dear miss jane

Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109
Seeing her reluctance, Jane couldn't help but sigh.

"You two, you both obviously like each other but now you are acting insincerely. When I mentioned you at my house last time, Xiao Xu was in a state of despair. Lili, I have never seen him like that. , I can see that he loves you."

"Look at how playful he used to be, but he has changed a lot now, hasn't he? He always likes to show off with his words, but you have to watch his actions. Xiao Xu, I have known him for so many years. Only when you He would be a little confused and overwhelmed by things.”

"Although I don't know why you two got into an awkward fight, Lili, I assure you that he really has you in his heart. Maybe he misunderstood you just to give you something better!"

Lili's eyes were wet and she didn't want to hear any more. My sister-in-law said that Xiao Xu had her in her heart, but she could feel it.

"Sister-in-law, to be honest, I don't know how far I can go with him. What I want is what he doesn't want, so... If I continue to persist, it will be me who will suffer at the time. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. It's better now..."

This is to be divided!Jane Xin immediately stopped and began to persuade her to come.

"Lili, nothing is smooth sailing, especially in relationships. If something happens and we break up, then tell me whether Xiang Yihang and I should score [-] times."

"Being together is a process of getting along with each other, and you both still love each other, don't you feel it's a pity to just give up like this? Think about it, maybe you will still have a family and children..."

"Will not."

Lili smiled bitterly.

"What do you mean?"

Jane Xin didn't understand, and looked at Lili Shangguan's expression, what happened to her and Xiao Xu!

"He doesn't intend to marry at all!"

Lili said aggrievedly, "Sister-in-law, I don't know what he thinks, maybe he only cares about love, but I can't afford to bet, and I dare not bet, I'm afraid that I'll end up being just one person's rhapsody."

Jane Xin opened her mouth slightly and didn't know how to comfort her, Xiao Xu didn't want to get married, she didn't hear him say it, what was he thinking?

Was he unwilling to marry because of Lili's forced marriage, or did he really never want to get married and just wanted to go on with women like this? If it was the latter, he really went too far. Which woman's youth can afford to be wasted!It seems that she needs to talk to Xiao Xu!

"Lili, I understand you. No matter what you decide, we are still friends."

"Hey, you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, you are really a rare guest!"

Xiao Xu looked at the people who came and joked, but Jian Xin didn't joke with him as usual, she looked serious as if there was something wrong.

"What's the matter? Is the little guy mad at you again or Xiang Yihang provoked you again and asked you to come to me to vent?"

Xiao Xu teased her, but when he was about to continue talking, Jane Xin had already started to shoot him with eyes.

"what happened?"

Xiao Xu covered his heart in fear.

"You don't want me to discuss your thoughts with you?" Jane Xin asked.

Xiao Xu was puzzled, "Which way of thinking are you referring to?"

"Of course it's you and Lili! Brother, what's going on with you two, and you, what are you thinking?!"

Xiao Xu was silent for a while, "Did you see her? What did you say?"

Jane Xin found a seat and sat down, "I didn't find her on purpose, I just met her while shopping in the mall, she and Qiao..."

(End of this chapter)

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