Raising big bosses in the age of rebirth

Chapter 421 Wang Bo is still crushed to death

Chapter 421 Wang Bo is still crushed to death

Xie Linlang went to Feng Zhuang's commune five days later. Before going this time, she took out a few bags of fine grains, a radio and a watch from the space, and waited slowly at the commune. Someone called Feng Zhuang soon.

"You're here." Feng Zhuang is obviously the same age as Xie Linlang, but for some reason, he always feels that seeing Xie Linlang is like seeing an elder, and he is very respectful both inside and out.

Some time ago, those who said something strange because of the sister-in-law incident were seriously taught by Feng Zhuang.

This time when Xie Linlang came again, he felt much more at ease.

He also took Xie Linlang to visit the elementary school.

It seems that because of Xie Linlang's sum of money, the primary school has collected most of the renovation costs at once, and it is already being renovated.

The desks inside are new, just ugly, but very flat.

"It was made by the carpenters in our commune," Feng Zhuang said.

Xie Linlang nodded, took out a bag of candies on her body, and said that she would find some paper and pens next time to come and see these children.

Feng Zhuang couldn't be happier.

The carpenter's child was among the group of children. He ran home and told his grandpa that there was a kind and beautiful aunt in the city who gave them food.

The carpenter immediately brought a bench and a few baskets from home to give to Xie Linlang.

Xie Linlang was a little dumbfounded.

But he also accepted the basket, so he didn't want the bench.

Before leaving, he gave the child another big bag of sugar.

The child was very happy, but after a short time, grandma came over and took away the candy: "If you eat so much, your teeth will be broken. I will keep the milk for you, and I will give you two a week later. "

The child knows that grandma is right, but he also looks forward to the next visit from this beautiful city aunt.

Xie Linlang was going to the small fishing village at this time, and the next time he left the island, he would have to wait for a while, and he had to finish his business.

Fortunately, this time, Mr. Wang did not disappoint her.

Stepping into the small fishing village again, Mr. Wang had already prepared the mussels Xie Linlang needed, and helped them deliver them to the boat.

"Thank you, I will hand over the food you requested to Feng Zhuang, and I will give it to you from him."

"Okay, Feng Zhuang has already said it." Mr. Wang still looked serious, but his staff was very generous, and this time he brought some pearls over.

Xie Linlang accepted all orders.

It's not easy to send pearls, so I can only wait for the third brother to come and let him take it away.

"The next time we meet may be in January. Take it easy, old man. Safety comes first. I'm not in a hurry to ask for a lot of beads." Xie Linlang was a little worried that this serious old man would take risks because of the ten yuan salary.

After all, most people in this era are very down-to-earth and don't have so many routines.

Most of them are people who have dedicated a lot to their work and career.

Mr. Wang was very surprised. He never thought that an employer who had already paid the price in advance would explain this matter to him.

Seeing Xie Linlang's boat sailing slowly away, Mr. Wang turned and left.

There is a lot of grain. After the old man opened it, he found that it was full of fine grain, which was of good quality and weighed a lot.

"Why are there so many grains?" Mr. Wang collected some, and then went out with about ten catties.

The lesbian told her not to take risks, but she didn't say that she couldn't make a fuss and get her more beads and mussels.

After Xie Linlang went to the island, she really didn't think about going to the town anymore. She bought all the daily necessities that should be bought, and with the help of several soldiers and aunts who knew the family area, all the clams were scattered.

It doesn't take much effort to raise this thing, Xie Linlang pays more attention to the few breeding spots set up on the land.

After about a week or so, the grass she planted matured, and I cut half of it here to feed it. I didn't expect it to be very suitable for the taste of the small animals, and they scrambled to eat it.

She replanted new seeds where she had reaped.

After planting, she clapped her hands, thinking about going back and writing a letter to her family, ordering some feed, and leaving with a basket.

Not long after she left, Zhang's daughter-in-law approached quietly, looked left and right, saw no one around, immediately stepped forward and separated a lot of ripe "vegetables" that Xie Linlang hadn't harvested, and went back with a snickering smile.

In the evening, as soon as Director Zhang came home, he saw a handful of green vegetables on the table.

"Going to town today?"

"Just eat what you have, and ask so many questions."

