dear miss jane

Chapter 949

Chapter 949

Ji Changming and Zhang Lanxin have long been concerned about the scandal about the Xiang family. They asked Ji Linlin, and they were afraid that it was a good thing she did on her own initiative, but fortunately Ji Linlin said no, and they heard that Jiaxin did it.

"This is what he asked for, and finally the retribution fell on Xiang Yihang himself!"

Zhang Lanxin sneered, that woman Jiaxin was a scourge, fortunately she had already left, otherwise they would be the ones who had a headache.

"You are watching other people's jokes!"

Ji Changming turned off the computer and said worryingly, "You should think more about our company's affairs. Recently, there are some problems that are procrastinating, and I don't know what the situation is!"

"Isn't that what you should be doing?"

Zhang Lanxin frowned, "You are the one who contacted everything, what do you want me to do, I can tell you, this matter has come to this point, there should be no more trouble!"

"I know this better than you!"

Ji Changming was a little angry, what else could he say? Ji Linlin is here.

"What are you here for?"

"I'll see what you guys discuss!"

Ji Linlin said, "Jane Xin's child has been born, you don't think you want to see her, but let me tell you, I don't agree with you going!"


Ji Changming was so angry that he didn't want to talk, and Zhang Lanxin didn't want to bring up this topic either.

"Linlin, why are you talking about this seriously! She has nothing to do with us!"


Ji Linlin still didn't believe it, "Don't lie to me!"

"How can I lie to you!"

Ji Changming was so angry that he didn't call anyone, "Get out, I don't work hard all day, I want to make things difficult for others! Zhang Lanxin, please talk to her well, let her go home if it doesn't work, we are not short of a meal !"


Ji Linlin was dissatisfied loudly, "I'm pretty good now, what else do you want!"

"Are you still satisfied as it is now? If you don't want to make progress, what have you been doing? Didn't you just take over Jiaxin's previous job? It's not your credit!"

Ji Linlin was disdainful when she heard Jiaxin mentioned, she just provoked her a little and Jiaxin couldn't sit still, making such a big noise that Xiang Yihang couldn't get off the stage, hehe, it's so fun!
"Don't you think Xiang's situation is very good now? Do you think that Jiaxin's crazy brain is enough? Although I didn't do it directly, I also inspired her. What are you dissatisfied with?"

"Doubt my ability? Heh, I'm not the kid I used to be. I've grown up. Just wait, the fun is still to come!"

"They think that they can find Jiaxin. It's ridiculous. The mantis, the cicada, and the oriole are behind, and they never think that I'm waiting behind!"

Ji Linlin is very unhappy, but now Ji Changming doesn't want to cause more trouble.

"You'd better not get involved in this matter, it has nothing to do with us, Linlin, you just need to work hard and don't think about other things."


Ji Linlin didn't know that they were going to sell the company, Zhang Lanxin understood what Ji Changming meant, and she also came to persuade Ji Linlin.

"Listen to your father, as long as you work hard, our company will continue. No matter how much you don't like them, Linlin, you have to know what is important at critical times. They are them, we are us, as long as we are good Now, the others can't do anything!"

"Linlin, while they are in a state of desperation and we are officially having a good time, can you stop worrying about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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