dear miss jane

Chapter 1012 I Didn't Come To Care About You

Chapter 1012 I Didn't Come To Care About You
Ji Linlin is not reconciled, it is absolutely impossible for her to beg Jane Xin, but seeing her is not impossible, I heard that she was hit, oh, life is really big.

Avoiding Xiang Yihang deliberately, Ji Linlin sneaked in when there was no one in the ward, Jian Xin turned her head and saw her.

"Ji Linlin, why are you here?"

Ji Linlin looked at Jian Xin amusedly, she was a little disappointed to see that she was not serious.

"I heard that you were hit by a car. I didn't mean to come to see you. Jane Xin, you are very lucky this time. You always get a blessing in disguise. But Jiaxin is miserable. She doesn't know that she was killed at the moment. Where is it locked?"

Jane didn't care to listen to her saying these things, "You came here to say these things?"

"if not?"

Ji Linlin asked back, "I came to see you kindly, our relationship, shouldn't I come? My dad won't come, even if he knows, it's the same, so it's only me, Jane Xin, why do we My fate is so wonderful, it is really speechless that they will be sisters!"

"It's very speechless."

Jian Xin echoed, "Ji Linlin, you never regard me as your sister, tell me why you are here, what exactly do you want to do?"

"You and Jiaxin colluded and still got nothing in the end. You know what the consequences of offending Xiang Yihang will be, so why continue!"

"You don't need to care about me."

Ji Linlin's complexion changed, "Jane Xin, you are now taunting me as a winner, you have won, I admit it, but you won disgracefully, Jiaxin is crazy, and no one is arguing with you Now, you are ruthless enough, if you don't do it yourself, Xiang Yihang will solve all the problems for you."

"Jane Xin, you are the most scheming one. You just want to use Xiang Yihang's hand to take revenge on us. I know you can't let it go. You hate my father, but you can take revenge on him. Why do you If you want to take away my company, you are the one who is jealous of me, you can't understand that I have everything!"


Jane laughed heartily, "Ji Linlin, I don't care about what you have at all, and you have nothing to be jealous of. Of course, you are luckier than me and have a complete family and family relationship. I always feel that I have a kind of regret. Until I saw what they did to you."

"They harmed you in the way they thought they loved you. Don't you already know how much you hate them, because you know that the one they love is themselves, and in the end even you don't have to care."

"Of course, it's not your fault."

Jane Xin thought of Zhang Lanxin's cruelty. Does that woman who only cares about herself know how to be a mother?

Although Ji Linlin was angry, she couldn't find a reason to convince herself that what her parents had done had chilled her heart. Jane Xin had known them for a long time, so she didn't come to seek justice for herself.

"Jane Xin, what are you going to do now?"

"I'm supposed to ask you, what else do you want? Ji Linlin, you came to me, don't say it's just to talk about this, you are not the you I knew back then, you have changed a lot, you have become very..."


Ji Linlin smiled, her evil appearance had to make Jane feel wary.

"I'm very bad, it's because you are not kind, Jane, I will never shake hands with you."

"Even if you get everything in the end, I won't let you feel so comfortable. Now tell me, where is Jiaxin?"

"Oh, Ji Linlin, how could I tell you, I don't know!"

(End of this chapter)

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