Chapter 375

Xiao Hei came excitedly, but when he left, he had a lot of thoughts.

Xie Linlang shrugged.

She is not a matchmaker, she just hopes that those close to her will be happy.

She can't care too much about the rest.

Two days later, Xie Linlang and Shen Gu went to the health staff for a follow-up visit, because Xie Linlang's voice was still not right, so Shen Gu asked to go and see again.

Xie Linlang also cherished her body, so she followed.

I didn't expect to know an extremely disgusting thing, but also an extremely happy surprise.

After Dr. Wang showed it to Xie Linlang, he said that as long as the throat problem is not eaten, it can be fully recovered within half a month. Also, the constitution of pregnant women is inherently hot, so pay attention to drink plenty of water, and If possible, eat some fruit.

Shen Gu nodded at the beginning, and wrote down the precautions of eating fruits, drinking plenty of water and not eating things that get angry, but he didn't react.

The next moment, Shen Gu turned his head abruptly. The posture of turning his head was as if he was going to break his neck.

After swallowing, his throat suddenly became parched, and he said, "You, what did you just say?"

Xie Linlang has already shut down.

Dr. Wang smiled and said, "Don't you know? I said you are young. Fortunately, I came again this time. Shen Gong, you are doing well. Your wife is pregnant. I guess it should be two months. .”

Shaking his head, young people these days can't even notice the abnormalities on their bodies.

Xie Linlang was embraced by Shen Gu, and she was also dazed, a feeling of intense numbness came over her, Xie Linlang slightly shook her head a few times: "I, I have it?"

There is a baby in the belly?
The crystallization of her and Shen Gu?
This, this is too unreal, she is pregnant! ! ! ! ! ! !

She is pregnant!

"Yes! You have a child, our child, Xie Linlang, my wife, my heart, you have our child." Shen Gu quickly pushed him to sit on the chair, and said annoyedly: "It's all my fault , I didn't find anything unusual about you."

Not long ago, she was pulling Xie Linlang to do something stupid.

"It's because I didn't pay attention." If it didn't happen this time, I might not know until I have morning sickness.

That's right, why didn't she have morning sickness?

Xie Linlang only recalled that her menstruation was really abnormal for two months, not last month, and this month has not come yet.

Dr. Wang came in with the medicine bottle and placed it: "This is a good thing, let's go back and celebrate, this is an infirmary after all, it looks sick, haha."

Shen Gu hugged Xie Linlang again, walked outside, and saw Doctor Wang holding a medicine bottle in his hand: "Why isn't this medicine marked, it can't be used by pregnant women, people who have to take a doctor's certificate, why? So careless."

Shen Gu's footsteps stopped. "You said this potion, pregnant women can't inject it?"


"The female nurse who is the hygienist is studying for a doctor's certificate, so she also knows?"

Dr. Wang noticed something was wrong: "Did you use this medicine for your wife?"

Damn, this is not a good thing. This potion may have a negative impact on pregnant women. If you inject it several times, there may be a risk of miscarriage.

Shen Gu's complexion could no longer be described as black, Xie Linlang pulled him: "It's not Dr. Wang's problem, I believe he will educate his subordinates well."

Dr. Wang quickly promised that he would deal with this matter severely.

Then Shen Gu brought Xie Linlang back, no matter what he thought, it was wrong, no way, such a person almost hurt his wife and daughter, such a person is absolutely not allowed to stay in Beihua.

Xie Linlang pulled him: "That person has bad intentions, we are on guard, and we will give her a lesson, but we have no evidence, and if someone doesn't know about it, he can get away with it, let's figure it out slowly, don't be angry .”

Shen Gu stroked her belly: "I know what's in my heart, I won't get angry with myself, so you can relax and leave it to me."

"Okay, I believe you."

Shen Gu returned to his previous appearance, holding Xie Linlang in his arms and talking about love for a while.

He was overjoyed at the arrival of the child, because it was Xie Linlang and his child, which belonged to his love crystallization, but if the child dared to make Xie Linlang sad and painful in the future, he would be merciless.

When Shen Gu went to work in the afternoon, he reluctantly went to work, and personally sent him to the Beihua Animal Husbandry Station.

After a few days of calm, something happened to Beihua. Baishuang neglected his duty and was fired.

Before leaving, Bai Shuang was furious, and she still had that weak Baicha look. She pointed at Xie Linlang's nose and scolded: "You, a doctor's old woman, were all designed by you, right? I said it was just a coincidence that day. The director will go to see a doctor, so coincidentally the substitute is busy and didn't work for me, it was all your design, Xie Linlang, you can explain to the director of the factory with me, if I can't stay here, don't you I want to stay, I want you to look good!"

Xie Linlang smiled angrily, worrying that she would not have the chance to face her face-to-face.

I hadn't seen Bai Shuang before, and I thought she was being taught a lesson by Dr. Wang, so she hid and kept a low profile, but I didn't expect her to be like this.

She took a step forward and slapped Bai Shuang's fingers away: "Don't point your chicken feet at me, what do you care about me if you neglect your duties yourself, and you have the nerve to run wild with me when you go to work and ask others to pay your wages!" Why don't people accept it by the way?"

"I think you have a bad stomach recently, which pulled your brain out? Shake your brain, it's filled with the sea, it's full of water, although the human intestines and the brain look quite similar, but You don’t need your intestines to pretend to be shit, but you can also pretend to be your brain.

What do you think?Otherwise, how can you be full of conspiracy theories, you want to harm people every day, so you will feel that you have been retribution because others framed you. "

"You, just wait and see!" Bai Shuang's eyes were fierce. "You didn't end well, and neither did the bastard in your belly."

When mentioning his unborn child, Xie Linlang slapped him directly, and then kicked him into the pigsty.

She just came out of here just now, and one of the piglets had diarrhea and was isolated here alone.

Bai Shuang just fell in, and her hands and butt were covered with pig feces.

The stench was so disgusting that she retched on the spot.

"You're crazy! You crazy! You're sick!"

"It's said that dogs can't get rid of eating shit, so you eat slowly and threaten me, do you think I'm afraid of you? I'm a breeder, an animal husbandry station, and a veterinarian! Chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs can be tamed, so you If I can't deal with a mad dog, wouldn't it be justified?"

Bai Shuang did not refute.

Because she is throwing up.

I don't know if it was because the way she vomited was so disgusting and she was covered in pig feces, Xie Linlang also clutched her stomach and retched.

Shen Gu, who rushed over when he heard the report, was so frightened that he took two steps at a time, hugged Xie Linlang in his arms, and kicked Bai Shuang who had just stood up. "Bastard, you dare to bully my wife."

(End of this chapter)

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