dear miss jane

Chapter 147 is on purpose!

Chapter 147 is on purpose!
Misunderstand?How many people present would believe that this was a misunderstanding? !
Before Zhang Lanxin could say anything, Ji Linlin had already rushed to the front, "Jane Xin, how dare you throw something at my mother!"

What a deep love between mother and daughter!Jane looked at her disdainfully, "How did Miss Ji know that I did it? Don't deliberately frame it!"

"Good job, Jane!" Ji Linlin pointed at Jane, feeling angry, "Brother Hang, she obviously did it on purpose, my mother is her elder anyway, look how proud she is!"

"All right!"

Zhang Lanxin stopped Ji Linlin with an angry voice, her eyes spewing flames did not seem to be questioning, but she was clearly saying something wrong with Jane Xin.

"Miss Jian, the cup won't be poured for no reason. Why did it happen just when you got up? If you say you didn't do it on purpose, who would believe it?"

"Then I don't know," Jane Xin acted as if you were asking me who I was asking, "Mrs. Ji, if you have time, you should clean up the juice on the skirt first, you are such a person who pays attention to image..." I am embarrassed Arguing here?
Jian Xin didn't say the second half of the sentence, Zhang Lanxin always pays attention to her image so that she won't lose her identity in front of outsiders, then she called Ji Linlin and went to the bathroom.

"On purpose." Xiang Yihang affirmed.

"So what?" Jane Xin said indifferently.

"Jane Xin, I'm curious what happened to Ji's family this time, making you so worried!"

"Why, do you now realize that I was not such a kind person, and regret it now?"

Hearing this, Xiang Yihang laughed dismissively, "Jane Xin, you underestimate me too much. To be honest, I, Xiang Yihang's woman needs to have some skills. If she is bullied and doesn't go back, that's not good." Should!"

"Are you trying to instigate me?" Jane raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "Ji Linlin is your rumored heroine, and the Ji family was originally married to you, can you see it?"

"Is there anything you can't bear to see?" Xiang Yihang asked her back, "How many of the rumors are credible, how do you know that the so-called rumors are not false?"

Jane Xin looked at the opposite man who was as deep as the sea in search of a little bit. It would be a headache to die for anyone to be his opponent!
The two were laughing and talking about something else, when Zhang Lanxin and Ji Linlin over there came back.

"Mr. Xiang, don't you have to ask your secretary to give me an explanation?" Zhang Lanxin said relentlessly.

Xiang Yihang was slightly surprised, "Mrs. Ji, hasn't Jane Xin explained it? She didn't mean it!"

"Brother Hang, don't be fooled by her, it's clear that Jane Xin touched the cup on purpose!" Ji Linlin said angrily.

Xiang Yihang opened his mouth in embarrassment after a while, "Well, maybe it wasn't her, I kicked the table before, maybe..." He spilled the juice!
Jian Xin's eyes that killed him fell on Xiang Yihang, and she thought how could it be such a coincidence? Dare Xiang Yihang is at fault!
Jian Xinshang was surprised, not to mention Zhang Lanxin and Ji Linlin, who were embarrassed for a moment and didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, since it was unintentional, then I have a lot to say no more, Mr. Xiang, let's talk another day!"

Zhang Lanxin grabbed Ji Linlin who wanted to stay and walked out of the restaurant.

"Mom, why are you taking me away?" Ji Linlin didn't know why, so she still wanted to stay with Xiang Yihang for a while.

"Can't you see that Xiang Yihang is protecting her? Linlin, if you want to marry Xiang Yihang, you have to break the gap between them first!"

"I said, did you hit the table and hit the glass?" Jane Xin asked Xiang Yihang suspiciously in the restaurant, "Why did you do this? It was unintentional or..."

Xiang Yihang stared at Jian Xin with a slight smile, "Am I cooperating well?"

(End of this chapter)

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