you are my lifelong love

Chapter 203 Arrival in Paris

Chapter 203 Arrival in Paris
Ling Chuxia slept for four hours, and when she woke up, it was already past eleven o'clock.

"Since I woke up, I ate. Although the taste of the plane meal is not satisfactory, it is better than being hungry." Chu Dongzhe said with a smile.

Ling Chuxia rubbed his somewhat confused eyes, and then saw that lunch boxes had been set up on the dining table in front of him. They were all white and looked very clean. There was a separate box of rice and a quartered plate. In fact, Ling Chuxia's dishes looked pretty good.

Ling Chuxia took a bite of the food with chopsticks. In fact, the taste of the plane food is still acceptable based on the level of ordinary dishes, but maybe eating the dishes prepared by the five-star chef of the Mu family every day, Ling Chuxia really feels that the plane food The meal is a bit ordinary, and there is really nothing comparable to the delicacy cooked by the chef of Mu's family.

But Ling Chuxia is not the kind of person who can't get out of luxury, so she still eats the plane meal with relish.

Seeing that Ling Chuxia was eating well, Chu Dongzhe's appetite was whetted. In the past, he was a little insensitive to plane meals and usually seldom moved his chopsticks, but this time he really whetted his appetite. .

After lunch, the stewardess brought freshly squeezed orange juice and fruits for the two of them.

It was already noon, and Ling Chuxia saw through the glass window that the white clouds outside had turned yellow at this moment, because the sun seemed to have become extremely large and looked very shining.

Ling Chuxia ate the apple and casually looked at the scenery outside the window.

Although she has only been away for half a day, she is already a bit like a son, and this kind of feeling is as good as when she goes to work. Besides the first time, there is...Mu Hanjue...

Ling Chuxia didn't know what happened, but Mu Hanjue's figure jumped out again and again.

She shook her head quickly, trying to shake Mu Hanjue's figure out of her head.

"What are you doing?" Chu Dongzhe looked at Ling Chuxia's strange movements, "Do you have a headache?"

"Ah, no." Ling Chuxia shook her head hastily, and then forced a smile.

Although Chu Dongzhe was a little puzzled, he still didn't ask any further questions.

The plane sailed for more than eight hours before Ling Chuxia heard the voice on the radio announcing that the flight was about to arrive at the airport in Paris, France.

There is a time difference of six or seven hours between France and China. When the plane landed, it was around eight o'clock in the morning in France.

The weather in France is similar to that in China. I agree that it is summer, but the sun in France is much softer and not as harsh as the sun in China, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Most of the people in Ling Chuxia's sight after getting off the plane were blondes, which made her feel really different.

Taking the special car sent by the French branch of the Chu Group, the two went to the hotel where they were going to stay. It took about 40 minutes to finally arrive at the Place Vendome in the center of Paris. The hotel of the two is located at the corner of the Place Vendome The Ritz Hotel in Paris is also one of the most luxurious hotels in France. It is said that a princess once stayed here.

After getting out of the car, Ling Chuxia saw the hotel that was almost shining golden under the sunlight, and she was speechless except to marvel, the degree of luxury was completely beyond her imagination.

Chu Dongzhe looked at Ling Chuxia's amazed look and smiled. He didn't feel anything. After all, this kind of hotel was the most common for them, but Chu Dongzhe felt a little happy seeing that Ling Chuxia still liked it. for a moment.

The interior of the hotel is also a few catties of luxury, but the luxury also has a unique French romantic atmosphere. Whether it is the intimate couples that can be seen everywhere or the various flowers used in the decoration of the hotel, this hotel is even more gorgeous.

Because he had slept for a long time on the plane, Ling Chuxia was not sleepy at all, but Chu Dongzhe felt that he should at least rest for a morning, and then plan other things in the afternoon.

The room has been booked, and a dedicated waiter will take the two of them there.

Ling Chuxia couldn't understand French at all, so only Chu Dongzhe was in charge of the conversation, but fortunately Ling Chuxia's English was good, and the French were also very good at English, so they could barely speak a few words with others.

When she opened the door of the suite, Ling Chuxia realized that what she saw just now was all a fuss, because the luxury of this room was definitely second to none, and Ling Chuxia couldn't describe it in words.

"Have a good rest. If you're sleepy, continue to sleep for a while. I'll see you in the afternoon!" Chu Dongzhe helped Ling Chuxia carry the luggage into the room.

Ling Chuxia recovered from her daze and nodded to show that she understood.

After closing the door, Ling Chuxia immediately turned on the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Mu... Jue, is Chenchen here?" Ling Chuxia has been missing her son since getting on the plane, and now she wants to say a few words to him.

And Mu Hanjue on the other end smiled when he received a call from Ling Chuxia: "Turn the phone on to video mode."

Ling Chuxia here heard Mu Hanjue's words and immediately switched the phone to video mode, and Mu Hanjue's flawless face immediately appeared on the phone.

"Where's Chenchen?" Ling Chuxia asked impatiently.

Then Ling Chuxia saw that the person in the video seemed to frown slightly.

That's right, Mu Hanjue was a little angry. Could it be that he has no status? Ling Chuxia knew about his son without even asking him a question.

But even though he was angry, Mu Hanjue went to Mu Yuchen's room with a dark face and took his mobile phone.

Mu Yuchen just woke up from a nap, and is still sitting on the bed in a daze.

"It's mother's phone." Mu Hanjue walked in and looked at his son and said.

Mu Yuchen, who was still dazed at first, jumped up instantly as if he had been given a shot in the arm when he heard these words, his eyes were bigger than a bell, and he snatched the phone back from Mu Hanjue's hand.

"Mom..." Mu Yuchen's eyes immediately turned red when he saw his mother on the small screen of the phone.

"Okay, Chenchen, be good, don't cry, didn't you agree!"

Ling Chuxia hurriedly coaxed, but she felt very, very uncomfortable in her heart, after all, the time away from her son was a bit long this time.

Then with this video, Ling Chuxia chatted with his son for more than an hour, until Ling Chuxia felt that the time was too long, so he reluctantly coaxed his son to hang up first.

"Mom, I love you!" Chenchen said coquettishly, and then made a kiss to the screen.

Ling Chuxia immediately replied, and then happily hung up the phone.

Looking at the black screen of the mobile phone, Mu Hanjue's face was darker than the screen.

None of the mother and son remember him...

After hanging up the phone, Ling Chuxia looked at the phone and sighed but at the same time was a little satisfied, then smiled and put the phone aside.She first took out all the clothes and packed them in the closet, then opened the slightly thick golden curtains, and through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, she could see the busy traffic outside.

Ling Chuxia's eyes were astonishingly bright at this moment.

France, here she comes!

(End of this chapter)

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