As soon as the chopsticks went down, Director Zhang frowned; "Why is this smell so strange, it's the same as the grass that used to feed rabbits."

"The dish you mentioned is eaten by everyone in the city now, so don't worry." Xie Linlang ate several catties, so it must be good food.

It was night, and the two of them took turns to go to the toilet. They didn't stop until the sun was rising, so they hurried to the clinic.

The health worker on the island said that the two of them had eaten the wrong food, and they had better pay more attention in the next week, and try to only drink porridge, or millet porridge.

Zhang's daughter-in-law felt that she had been murdered, but Zhang's daughter-in-law didn't dare to trouble Xie Linlang openly. After all, if she said it, she would be accused of stealing.

Xie Linlang didn't notice this at all, only saw Zhang's daughter-in-law's eyes seemed to be more hostile when she saw her.

She glanced at it plainly, and continued digging her own grass.

"Why is she fine?" Daughter-in-law Zhang didn't believe in evil, and followed Xie Linlang all the way, and found that those vegetables were not vegetables at all, but grass for animals to eat!

No wonder she was poisoned!
No wonder!
"Who is still planting such dangerous things on the island!" Mrs. Zhang was thinking, and wanted to write down the account.

In a small room, several men in military uniforms sat around to discuss matters. Judging from their military ranks, their status was not low.

It's just that everyone's expressions don't look very relaxed, even a little bit embarrassed.

A few days ago, there were two soldiers who went out to sea with a small team to patrol on the night of the Lantern Festival. They were deliberately harassed by the enemy and hit their boat with a boat. The two soldiers who wanted to report the news to the leader for instructions were scolded by the other party. He said a word of cowardice, and was hit on the shoulder by the can thrown by the other party.

One of the little fighters, Xia, was 19 years old. He was so angry that he raised all the guns on his back, but he endured it because of the management regulations. However, the other party has no scruples. He glared at them, slapped them a few times, and hit the two 19-year-old soldiers, who rolled into the sea at that time.

The most unfortunate thing is that neither of these two people died, but Ah Xia was hit on the side of the head and lost one ear, and tomorrow was hit on the shoulder and abdomen, and the abdominal wound was soaked in sea water. His stomach became inflamed, which affected his intestines, and the shot in his shoulder also hurt his tendons, and he would no longer be able to serve as a soldier, and his hand was almost useless, except for making tomorrow look like a complete person, it was basically useless.

Now these leaders are sitting here, one is to deal with the enemy's deliberate invasion and harassment at the coastal border, and the other is to compensate the two little soldiers.

Because the other party was also trying to argue that it was the two who fired the guns first, there was a powerful leader on the island who actually stood by the other side and agreed with this point, thinking that it was his own side who acted impulsively in the war and violated the regulations.

Therefore, the direct application for compensation proposed by everyone cannot be passed by the leadership of the island. This person will definitely try his best to stop it.

For the time being, the affairs of the management on the island are slowly grinding out, and the ins and outs have been reflected to the chief. Whether to fight or retreat strategically, it still depends on the instructions of the superior.

All they can do is to discuss how to help these two little soldiers in their future lives.

Tomorrow, among the two little fighters, one was engaged in a marriage since childhood, and the other party broke off the engagement directly after knowing that he was crippled.

Ah Xia's parents cried and fainted when they heard the news. They wanted to come to see the child, but the leader who answered the phone couldn't hold back and agreed.

However, this is also human nature, and there is nothing wrong with it, but when someone comes, it is not easy to delay the compensation.

Because the nature of this matter is a bit special, according to the normal process, the money that can be obtained is simply a drop in the bucket for the future life of the two, but the leaders present all know that the two young soldiers have indeed abided by the state's restrictions on soldiers, and they are in the high seas. The thing that happened was indeed hostile, and the word "injury" on duty was not mixed with any water, so compensation must be given.

According to the standard and the military age of the two, each person should match at least three hundred.

But this money will definitely not be approved for a while. In fact, even if it is approved, it is estimated that everyone can get around [-] yuan.

That's why everyone is worried, but they don't dare to directly say that everyone in the room is together, or the real leader who is on the line and on the line must follow this charter and put on small shoes for them, for example, in the future. This kind of thing, let them all pay according to the bill.

