dear miss jane

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

In the half a year after Jane Xin left, there was no news, half of it was because she was busy, and the other half was because she didn't want to, and if she didn't want to, it didn't mean she couldn't receive news from China.

In the beginning, I would receive text messages from many people on my mobile phone, but after a long time, there were only two or three text messages from time to time.

Fiddled with the phone boredly, Jian Xin looked at the sunset outside the window with deep thoughts.

It was already late at night in China, and Xiang Yihang fell drunk on the sofa surrounded by beautiful women. Everyone who followed him knew that President Xiang's temperament had changed drastically since half a year ago, especially in the past few months, he was often surrounded by beautiful women, and outsiders didn't know the inside story , only a few people know how much it has something to do with his wife who went abroad.

Xiao Xu was always by his side, seeing his good brother being tortured so badly because of his feelings, he couldn't help but feel angry with Jane, it would be better for them to get divorced like this!

Chen Zifan has also been looking for Jane Xin, but he also understands that he can't beat Xiang Yihang. They are in the same club tonight, and seeing Xiang Yihang inside the glass door, Chen Zifan can't help showing a sneer.

After taking a few photos, he found the address book of the person who had never responded to the message, and he pressed the send button without hesitation.

——Jane Xin, come back, you will be free if you get divorced.

"Ding..." A text message sounded, and Jane Xin opened it to read.

The person whom he hadn't seen for a long time appeared on the screen. Jian Xin zoomed in to see that Xiang Yihang's smiling face was slanted wildly, and the beautiful woman beside him plunged into his arms. It turned out that his life was so bad after she left She was lively and fragrant, but she still felt sorry.

"Heh, Xiang Yihang, I really worked hard on you before."

Divorce?It's time to think about it.

Jane Xin has now adapted to life abroad again. Not only that, but she also found a job to apply what she learned during her training. With her past experience, Jane Xin is doing well now, and she has blessed some seasons. shares of the home.

I wanted to delete the photo, but Jian Xin kept it. How can I say it, if it is used in divorce, Xiang Yihang cares so much about his image, this can be regarded as a threat to him.

Xiao Xu looked at the time and waved to the people around Xiang Yihang, "Brother, go home, there is still work tomorrow!"

Xiang Yihang raised his hand to take another glass of wine, "I won't return! Keep drinking!"

"Hey, don't..."

Seeing that he couldn't stop him, Xiao Xu had no choice but to drive the others away first.

"Xiang Yihang, did you do it for a woman? What kind of enmity can make you two strangers, if I were any of you, I would divorce without a word!"

"Hehe," Xiang Yihang said with a low smile, "How can I leave if I can't find anyone? Huh? Do you have a solution?"

This seemed to be a problem, Xiao Xu was speechless.

"Let's go, go back."

Xiao Xu carried him out, who knew Xiang Yihang was about to die in the middle of the walk, Xiao Xu panicked and drove directly to the hospital.

"Doctor, what happened to him?"

Xiao Xu was terrified, Xiang Yihang's parents were running around playing somewhere, and they had only this precious son...

"It should be alcohol poisoning, gastric lavage is needed immediately!"


Xiao Xu waited anxiously. It took a long time for the lights in the operating room to go out, and Xiang Yihang was already unconscious when he was pushed out.

Watching Xiang Yihang all night, Xiao Xu fell asleep lying on the hospital bed.

The first ray of light in the morning entered the room and fell on Xiang Yihang's face, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and a pair of black eyes slowly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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