Ninety Blessed Wife Runs Well-off

Chapter 465 Future Generations

Chapter 465 Future Generations ([-])

The universe is too vast, and many planets are like the earth. In the entire star system, only one planet is born with life, or even none.

And intelligent creatures at the top of a planet's food chain are always curious about the universe and want to find other intelligent life to communicate with.

But the universe is like a forest, and there is also a food chain, and food is a resource, whoever is the weakest will be eaten!

"I want you to take a good look at this primitive satellite, and take a gamble now, the energy source stone is on the planet where this satellite was made."

The others below looked at each other, while the operator scooped up the small satellite.

The US space agency is still analyzing the authenticity of that photo.

"This is not necessarily true. It is likely that some meteorite made the whole stone body look like a spaceship during the impact."

"But as long as you are not blind, you can tell that this material is not a meteorite at all. If there is an alien spacecraft there, although the distance is very long for us, it may not be certain for aliens."

"There are really some aliens so close to us. It is impossible for us to meet them after so many years. This may be a coincidence."

The people in the conference room were still arguing, and the young military officer who was still staring at the screen outside noticed that the satellite detector had deviated from its orbit, as if attracted by something.

However, this has happened before. The satellite was slightly deviated from the orbit due to the impact of the broken meteorite, but this time it was the first time to see such a deviation.

After a while, the satellite probe lost contact with the space agency. The young officer looked at the screen in front of him and thought he was wrong.

Then the chief came back again, heard the young officer's report, and knew it was no coincidence.

And the people in the spacecraft on the other side of the universe are dismantling the satellite, and then find out the core chip intrusion data.

"This system can still be connected to the planet-making system, do we need a direct link?" The person who was analyzing the chip asked his leader.

"Of course, if such a primitive satellite can be produced, it is obvious that the life forms there have not flexibly controlled their planet, and the invasion should let them know that we are coming."

As for the space agency, the screen in front of the young officer lit up again, but this time all kinds of information flashed across the screen, whether it was secrets or everything about the earth.

The young officer immediately stood up and raised the alarm, "Someone is invading! Steal all information!"

And the spacecraft has already obtained all the information, and the leader knows everything about the earth because his brain is connected to the transmitted information.


Not only that, they also analyzed all the languages ​​of the earth, and uniformly transmitted the data to all the companions on the spacecraft.

And the leader stood up and shouted excitedly, "The Administration does not allow us to invade planets that have reached a higher level, but for the sake of energy and resources, I took the risk to bring you here. Yes, that planet called Earth has not even reached the threshold of a first-level civilization. The Administration will not interfere with our conquest of planets that have not reached the first-level civilization. Come on, there may be more than one, and it is the largest energy crystal source stone in the entire universe at present. If we can get it, it will not be a problem for us to upgrade to the fourth-level civilization, and even the fifth-level civilization can be rushed!"

"If we become a level [-] civilization, we don't have to worry about the planet Anika. If we become a level [-] civilization, we will have a place in the Authority. If we can become a level [-] civilization, we can also participate in rewriting the rules of the Authority. You can slaughter as much as you want on the planet of Mu! Recreate the glory of our Katad galaxy! Let the entire universe tremble in front of the civilization of Planet Orm!"

The rest of the planet Aum cheered because of the leader's words. They love to kill by nature. After unifying the entire planet, they continued to slaughter the lives of other galaxies in Katad, but stopped under the intervention of the Space Administration.

If they can get such a good energy source stone, they can find a barren area to create a planet that can produce life, and this planet is their private property, and they can obtain a lot of energy and resources to upgrade their level.

"Now, go and give those little white rabbits some fear that makes their souls tremble."

After the spacecraft gets the specific location of the earth, it directly performs a space jump to the earth.


"The people from Planet Aum have arrived."

When Lu Zhiran was reading a book quietly, Decibe said this suddenly. Although she couldn't explain the reason, she still hurried out of the house, and the sky darkened for no reason. Because above them was the protective shield of the virtual sky scene, so she didn't see the spaceship of Planet Aum Full coverage of the Earth.

"Didn't you say three months? It's only been a few days, and this group of aliens has come over."

"They got the exact location based on what, so they came so soon, but it's a matter of time, and the most important thing now is to evacuate people to the protective cave."

Soon, the entire country Z issued an emergency order, asking people to go to designated places to enter the protective cave, and the underground city can still be connected to the Internet. Many people began to check the Internet to see if something happened in the outside world.

It didn't take long for the young officer of the US Space Agency to raise the alarm that someone had invaded the network, and the spaceship from Planet Orm arrived. The spaceship covered the sky and the sun, as if it was bigger than the entire earth.

But there was no movement from the spaceship. People from all over the world were terrified like the end of the world and tried their best to hide. Although people have been wondering if there is any alien life, when they are really in front of them, they all know that the other party will never have good intentions.

The people of Country Z saw the videos made by people from other countries on the Internet, and saw the alien spaceships covering the sky, even though their country’s technology is already very strong, but seeing the spaceships of this size, they couldn’t help but feel a little nervous haze.

"What kind of monster-level spaceship is this? It feels bigger than our entire planet."

"What the hell did those bastards outside do to make the earth discoverable?"

"You forget that some countries like to send satellites to look for aliens before, and attach information to let them understand."

Originally, many young people in the whole country would make money in games, but now they would all come to dungeons, and without holographic online games to play, they would flock to the Internet to watch news from other countries.

Now the people who stay on the ground in country Z are not soldiers, but they are the mainstays of today's society. All major companies give employees holidays to let them enter the protective cave.

And they are also watching the news broadcast in real time abroad, even if they speak different languages, but the technology of country z has reached this point, there is no language communication barrier, and a chip can solve it.

Everyone quietly looked at the giant spaceship staying outside the atmosphere, wondering what this group of aliens wanted to do.

(End of this chapter)

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