dear miss jane

Chapter 569

Chapter 569
Li Jie and Xiang Qingtian, who hadn't come back for a long time, suddenly appeared at home. When Jian Xin saw them, she still couldn't believe it in her dream.

"Dad, Mom, are you back?"

Li Jie looked sleepy and looked exhausted.

"Such a big thing happened at the company and at home, can your father and I still have fun outside? We went back to China when we heard the news."

Xiang Qingtian has been on the phone, presumably because of Xiang Yihang.

"Jane Xin," Li Jie looked at her and said, "Is the news about you on the Internet true?"

Jane was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"I'm sorry, Mom didn't tell you before because..."


Li Jie interrupted her, "This incident has already happened, and it has passed. I believe in my son's judgment, I believe in my son's choice, so I also believe in you."

"So, no matter who your biological parents are, it doesn't matter, you are our good child."

Jane Xin was very moved, should she feel lucky for herself?Such a family can accept her and accept her, but she and Xiang Yihang already... don't know what will happen to them when they hear the news, but these are not the key now, the most important thing is that Xiang Yihang will be fine.

Xiang Qingtian and Li Jie, who hadn't been to the company for a long time, went directly to the company. What they wanted to save was not only their son, but also Xiang Shi, who they worked hard for. As businessmen, it is undeniable that they will use some means in the mall, but this It is absolutely unacceptable for them to blatantly pour sewage on them. They have never bribed anyone.

The company's public relations department had already taken action, and the company's internal investigation was continuing. The directors relaxed a lot when they heard that Xiang Qingtian was back.

After all, he is a veteran, and he has never seen any kind of turmoil before. This time it can be regarded as a lesson for his son, letting him know what it means to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and what it means to be unpredictable.

Soon the investigation by the police came to a result. After all, it was an event that everyone was concerned about, so they all chose to hold a press conference. The police had no substantive evidence, only the clues provided by internal witnesses. The evidence was insufficient. They only had Let people go.

Immediately afterwards, Xiang's press conference was also held. On behalf of Xiang, Xiang Qingtian expressed satisfaction with the police's investigation results, but he insisted on holding accountable those who slandered.

Then Xiang Yihang, who came out of the police station, also rushed directly to the venue and appeared at the press conference.

"This incident does not rule out the slander against Xiang and myself due to malicious competition. I believe that the results of the police investigation have explained the situation to everyone. At the same time, we will also investigate who actually released these news, and then maintain the right to sue the law."

The changes came too fast, everyone's focus is different, but more is speculation, who made Xiang's tree so popular.

"Mom and Dad, you are back, so you are worried."

Only then did Xiang Yihang have a chance to talk to his parents. Li Jie hugged his son distressedly, and then they went back to the conference room for a meeting. Jane Xin, who stayed at home alone, could only see Xiang Yihang through TV, but within a few days After a while, she felt that Xiang Yihang had lost a lot of weight.

After finally surviving until they came back, Jian Xin couldn't help rushing towards Xiang Yihang as soon as he left.


"Scared me to death, woo woo..."

(End of this chapter)

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