dear miss jane

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

While she was busy sorting out the project information, Jianxin received an unfamiliar number, and when the other party reported her identity, she suddenly felt a sudden sensation in her heart.

"Auntie," Jane Xin called to the other party.

Li Jie is as elegant as before, no matter what time she is dignified and generous without losing her identity, this is what Xiang Qingtian admires the most.

Li Jie briefly asked about Jian Xin's recent situation before expressing her intentions, "Jian Xin, we haven't seen each other for a while, if it's convenient for you, let's have a cup of tea and chat together at noon."

Jane Xin knew that they were not the kind of masters who invite people to drink tea whenever they have something to do, presumably Li Jie wanted to talk to her about something, could it be related to Xiang Yihang?
"Okay auntie, I'll rush over after work."

The coffee shop was very cool. Li Jie sat in a quiet corner and flipped through the magazines at hand. She was not corroded too much by the years, but she still had the unique charm of her age.

"Jane Xin, come and sit." Li Jie greeted her, "It's such a hot day for you to come here..."

"It's okay, auntie, what do you want to do with me?"

Li Jie didn't answer immediately, but asked her some topics that made Jane feel inexplicable.

"Jane Xin, Auntie likes you very much, I don't know what you think of Yi Hang."

"He is very good, no matter in every respect."

"Then do you like him?" Li Jie asked.

Jane Xin was a little surprised, what exactly did Li Jie want to ask her?
Li Jie might feel that her words were a bit abrupt, and then explained, "Jane Xin, don't get me wrong, the reason I asked this is because I heard some bad things, you and Yihang have known each other for a while, logically, Is your relationship okay?"

Jane Xin couldn't tell, how should she answer, could she just tell her that she has already got a certificate with Xiang Yihang?But Xiang Yihang didn't even say anything to his family, he must have concealed it on purpose, what would be the consequences if it got out from her?

"Auntie, my relationship with him is fairly stable, so..."

"I don't want you to lie to me on purpose!" Li Jie's face was serious. The last thing she could accept was cheating. No matter what the reason was, lying was never right.


"I have something to tell you."

Li Jie took the phone and opened a file, then pressed the play button.

"Just because you are Ji Linlin, I will take everything from you!"

"So you chose Xiang Yihang because you were jealous of me, you didn't love him at all!"

"That's right! I knew from the very beginning that you liked Xiang Yihang and you wanted to marry him, so I approached him on purpose. I just didn't want you to get what you wanted!"

"What do you want to say?" Li Jie asked after turning off her phone.

Jane Xin could hear clearly, the same recording was passed to Li Jie, that's why Li Jie suddenly approached her and asked her some inexplicable words, is this Ji Linlin's fault again?

"Auntie, I'm sorry." Jane said guiltily.

Li Jie showed a mother's attitude and looked stern, "I don't want to hear I'm sorry, I'm not the one you're sorry for, you've been lying to my son from the very beginning, you don't really love him at all!"


"I don't care what grievances you have with Ji Linlin, please don't hurt my son!"

Li Jie paused and said, "Jane Xin, you are a smart person, you know what to do next!"

Of course Jane Xin knew that Li Jie wanted her to leave Xiang Yihang on her own initiative, but how could she avoid it now!

(End of this chapter)

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