the more pleasing to the eye.

A girl who has a background and is willing to work hard is the most worthy of respect, and she will definitely be able to.

Bai Ruoxi took the script and read it twice, staring at the screenwriter and director each for a minute, and then said to the director, "Director, I'm ready, let's start."

"Get ready to start." Director Feng An nodded, talking to the person next to the camera.

Bai Ruoxi quickly entered the role and was in good condition.

The male lead is Jing Fan, a popular first-line star, who plays Zuo Ryeowook, an aristocratic talent who has returned from studying abroad.

The heroine is Bai Xueqing, a student who just graduated from university, played by Bai Ruoxi for the time being.

This is the scene where they first met.

"Jing Fan, Bai Ruoxi, are you all ready?" Director Feng An looked at the two and asked again with certainty.

"Senior Jing Fan, please give me some advice." Bai Ruoxi said very politely to the male star she was going to play with.

"I can't talk about advice, don't waste my time." Jing Fan looked at Bai Ruoxi, not knowing what to think.

"The director is fine." Bai Ruoxi smiled nonchalantly, and nodded towards the director.

Under the camera, Bai Ruoxi, who hadn't changed her clothes at all, looked like a little girl who just graduated, with a pure face and a little greenness, and she was completely different from the strong girl just now.

As a first-line star, Jing Fan has acted in many big and small big-budget movies and TV dramas. For this kind of drama, the speed of entering the drama is very fast, and he can do it easily.

He walked forward slowly like a walk, admiring the scenery of his hometown along the way, with a lazy and undisciplined temperament.

Bai Ruoxi carried her bag on her back and ran quickly, wiping the sweat off her forehead non-stop. The steps she took very well explained her eagerness at the moment.

At the corner, gardenias are in full bloom, and the fragrance of the flowers is fresh and charming, making the weather just after rain cleaner and purer.

Zuo Ryeowook's slow, lazy, elegant and noble, and Bai Xueqing's fast forward, silly and simple appearance form a strong hedge, which is refreshing visually.

She bumped into him, flying her bag, and the two fell in one direction. They thought there would be a scene that is common in TV dramas, but they didn't kiss.

The two cooperated tacitly, and Zuo Lixu quickly changed directions with Bai Xueqing, and promptly grabbed Bai Xueqing's waist, which was falling down, and pulled her upright until she stood upright.

Bai Xueqing looked at Zuo Rye-wook foolishly, her dazed little eyes well reflected her mood at the moment, she stared dumbfounded at this clean and handsome man like Prince Charming in front of her.

It's just funny that the two of them didn't have time to stare blankly at each other because of this, the bag that was thrown into the air accidentally fell down and landed between the two of them, waking up into a daydream Bai Xueqing.

Zuo Lixu smiled at the confused girl, "Be careful next time you walk."

Bai Xueqing looked at this handsome and charming gentle man who didn't know his name, and just disappeared at the corner full of gardenias.

She clasped her hands together, looked at the gardenia, slowly closed her eyes, and prayed devoutly, "God, please give me a boyfriend who is as handsome and clean as before, Amen."

Gardenia flower language: I hope to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated; clean and pure love.

The script is like this, and then Bai Xueqing should suddenly remember that she is going to an interview, and she will be late, so she picks up her bag and speeds up to run forward.

"Director, director, didn't you agree before, didn't the role of the female lead Bai Xueqing be given to Yu Yi?" The manager of the popular actress Yu Yi rushed over and saw someone auditioning for the role of the female lead. Not calmly interrupted them.

Bai Ruoxi calmly picked up the bag on the ground, walked towards the camera, looked at Director Feng An, and asked calmly, "Director Feng, is that so? Is this movie originally scheduled?"

"Miss Bai, this is what happened, but Yuyi was late, and with the things that CEO Chunyu told me, we unanimously decided to let Yuyi play the role of the second girl, Xi Ke, and you to play the role of the first girl, Bai Xueqing." "Director Feng An didn't panic and explained calmly.

Director Feng An hates actors being late. This matter is an open matter in the entertainment industry, so it is understandable to make such a decision.

"But director Feng, you want to replace us Yuyi because we are late, we have nothing to say, but you let a newcomer who just debuted, play the leading role, and let us Yuyi be a supporting role, which is a bit inappropriate Let's go." Yu Yi's manager glanced at Yu Yi who was walking slowly, and looked at the director in a very embarrassed way and said.

"I said Aice, don't embarrass me. Isn't Yuyi an artist of HT? It's not inappropriate to play a supporting role for Bai Ruoxi. Bai Ruoxi just happens to be..." Director Feng An looked at Aice and smiled peacefully talking.

"Director Feng, since this is the case, let her audition for the role of the female lead. If she performs better, I am willing to give up the role of the female lead." Bai Ruoxi put down the script in her hand and interrupted Feng An. What the director has to say next.

"This... since you said so, then fine." Director Feng An looked at Bai Ruoxi, then at Yu Yi, and nodded in agreement.

"Yu Yi, I'll give you one more chance. You read the script first, and try out the scene that Bai Ruoxi played with Jing Fan just now with Jing Fan." Director Feng An looked at Yu Yi and smiled. Said.

"Okay, thank you, Director Feng." Yu Yi nodded, picked up the script, and read it confidently. Compared with Bai Ruoxi, she has too many advantages. She has acted opposite Jing Fan before, and the cooperation should be good. More tacit understanding.

Bai Ruoxi looked at Yu Yi's confident appearance, raised her eyebrows indifferently, lowered her head and continued to think about the characters in the script.

Yu Yi and Jing Fan acted against each other, and it ended very smoothly. The difference from Bai Ruoxi's audition was that Bai Ruoxi's act was very simple, a student who had just left school.

On the other hand, Yu Yi tried out more emotions and details, and the scene with Jing Fan had more sweet and subtle atmosphere than Bai Ruoxi's part.

"Director, comparing the two videos, it's obvious that our Yuyi is more suitable for the role of Bai Xueqing." Aice said this fact very happily.

Director Feng An was in a dilemma this time. He was speechless looking at Aice, and he could see it too, but who made you say it so quickly.

"Director Feng, don't be embarrassed. It's a pity that I play the second female child. I'm a new face in the entertainment industry. If I play the leading female role as soon as I debut, I will inevitably attract criticism." Bai Ruoxi smiled, not caring talking.

She did some research and found that the role of the second heroine is very malleable and can be played in a wide range of areas. If she plays it well, she can not only avoid criticism, but also coexist with the heroine.

In fact, what Aice said is not unreasonable. If she plays the first female role, let the popular actress Yu Yi play the second female role, it will definitely make Yu Yi's fans unconvinced. When the time comes to human flesh her, it will be found that she is not a single work. The newcomers who have participated in the show don't hate her to death.

It would be different if Yu Yi played the role of the female lead. With her popularity, she could attract many audiences. At that time, the audience will also find the dazzling girl next to the female lead. She can be accepted by the audience in a brand new and clean form. recognized.

"But..." Director Feng remembered what Chunyu Haorui said, of course it was the words of the female lead, with such a domineering and sure tone, he was suddenly embarrassed.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it, that's all." Bu Ruoxi smiled charmingly.

(End of this chapter)

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