dear miss jane

Chapter 524

Chapter 524

"Ding dong!"

The sudden doorbell rang, and Jane Xin didn't react for a moment. Is someone coming to ring her doorbell at this time?

"who is it?"

Leaning her head on the door, Jane felt weak all over, dizzy and unusually clear in her head, the person outside the door was still ringing the doorbell, and Jane opened a gap annoyed.

"It's you."

Xiang Yihang's hair is a little wet, and the originally straight hair is about to stick together, but with his image, Jianxin must be even more surprised why he appears.

"How did you know I was here."

"is it hard?"

Xiang Yihang who came in spoke casually, is it difficult for him to find someone?
Jane Xin didn't speak, looking at the things in his hand, Jane frowned lightly.

Xiang Yihang noticed her looking up at the bottles of wine in his hand.

"I can't sleep either, how about not getting drunk tonight?"

Jane Xin looked at him, tonight he was less domineering than usual, and had a little more feeling of getting along with friends, Jane Xin didn't want to know too much, as long as there was wine.

Two people with two bottles of wine, sitting in front of the bed facing the window.

It's raining heavily outside, and occasionally there will be lightning, Jian Xin stares out the window blankly with half-drunk eyes.

"Jane Xin," Xiang Yihang said hesitantly, "I can understand your unhappiness, I know you probably don't want to have anything to do with them anymore, I know you don't like this matter being made public, it's okay, I'll be there ..."

Jian Xin sneered, took a sip of the wine glass in her hand, he and she looked sideways at Xiang Yihang.

"I don't care, yes, I am very unhappy now, but they are also the same, maybe even more unhappy than me, I am afraid that people will know that they are not me, I don't care."

Does it really matter?Then why drink alone?Xiang Yihang looked at her without speaking.

"Xiang Yihang, you always want to play the role of a protector, so do you have anything to protect?"

Xiang Yihang paused, "Yes."

"A long time ago, I failed to protect her well."


Jian Xin guessed that this woman was a special existence in Xiang Yihang's heart. Her accident hit him hard at the beginning, but with Jiaxin's intervention, the three of them didn't know what kind of entanglement it was.

"That's right," Xiang Yihang didn't hide, "If I could protect her back then, maybe..."

"Maybe you will get married and have children and live a happy life."

Jane Xin took up the second half of the sentence for him, and for some reason, her eyes became a little more moist.

"You really love her."

Jane Xin muttered to herself, "At that time, you must have been very happy, and she was also very happy, with you loving her, but this world is so helpless, you can't stop her from leaving."

Xiang Yihang looked at Jane Xin, "I love you too."

Jane paused, but said nothing.

The sound of "swooshing" rain washed away the silence in the room, and the two of them drank heavily, really wanting to get drunk.

"Jane Xin, I want to protect you."

Xiang Yihang looked at her worriedly. This woman is too strong, but her strength can be broken at the first touch. She always wants to avoid his concern. After all, she doesn't believe that she loves her, so she deliberately pulls her away. The distance between the two is not for separation, he wants to start with her again and make her feel his love again.

However, Jane Xin is slowly fleeing, step by step, time after time, she wants to shrink herself back into her shell.

"Xiang Yihang, if possible, I hope that I will never come back. I have never met you or them. I have nothing to do with anything here..."

(End of this chapter)

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