you are my lifelong love

Chapter 340 Invitation

Chapter 340 Invitation
Xu Ran's pregnancy is a big deal for the entire Feng family. Feng's mother was looking forward to having a grandson, but later she learned about Xu Ran's difficulty in getting pregnant. Although she was willing to respect her son's wishes, She can also tolerate Xu Ran's serious flaw in the eyes of ordinary people, but it would be a lie to say that she is not unhappy in her heart. After all, having grandchildren is her biggest wish at this stage.

So now I suddenly know that Xu Ran, who was diagnosed as difficult to conceive, is pregnant. This is definitely a big surprise for Feng Mu, especially when she knows that Xu Ran's pregnancy is not stable, she is afraid to hold Xu Ran in the palm of her hand. What's wrong with her.

Not to mention the three meals a day, I specially found a nutritionist to prepare nutritious meals according to Xu Ran's situation, and then I had to prepare for the wedding, because Mother Feng didn't want her grandson to have no status.

Knowing that Xu Ran was pregnant and went to get a marriage certificate with Feng Rui, Ling Chuxia was also very happy. Xu Ran is what she is most worried about now, but she did not expect such an unexpected result.

"That's great, Ran Ran, congratulations!" Ling Chuxia didn't know what to say while holding the phone, her hands trembled slightly in the air, she was so excited.

Ling Chuxia and Xu Ran chatted for a long time, most of them were about maintenance during pregnancy, until Xu Ran on the other end was urged by Feng Rui to hang up the phone for fear of radio wave radiation, Ling Chuxia and Xu Ran reluctantly cut off contact.

Looking at the hung up phone, Ling Chuxia felt as if she was dreaming.

Her best friend, Xu Ran, who was most worried about her, was really pregnant and got her marriage certificate, so she really had nothing to worry about.

"Xu Ran is pregnant, wife, give me another daughter as soon as possible after the wedding..." Mu Hanjue hugged Ling Chuxia, and then spoke softly.

Ling Chuxia looked a little helpless.

This sentence is not the first time Mu Hanjue has said this matter, Mu Hanjue has said about having a daughter many times, Ling Chuxia's ears are almost hearing the cocoon.

In fact, maybe most men prefer girls, because daughters are their little lovers in their previous lives.

Mu Hanjue wants a daughter because he likes girls on the one hand, and on the other hand, he feels that as long as there are more children, Ling Chuxia will be more inseparable from him.

"But... this matter... has to go with the flow..." Ling Chuxia said in a low voice.

Pregnancy is not something that happens overnight, right? It’s not that you say you want to be pregnant the next day, but based on the days when you were pregnant with Mu Yuchen, it seems that she and Mu Hanjue were the first time... At that time It seems to be pregnant.

But that chance is too small.

"Don't worry, wife, as long as I work hard, I will definitely get pregnant..."

Mu Hanjue blew into Ling Chuxia's ear,
There was an ambiguity in the air.


Ling Chuxia got up with a sore back and a sore back. Looking at Mu Hanjue's refreshed look, she felt really awkward in her heart. Why did the man who "troubled" her all night for his daughter look a little tired? None, it's so confusing.

Zhou Hui and Mu Qiaolan couldn't help but feel a little funny when they saw Ling Chuxia's obviously weird appearance when she went downstairs.

"Xia Xia, come and see these invitations!" Zhou Hui smiled and asked Ling Chuxia to come over.

The date of the wedding is coming soon, and now the invitations made by meditation have also been printed out, not a tacky bright red, but light pink invitations, with silver bright edges embedded on the four sides of the card, which looks very shiny , and of course the photo of Mu Hanjue and Ling Chuxia was printed in the middle of the invitation card. The two people in the photo were full of smiles and seemed to be overflowing with happiness.

"Look at who else you want to invite, these are all blank." Mu Qiaolan said.

Because there are many partners of the Mu family and some relatives, if they were all handwritten, they would not know when they were written, so these invitations were printed even with their names.Of course, this would actually cost more, but the most important thing for the Mu family was money.

So now only dozens of blank spare invitations are left, for fear of forgetting who can add them.

Ling Chuxia took out a dozen of them from the pile, and they were all for colleagues in the office. After working together for so long, I couldn't help but invite them.

Then Ling Chuxia flipped through the invitations again, and took out one of them.

This one belongs to Chu Dongzhe, she will give it to him after work.

In fact, Ling Chuxia can choose to hand over Mu Hanjue to Chu Dongzhe, after all, the two are also good friends and partners, but Ling Chuxia feels that it is better to make friends by herself.

Maybe this seems a bit cruel, but it still has to be like this...


Ling Chuxia distributed the invitations to the staff of the design department, and everyone was pleasantly surprised.After these people knew the identity behind Ling Chuxia, they knew what was the difference. Even the news of Ling Chuxia and Mu Hanjue's marriage was seen on TV, and they never thought that Ling Chuxia would give them send invitations.

It's not someone else, it's the Mu family, it's Mu Hanjue!
This man who is too perfect to be real only exists in the media reports!

They were lucky enough to witness the scene of his and Ling Chuxia's marriage.

My God!

What a surprise!

Surrounded by everyone, Ling Chuxia smiled very gently: "I very much welcome everyone to come to my wedding."

But those who get the invitation are naturally happy and...

Chu Dongzhe looked at the invitation card that Ling Chuxia handed over with a stiff expression, and it took him a long time to force a smile, but it was so awkward for people to see.

"Thank you...congratulations." Chu Dongzhe's voice sounded like nothing, but his heart was like broken glass.

Ling Chuxia raised her head and showed a faint smile to Chu Dongzhe.

Then Ling Chuxia left the office.

Chu Dongzhe looked at her back and his heart ached like a knife.

Anthony, who received the invitation at the same time as Chu Dongzhe, could only sigh helplessly looking at Chu Dongzhe's appearance.

To say that Chu Dongzhe and Ling Chuxia really have no fate, if the two could have met earlier, maybe it would not be the case now, the two are actually very well matched, and they have a lot in common.But unfortunately it all happened too late.

It could be considered that God was not good enough to Chu Dongzhe, that's why it was too late when he met Ling Chuxia.

Anthony wanted to persuade Chu Dongzhe, but when he opened his mouth, he found that what he said was probably useless.

In the end Anthony could only pat Chu Dongzhe on the shoulder.

Love is really the most tormenting, especially this kind of unobtainable...

(End of this chapter)

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