dear miss jane

Chapter 854

Chapter 854
"Are you going to the hospital today?"

Xiang Yihang looked at the calendar early in the morning, "Honey, when is the due date?"

"It's still a few days!"

Jane Xin was relieved, she ate the food happily and had a full meal.

"It's fine if I go alone today, you go to work in the company."


Xiang Yihang disagreed, "You are in a critical period now, maybe you will give birth someday, I am reluctant to let you go out alone, anyway, there is no special arrangement in the company today, I don't want to miss every moment of my child .”

Xiang Yihang made up his mind, and while he was talking, Jian Xin was in pain alone.


Jane clutched her stomach.

"what happened?"

Xiang Yihang didn't know, so he said, "What's wrong with you? Maybe you're about to give birth now! What should I do, what should I do, what should I do? Jane Xin, tell me what I'm going to prepare for?"

"My parents are out, why don't I call them first? Let's call an ambulance first!"

Xiang Yihang was very anxious, and Jian Xin wanted to laugh and felt uncomfortable. She didn't feel like she was about to give birth, but why would her stomach hurt?

"Don't panic!"

Jane endured the pain and comforted, "Go to the hospital first to see the situation before we talk about it. Parents don't know where they are driving at the moment, so it's not good for you to make them anxious."

"You still think about these at this time."

Xiang Yihang hugged her and walked out of the house. It was too late to wait for the ambulance, so he might as well drive there by himself.

"Doctor, doctor, my wife is about to give birth!"

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Xiang Yihang cried out, Jian Xin couldn't hold him back.

Doctors and nurses immediately surrounded her, Jian Xin's stomach didn't hurt as much as before, but her desire to go to the bathroom was extremely strong.

"Doctor, wait a minute," Jane Xin took the doctor's hand and said shyly, "I may have made a mistake, I just want to go to the toilet now!"

A group of people were stunned, and Xiang Yihang was no exception. When Jane Xin came out of the toilet, she vaguely heard some people talking.

"There was a pregnant woman just now. She just had diarrhea, but her husband thought she was going to give birth. Oh my god, I'm so anxious!"

"This looks like a first child, no experience! Hehe."

"Young people nowadays, tsk tsk..."

Jian Xin blushed and walked up to Xiang Yihang, Xiang Yihang obviously heard those words, the two of them stared at each other and then burst out laughing.

"Xiang Yihang, we are so ashamed today!"


Xiang Yihang embraced her and hugged her tightly, "Jane Xin, I was really scared to death just now."

"You are so timid."

Jane Xin giggled, "It's all right now, let's go to the doctor."

The doctor watched the smiles on their faces when they came in, and it was the first time he had encountered such a situation in such a long time as a doctor.

"Eat less irritating food in the future, this is about to give birth, so don't let your guard down."

It turned out that Jane Xin just ate something wrong, and a false alarm made Jane even more guilty.

After the two of them left the hospital, Jane still hadn't recovered from her senses, "For the first time in my life, I feel like an idiot."

"Then we're really a good match."

Xiang Yihang was also helpless, "I, Xiang Yihang, have never been as ugly as today!"

"But I said that you are a woman anyway, how can you not know if you are going to give birth?"

"Oh, are you blaming me?"

Jane Xin stared at him, "Did you give me a chance to speak? From your nervous look, it's clear that you think I'm going to give birth!"

"Well, so it's still my fault!"

(End of this chapter)

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