dear miss jane

Chapter 902 A Nightmare

Chapter 902 A Nightmare

"Tick tock..."

The clock beside the bed kept ticking, Jiaxin on the bed frowned, the curtains were thick to cover the outside world, only the cool breeze came in through the curtains.

"Sister, sister..."

A voice called her in the dream.

"who is it?"

Jiaxin searched in a daze, but there was no one else but her.

"Sister, I'm handsome! Haha..."


The person on the bed was muttering to himself, the sweat on his forehead was thick, and Jiaxin put his hands on his chest, feeling uneasy.

"Don't come to me, don't you come to me, I didn't harm you, you go to someone else!"

Jiaxin's fear was clearly visible, she tried hard to open her eyes, trying to avoid Xiaoshuai's voice, but it was useless, as Xiaoshuai's voice kept reminiscing in her ears.

"Sister, I'm Xiaoshuai, I want money, a lot of money, you give me you give me!"

"I have no money, so don't come to me!"

Jiaxin trembled all over, she was really scared, even if it was only in a dream.

"I want money, give it to me!!"

Xiaoshuai's voice suddenly became harsh, "Go and get me the money! Otherwise, I will show everyone your scandal, and let everyone see what a dissolute person you are!"

"no, do not want!"

Jiaxin shouted loudly, don't let others know, no one can know!
Xiaoshuai's face suddenly appeared in front of her, with blood on his forehead, as ferocious as a ghost.

"Ah! Don't come here! Don't come here!"

Jiaxin panicked, but no matter how she tried to hide from Xiaoshuai, he would reappear. She shrank aside and trembled in fear.

"Don't look for me, don't look for me, I didn't kill you, it wasn't me, you go to Li Na, you go to her!"

"Money, I want money, hehe..."

The voice was erratic like a ghost, and Jiaxin couldn't help but screamed because of the torture, and it was precisely because of this scream that she woke up from the nightmare.


Jiaxin sat up suddenly, her head and body were covered with sweat, she looked at the time and it was only after ten o'clock at night...

Covering her head in pain, Jiaxin was in terrific pain, Xiaoshuai's tragic situation was still in her mind, as if she would come running to her eyes in the next second, it is really not safe to die!
Turning over and getting out of bed, Jiaxin went to the bathroom to take a shower, and stood quietly under the running water for a long time before she came out.

She wanted to go to the kitchen to search for wine, but the refrigerator was empty and there was nothing, so she closed the refrigerator irritably, and Jiaxin turned back to the bedroom.

But lying on the bed and unable to fall asleep, Jiaxin began to think about the future.

My business has come to an end, but the company can no longer go back. Ji Changming and Zhang Lanxin have completely abandoned her this time, let alone Ji Linlin who has been looking forward to all this. Even if she wants to help Xiang Yihang now, I am afraid I'm afraid it's impossible.

So what should she do now, is it possible to stay at home all the time?What's the difference between that and a cripple?
And Xiang Yihang and Jian Xin, they should have known about her by now, what would they think, this inexplicable feeling undoubtedly made her feel a thorn in her heart.

"No, it can't be like this!"

Jiaxin did not accept such a result, "I don't want to be the one who gets kicked out, there must still be a chance, I can't just leave like this, I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Jiaxin's words were ruthless.

Taking out the medicine bottles from the bedside table, some were already empty, so Jiaxin threw away the empty ones.

"It's gone again!"

It didn't take long before she ran out of the medicine she bought. Jiaxin was depressed and her heart was very blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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