dear miss jane

Chapter 817

Chapter 817

Ji Linlin carefully sorted out the people around her who might be unfavorable to her, she took the brunt of it and locked her target on Jian Xin, although Jian Xin is pregnant with a child now, so what?

She must be jealous of herself, so Jane Xin has a great reason to find someone to hurt herself, because she has obtained the family affection that she has not had since she was a child, so she can get rid of the suspicion through pregnancy, yes, for sure That's right!
Ji Linlin came to Jian Xin again with a fever in her head, and broke into Jian Xin's office regardless of other people's obstruction. Jian Xin was drinking milk to replenish her energy.

"What are you doing here? Did you not take Xiang Yihang's words to heart?"

"Of course I remember, he treats you like a baby!"

Ji Linlin sneered, "Jane Xin, why do you think you are so capable? Your life is like a hang-up. I think you didn't expect to have the status you have today!"

"I didn't expect that."

Jane Xin was honest, "I didn't expect that you would always come to harass me. If you lose, you lose. What's the point of pestering me any longer? Xiang Yihang is already my husband."

"This is all a conspiracy of your own design! But Xiang Yihang fell for it, Jane Xin, you are the most insidious person, and you can enjoy it without any effort, but why are you so unwilling?"

"Didn't you already have everything? Why are you coming here to ruin my life!"

Jane didn't understand where Ji Linlin's grievance and anger came from. She didn't do anything. If it was because of the company, she should have found Xiang Yihang. What's the use of coming to her!

"Ji Linlin, I don't have time to talk to you about useless things about work..."

"Who wants to talk to you about work!"

Ji Linlin was almost crazy, "Jane Xin, are you jealous of me all the time, that's why you want my life to be worse than death, you put your hatred on me, you are very happy, aren't you? You have a heart of snakes and scorpions woman, why didn't anyone expose your mask, so that others can recognize you!"

Jian Xin carefully protected her stomach, and her assistant had already called Zichen and the security guard over. Zichen saw that it was Ji Linlin who was going crazy and didn't want to fight.

"What are you doing again?"

"What are you doing? Why don't you ask her, how capable you are to trick you behind your back! Jane Xin, let me tell you, I won't let it go so easily, even if Xiang Yihang protects you, I won't I will let you go, if you ruined me, I will destroy you too!"

Zichen protected Jane Xin and went to his office. He didn't understand Ji Linlin's words, and Jian Xin was the same. Zichen worried that Ji Linlin would make trouble, so he called Xiang Yihang. Xiang Yihang heard that Ji Linlin came again He rushed over immediately when he was looking for trouble.

"what happened?"

When Xiang Yihang came and Liu asked why, both Zichen and Jian Xin shook their heads and didn't understand.

"Could it be that you have a conflict because of work?"

Zichen expressed his thoughts, but Jianxin denied this statement.

"Ji Linlin didn't mention work matters when she came here. Instead, she meant that what I did to her behind my back made her sad and angry."


Xiang Yihang doesn't care about other things. He said that no one is allowed to hurt his wife and children. Ji Linlin really doesn't have a long memory. If this is the case, there is no need to be so polite to her!

"Zichen, send Jane Xin home, I'll do something!"

(End of this chapter)

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