dear miss jane

Chapter 939

Chapter 939
Xiao Xu hung up the phone resentfully, he didn't get any thank you, and finally made himself depressed, he really asked for trouble.

Xiang Yihang is really not in the mood to chat with him, he only cares about Jiaxin's stalking now.

Based on her previous behaviors, it is impossible for Jiaxin to do this for no reason, unless she has some bad intentions again, but what will she do?

Xiang Yihang sighed, is it really necessary to send Jiaxin to a hospital or a mental hospital?But she is so normal, if she really goes to that kind of place, she must be crazy if she is not crazy.

After Jiaxin got home, she locked herself in the bedroom, not to mention how annoyed she was along the way, Xiao Xu spoiled her good things everywhere, with him around, it would not be easy for her to do anything in the future.

But did they think she would look for her so clearly?Haha, I underestimated her too much!
Since they are so ruthless and unjust to her, why should she be so kind? Why should they be able to live a happy life, but she should be so miserable!

Jiaxin was typing text on the computer and sorting out the pictures with simple photo editing software. She was almost done, and soon these things would cause a lot of trouble again.

Just wait, this time, if she wants to make the noise big enough, she doesn't believe that they will be so lucky and get through it safely.

The nanny heard the phone ringing and looked at Jiaxin's bedroom, and when she came to the kitchen, she answered the phone in a low voice.

"Mr. Xiang."

"Is Jiaxin back?"

"Well, she's in the bedroom."

Xiang Yihang frowned slightly, "Then what's unusual about her recently? Did she do anything unusual again?"


The nanny wondered, "She spends most of the time in her room. I went to see her once before. She seemed to be playing on the computer, nothing else."


Not normal is it?

Xiang Yihang thought it was weird, would a self-enclosed person suddenly follow him?Is she hiding it too well or is there something else?

"You have to worry about her. Call me in time if you need anything."


As soon as she hung up the phone, Jiaxin came out of the room. She changed into different clothes from when she came back and was about to go out.

"Miss Jiaxin, what would you like to eat tonight?"

"no need."

Jia Xin said coldly, it is very important that she has an appointment with someone.

Driving to the lobby of a hotel, Jiaxin quickly found the newspaper reporter who was waiting here for a while.

"Hello, you said on the phone that there is a big revelation, what is it?"

"Don't worry!"

Jiaxin ordered a cup of coffee and smoked.

"My material must be violent, but I'm afraid you won't dare to publish it!"

The reporter couldn't help but chuckle when he heard it, "If Miss Jiaxin's revelation is valuable, don't worry, we are not afraid of anyone or anything, besides, our newspapers and periodicals also have electronic publications, you can rest assured of the influence, and we will give you The cost is also…”

"I don't want money!"

Jiaxin disdainfully said that what she wants is not as simple as money, they say that love will destroy a person, anyway, she has already been destroyed, so she will be very happy if someone is buried with her.

The reporter couldn't understand it. People who broke the news usually wanted to make money. If she didn't want money, wouldn't she still be famous?

"Then Miss Jiaxin wants me to put your name on it?"

If it is a real-name revelation, the credibility will be even better!He kind of couldn't wait to find out.

Jiaxin looked at him and smiled coldly, "You heard me clearly, I don't want fame or profit, just let the news out for you."

(End of this chapter)

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