Chapter 201 On the Train

When it was the turn of the table, it was a matter of two steps. The flight attendant poured half a glass for Xu An'an, and another half for Shen Gu's glass. There was no third glass on the table, so she just skipped it.

Seeing this, Shen Gu naturally pushed his cup: "If you haven't drunk it yet, here it is."

Xie Linlang held the cup and didn't drink.

Taking the train is very boring. At this time, there are no entertainment items, not to mention mobile phones, and there is no card game.

There were three or two people sitting in a group, chatting about what they had seen and heard on the road from time to time.

Xie Mu wanted to go to the bathroom, Shen Gu stood up and made way for him, Xie Mu stood in the aisle and looked at both sides of the carriage.

Remembering what Xu An'an had explained, there were toilets at the front and back of the carriage, so he walked towards the more advanced side.

The toilet is very narrow, and there is a very small hole underneath, Xie Mu even felt that if he got a bigger size, he might not be able to flush it down.

After using the toilet aggrieved, Xie Mu opened the door, but found resistance outside, he yelled inside: "I'm about to come out, the comrades outside make way."

The resistance outside disappeared, and Xie Mu pulled the door open.

The next moment, someone fell into Xie Mu's arms.

He only had time to reach out and catch the man.

Taking a closer look, an old man with his eyes closed was clenching his teeth and shaking constantly.

"Someone fainted, call someone quickly."

"Come on, flight attendant!!!"

"Is there a doctor to see what's going on?"

"What's the smell?"

The rising and falling voices also attracted the attention of Xie Linlang and the others.

Relying on his height and long legs, Shen Gu noticed that Xie Mu was holding an old man in his arms, surrounded by passengers by the toilet.

"It's Big Brother!" Shen Gu ran over there as soon as he finished speaking.

Xu An'an and Xie Linlang followed closely behind.

Xie Mu was looking anxiously at the old man who was holding onto one of his sleeves, he couldn't let go, and he couldn't move away either.

If he doesn't just come out to shit, he can also encounter such a thing.

The flight attendant was quickly pulled over, but she didn't know how to deal with it, so she could only feed people water first, and then mobilized everyone to find the hygienist.

Someone next to him said, did Xie Mu knock the old man down, and everyone looked at Xie Mu.

Xie Mu anxiously explained the process of the old man falling down after he opened the door when he encountered resistance when he pushed the door.

"Xie Mu!"

"Big brother."

Shen Gu and the others have already broken through the onlookers and arrived at the center.

"What's wrong?" Shen Gu asked: "What happened, stay here."

"It's the old man who fell down. I can't ignore it. I can only continue." Xie Mu was kind-hearted, even if he was misunderstood, he still squatted in place to protect the old man from being stepped on by the surrounding passengers.

The flight attendant quickly came with the hygienist and checked it. The hygienist found out that it was food poisoning, and used a potion to induce vomiting, and arranged for the old man to lie down for a while in the rest place of the staff.

Xie Mu was not at ease, so he asked a few more questions, and the hygienist explained:
"The old man is just weak, so he can't bear it. In fact, the poisoning is not very serious. It is estimated that he ate poisonous food such as dragon base. After inducing vomiting, he took a rest. He is already much better. We are already checking whether he has relatives. When the car is in the car, he will be arranged for medical treatment, so you don't have to worry too much."

"By the way, young man, you are really a kind and warm-hearted person." The hygienist said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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