dear miss jane

Chapter 933

Chapter 933
Ji Linlin once again saw that Jiaxin was no longer as annoyed or stuttered as she had seen before. It was a mutual use, and no one was inferior to the other.

"Ji Linlin," Jiaxin stood in front of her and looked at the person who was eating leisurely without looking up, as if she didn't know she was there, with an unhappy expression on her face.

Ji Linlin heard her voice and said lightly, "Jiaxin, what do you want to do with me? I remember that our chat was not very pleasant before, why did you come to my door today? Xiang Yihang didn't talk to you Let’s chat, his wife has given birth, huh.”

The unspeakable irony made Jiaxin feel embarrassed, hum, it depends on Ji Linlin's face!
"I'm here for nothing else, just want to ask, I heard that you made all those things sent to Jane Xin?"

"Ha ha…"

"You don't want to share it. Your happiness is something you have to do even if you go to prison. I always thought you couldn't get out. I didn't expect them to just warn you, or is blood thicker than water? Jane's heart is soft on you. ?”

Ji Linlin wanted to get angry a little bit, Jiaxin really wanted to rush up and beat her up like this.

"I don't care how simple you want, I'm just curious, so you don't have to be afraid that I will betray you. In this matter, the two of us have a rare tacit understanding!"

"Didn't you already know it? Jiaxin, you didn't secretly record the audio and wait for me to tell my story before doing something? Haha, I'm not stupid. You are the one who is stupid. From the looks of your illness There are good times and bad times, as long as you are not excited, you are no different from normal people, right?!"

Ji Linlin looked at her amusedly, "Why do you still ask me. Oh, it's been so long, and it may not be easy to find evidence."

Ji Linlin pretended to be sorry, which made Jiaxin even more unhappy.

"My kindness has been misunderstood by you, Ji Linlin, I don't want to say I'm down, and I don't want to waste time with you! But I don't know if you noticed that day, Chen Zifan is accompanied by a beautiful woman, who should be someone close, tsk tsk, no His vision is getting better and better after seeing you."

"Don't get excited!"

Jiaxin kindly comforted her, "Didn't you have your mother to find you a rich husband, come on, don't end up with nothing in the end!"

Jiaxin smiled without saying a word, it is also very good to see Ji Linlin deflated.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Ji Linlin wiped her mouth and took a sip of water, "Jiaxin, you have nothing left, you can only be a spectator now, Xiang Yihang, Xiang Shi, how long do you think they can stand?"

If Xiang Shi, who is in charge of the business world, falls into a huge scandal, those who are jealous of it and jealous of it will always find a way to make it fall faster. You must know that Xiang Shi's cake will be very satisfying to eat.

"What do you mean? Do you want to do something again? Ji Linlin, you really don't stop!"

Ji Linlin looked at Jiaxin with a smile, she couldn't tell Jiaxin what to do, if Xiang's family was gone, what would Jane Xin do?Will she agree without Xiang Yihang's support?

"You will know, Jiaxin, I can do what you can't do. You need to work hard to love someone, and you need to work hard to destroy someone. Let me tell you, don't be soft-hearted. In the end, it is very likely that you will be hurt. , you are my best example, so I will not follow in your footsteps, nothing excites me more than destroying them, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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