dear miss jane

Chapter 716 Congratulations or Threats

Chapter 716 Congratulations or Threats
Ji Linlin watched the decadent Chen Zifan walk over to comfort him, but Chen Zifan didn't care at all, and kept pouring the wine into his mouth.

"Zifan, what kind of wine are you drinking at home! Don't drink it, it's bad for your health."

"Get off…"

Chen Zifan shook her off, "This is my house, how long are you going to live?"

"Zifan! Isn't she pregnant? Are you unhappy because of her? She has nothing to do with you! Don't you give up now? She doesn't love you at all, she never has you in her heart!"

Chen Zifan was annoyed, he dropped the wine in his hand and went back to his room, shutting Ji Linlin out.

Ji Linlin couldn't get angry, she turned around to look for Jane Xin, she still remembered Li Na's words, she said she was going to be an aunt, hum, Jane Xin is the happiest right now.

"President Jian, a Miss Ji is here..."

Before the assistant could finish speaking, Ji Linlin broke into the office. The first time she saw Jian Xin, she noticed that she was a little fat. It seemed that she had started to put on weight after pregnancy.

"What are you doing here?"

Jane Xin doesn't want to see her, what's the point of always coming to her from time to time, there's nothing to talk about between them, if there is, it's just because of Chen Zifan, but she and Chen Zifan have made it very clear, It doesn't make sense for Ji Linlin to come to her again.

"Hmph, I heard that you are pregnant, I came here to congratulate you specially, Jane Xin, you are so lucky!"

Jane Xin looked at the disdainful person, she didn't seem to be congratulating herself, she clearly wanted to make trouble with her.

"Thank you for your congratulations. If there is nothing else, you can go."

"So anxious to coax me away, don't you want to see me?"

Ji Linlin sneered, "Shouldn't you be bragging about your victory in front of me at this moment? You took away the man who belonged to me, and everything that belonged to me. You are now a family of three living happily together. Why are you so closed-eyed? How can a woman like you be happy!"

Jane was angry, and Ji Linlin continued, "However, such congratulations may come a bit early. How should I say it, it's just the beginning. Whether the child will be born or not is still another matter. Think about Li Na, if you want to use a It's useless for a child to trap a man, Jian Xin, you have to be careful, don't end up with Li Na, in the end you will be kicked out of the house after fetching water from the bamboo basket and nothing is left!"

"Ji Linlin, did you come to me just to talk nonsense?"

Jane was extremely angry, "Do you think you can do anything to me with a few words? Don't be so naive. If you really have this time, you might as well find someone who loves you. I don't think you have fallen for Chen Zifan." What's all right?"

"Don't always be so self-righteous, don't always show yourself so hateful, because you will only make people hate you even more! Ji Linlin, it's time for you to learn to be a good person!"

"Just because you still want to teach me how to behave, Jane Xin, what qualifications do you have? An illegitimate daughter who was abandoned by others, what face does she have to live in front of everyone?"

This is the only thing that can sting Jane Xin. She suppressed her anger and told herself not to get angry. There is still a baby in her stomach, and nothing is as important as her child.

"Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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