In the corner, a clerk in charge of recording suddenly said: "How about we raise donations?"

Everyone looked over.

The clerk was stared at by everyone. Apart from being a little flustered, he also felt a little excited from the bottom of his heart: "It's like this, everyone in the family area is kind-hearted. This is also a matter of our island, or Mobilize everyone to work hard and help the two little soldiers?"

All the officers looked different.

The man rolled his eyes: "For example, that Shen Gu, I heard him call to buy six color TVs that time, six sets, how rich! If he helps, 300 yuan is not a problem, and thank you Lin Lang, I see that she doesn't seem to be short of money at all, or..."

"No!" Seeing that everyone really thought about it, a 40-year-old officer with thick eyebrows and big eyes said, "Isn't that the same as raising money for ourselves, and there will be endless troubles. We don't want to do things ourselves, why should we let them go?" Others do it? Are you willing to do it for you?"

"Besides, she came here to work with her husband, and her husband is also contributing to the country. Even the officer Xie himself is trying to contribute to the island's economic income generation. We can't force people to do this kind of thing. "

The little clerk, that is, Director Zhang insisted: "Isn't it because they have money? 300 yuan is the same as two cents to them. If the organization needs me to give two cents, I promise to give it without saying a word, and that Comrade Xie is also really nice, he definitely doesn’t care about money, how about I pass on the order?”

"Order? Who ordered whose order? Are you in charge?" It was the same officer just now, who slapped him hard: "If you are willing to pay two hundred, I will agree and persuade Comrade Xie and his wife to donate. what do you think."

"Well, how can this look like this? I'm only 55 a month."

The officer sneered: "Your money is money, but other people's money is not money? I wonder if you have a grudge against Comrade Xie."

Director Zhang blushed.

He and Xie Linlang had no enmity, but seeing their family live a happy life, his wife Zhang daughter-in-law was bullied by Xie Linlang twice, and felt that his husband was not doing enough and felt uncomfortable.

But what he said is right. Xie Linlang is indeed rich. Look at what he ate every meal. There is no shortage of meat. When buying eggs, just buy them according to the quantity of a basket. Even if she doesn't cook by herself, Shen Even when I go to the cafeteria, there are basically a lot of meat dishes.

Give some money to those who need it, what's wrong?
The officer snorted coldly and wanted to be angry again, but was stopped by another person.

"I've heard about Comrade Xie. The two little soldiers followed her out of the island country before. I heard that this person is very nice. He takes good care of the two little soldiers. Every time, he gives them sugar and rice sticks. I think She is a good person with good roots, but even though we really need the money, we can't let her bear it all for no reason, otherwise, let's start donations and start in the family area."

The person who spoke was the direct leader of Tomorrow and Ah Xia, so what he said made a lot of sense.

If the family members heard the news themselves and volunteered to help the two of them, even the leader would have nothing to say.

At any rate, everyone's attention was diverted, and they felt that this idea was very reliable. Director Zhang sat down, feeling very unhappy. He was the one who suggested the donation, so the leader can take the credit?

No matter what Director Zhang thinks, the matter of letting the family courtyard initiate the donation is settled. As for who will do it, everyone will look to the officer political commissar who complained about Xie Linlang.

The woman in his family is Sister Xu, who is very popular in the family area and is very righteous. Let her go, maybe there will be good results.

"Political commissar, let my sister-in-law take the lead in this matter." Everyone patted him on the shoulder.

It was precisely because his wife was Elder Sister Xu that he had a good impression of Xie Linlang, and he didn't want to be influenced by Director Zhang to think about finding a lesbian who would be responsible for all the compensation.

Now that he has come up with this idea, he can only accept it, ask for leave to go home at night, and tell his wife about it.

Sister Xu also felt sorry for the two young soldiers who were only 19 years old, and she was willing to be the leader. It is worthy of the title and name of the enthusiastic big sister, but she felt the need to talk about the episode of asking for donations from Xie Linlang.

Xie Linlang, she has only been together for less than three months, but she knows that Xie Linlang is actually a very assertive comrade, and his personality is not sticky and procrastinating, and he is even a bit resolute and uncompromising. If you use...

 I didn't expect it to be so long once I wrote it. Hey, I'd better save the high-energy points for tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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