dear miss jane

Chapter 1125

Chapter 1125

Lili's face turned red.

"Tsk tsk, how can I refuse with your expression!"

Xiao Xu leaned over and was about to kiss Lili's red lips when someone opened the door.

"Lili, you are..."

Embarrassment came over her face, and Lili's mother smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry!"

The door was closed again, and Lili's face was as hot as fire.

"Do you think she thinks I'm frivolous?"

Xiao Xu said this inexplicably, and then looked at Lili.

"What's wrong with you? You're blushing like this! Have a fever?"

Xiao Xu stretched out his hand to touch her forehead, but Lili refused to let her go, then fell down and lay on the bed.

"Hehe, it turned out that you wanted to seduce me!"

Xiao Xu looked at her narrowly and smiled, "But I dare not, what if she comes back and we are halfway through, what do you think I should do?"

Lili was very angry at Xiao Xu, but Xiao Xu was smiling all over his face. Seeing Lili's appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

Within a few days, Xiao Xu received a very awkward call from Lili.

"What did you come to see me for? I'm not in the company."

Lili was a little shy, "Well, my mother asked me to invite you home for dinner."

Ok?Invite him to dinner?Hehe, today is a good day to go out, Xiao Xu readily agreed.

But when the two of them got home, they were dumbfounded.

Sitting in the living room are my mother's sisters, that handsome son-in-law!

"Hey, I'm back."

Then several elders gave them caring glances, and lowered their heads from time to time to whisper.

Lili was a little embarrassed, she really didn't know what the scene was like today.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know there were so many guests at home."

Xiao Xu felt a little unhappy in his heart, he felt that he was being watched like a monkey, but he didn't show it, and it could be seen that Lili really didn't know.

"Mom," Lili pulled her mother aside, "what's going on? You didn't tell me that there were so many people in the house, how embarrassed you made him, it was too sudden."

Lili's mother was also very embarrassed, "I just said something, and then they came running, Lili, go and talk to him, don't make him angry."

Xiao Xu is quite polite, unlike other people who encounter such a situation and leave on the spot, surrounded by a group of elders, Xiao Xu can handle it freely.

"What's your name, Xiao..."

"Xiao Xu."

"Well, good name. Where's your home?"

"Oh, big sister, didn't the second sister say that he is the youngest son of the Xiao family, why do you still ask?"

Lili's aunt said, "I heard that you and Lili have been talking for a while, have you considered getting married?"

"No, I have thought about getting married, but I haven't thought about the specifics yet."

Xiao Xu quickly replied, his eyes searched for Lili's figure, Lili understood, and hurried over to make a rescue.

"Dinner is ready, let's eat!"

Xiao Xu sat next to Lili, this meal was not as relaxed as last time.Facing the eyes of the aunts, Xiao Xu pretended to be calm.

At the dinner table, the aunt seemed to be joking and said, "Xiao Xu, you guys are almost done talking, let's find a time to fix the date, it's not too young."

Xiao Xu laughed along with her, but Lili was forced to be angry by this home-cooked meal. Didn't she agree to just come to eat, why did she turn into a forced marriage again? How does this make him feel in his heart!

"We're in no hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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