dear miss jane

Chapter 706 The Choice Between 2 and 1

Chapter 706 The Choice Between the Two

Xiang Yihang couldn't figure out why Jane Xin had to let people make such a difficult choice. Originally, they were a happy family, so why did they have to lose one of them.

But Jane ignored it, calling her stubborn or crazy, she just wanted to get an answer from Xiang Yihang, even if the answer was hurtful.

"You don't need to know what I'm thinking," Jane Xin said, "You just need to tell me your choice, you want to choose a child, don't you?"

"Xiang Yihang, since what you want is a child, why do you want to torture me?"


Xiang Yihang looked at her in disbelief, "Does childbirth mean torture to you? You don't feel happy at all? Jane Xin, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? Why do you always think there's something wrong with me!"

"We have already talked about the child, you don't force me, but now, why am I pregnant!"

"Xiang Yihang, it's you who are destroying my trust in you. You are thinking about wanting me to have a baby because you don't want to be honest. If you know this, I should resolutely divorce you."

The more Jian Xin talked, the more excited she became, and when it came to the issue of divorce, women's thinking is like this, they are unconstrained, and quarrels are also so careless and ignored.

"Jane Xin, calm down, why are we getting divorced again? It's two different things. I know you still can't accept the fact that you are going to be a mother, but it's still early. We can get used to it slowly, right? ?”

"I love you, I also love this family, and I love our children even more. It belongs to you and me. Jane Xin, he is a life. Isn't it a kind of fate for God to let him come to us?"

"Oh," Jane Xin snorted coldly, "I can tell, you still want a child."

Jane is a little sad, the child is what he values ​​most, and Xiang Yihang doesn't care about her at all, so why should they maintain a marriage without feelings, he can have the choice he wants, and She herself doesn't need to be so unhappy about the child.

"I do not have."

Xiang Yihang denied, "Jane Xin, you are the most important thing to me. A child is the crystallization of love. Without you, where would the child come from?"

"Let's not quarrel, shall we, Jane Xin, I don't want you to be unhappy, and I will be sad if the child makes you unhappy."

"Is it sad for you to let people follow me?"

Jane Xin's anger can't disappear, "What do you think of me, what you send someone to monitor me is that I'm afraid that I will take away the child, right? Why do you have two faces in front of me? Why do you have to have me to give birth to the child?" , I don't want to, I don't want to be a mother, I never thought about it at all!"

"I don't want my child to be born to feel pain and be watched coldly by people. You don't understand me at all, and you can't understand my feelings. Xiang Yihang, I hate you, I hate you for making me become a Unlike myself, I hate you for forcing me to be a mother!"

"Jane Xin," Xiang Yihang never thought that her resistance would be so great, he really didn't know how to comfort Jian Xin when he saw such pain.

"Jane Xin," Xiang Yihang walked over to hug her, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I'm sorry..."


"I'm sorry, let's calm down first, okay? There will be a way to solve the problem. Divorce is just an escape. Believe me, I love you."

(End of this chapter)

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