Chapter 190
Father Shen didn't want to choose either.

On the side of the parents, he couldn't afford to lose that person, and on the side of the son, he also felt that it was inappropriate. There was already a conflict, and it was absolutely impossible to ask for the money back, and he couldn't open that mouth.

"Where did your money go!" Father Shen wanted to find out where so much money was going.

It's impossible to subsidize her daughter with 30 yuan a month, so what does her daughter-in-law's family eat?

Lin Kexin cried pitifully: "Give it to my daughter, she's had a hard time, I haven't met a good father before..."

"Okay, since you're using it on your daughter, it's much easier. You just need two hundred back, and I'll borrow the rest." Father Shen didn't want to hear Lin Kexin talk about her former man.

Lin Kexin froze, her daughter couldn't give it.

Two days ago, Lin Miao also said that Lin Kexin didn't give her the 100 yuan that she had promised her before, and she had a conflict with her, scolding her that she only had men in her heart, and no man would die. The two broke up long ago.

Not to mention that Lin Miao didn't go to work, and after cutting off her subsidy, she didn't even have a penny. Even if she had it, it would be impossible to lend it to her.

Lin Kexin first took the family money to repay the debt and was discovered, and was looked at by her husband with disgust. Then she remembered that her daughter had quarreled with her, and now even her husband quarreled with her. up.

After waking up, Lin Kexin found herself lying on the hospital bed, and Shen Guoye beside her had only joy and guilt in his eyes, and no longer had the disgusting gaze he had before.

"What's wrong with me?" She vaguely had a guess.

Father Shen said loudly, "You are pregnant! Hahaha!"

Unexpectedly, he was almost 50 years old, and he could make his wife conceive. The man's sense of pride was overwhelming.

Lin Kexin was also overjoyed, and then had a sad face; "It's a pity that this child will not be born, and his mother will be arrested."

"Catch what?" Shen's father shook his head; "Comrade Lin, I'm going out to borrow money right now, take care of me, don't worry about these things, I'll collect the money in these two days."

Lin Kexin smirked twice, rubbed her stomach, and remembered something.

Shen Guoye swept away the seriousness before, went to his parents without stopping, and told them the good news.

"It's true." Grandma Shen didn't believe it.

Then Lin Kexin is in her 30s, and she also said that Lin Miao was not healthy after giving birth, so why did she suddenly become pregnant.

As far as Shen Guoye is concerned, he is not easy to get a woman pregnant. Shen Gu's mother used to be a lady from a wealthy family. Since his ancestors, there have been domestic doctors to recuperate women's bodies. They are very easy to conceive. Shen Guoye got married when he was seventeen or eighteen. There is only a solidity.

Father Shen laughed twice; "God treated me kindly and gave me another son. The elder son doesn't want to raise me, but I can still teach the younger son well."

"What nonsense!" Grandpa Shen scolded angrily: "You get carried away before the child comes out, Shen Gu is not the kind of person you said, he is a good boy!"

Grandma Shen also snorted: "It really blows too much wind in my ears, it seems that the woman usually speaks bad things about Shen Gu."

Whether Lin Kexin's child is a grandson is still hard to say, even if it is a male grandson, this child has not yet come out of the mother's womb, so naturally it cannot compare with Shen Gu's status in the hearts of the Shen family couple, so, for Shen's father to speak out If so, the positions of both of them are very firm.

Naturally, Shen Guoye's subsequent request was also ruthlessly rejected.

(End of this chapter)

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