dear miss jane

Chapter 953 Send her away

Chapter 953 Send her away
Xiang Yihang glanced at the crowd, and then spoke slowly.

"Everyone must have seen the news on TV. Jiaxin is mentally different from normal people, and the content of her slander has also been proved by the police, so everyone must have seen the company's action in the face of this dirty water. , At present, the company is operating well and has hardly been greatly affected. Except for the slight turmoil in the stock market when the news was reported on the first day, it has also stabilized, so this matter will be stopped here and will not be pursued."


There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, "Is it so cheap for her?"

"President, I heard that this woman has come here several times to find trouble. If she is allowed to go home with nothing to do, who knows what she will do in the future!"

"That's right, President, your cold response to this matter is already incomprehensible. If you don't allow Jiaxin to be held accountable, how will you make outsiders think?"

Xiang Yihang was unmoved, their words seemed to be blocked in his ears in the end, and what he had decided would not change again.

"Boss Xiang," someone finally thought of Jane Xin, "Is your wife clear about your decision?"

Xiang Yihang raised his eyebrows and looked at the speaker.

"Mr. Xiang, I don't mean anything else. Jiaxin's incident is obviously aimed at the two of you. I heard that your wife has given birth. Now is the time to recuperate. We can see what Jiaxin is thinking about when she makes troubles again and again." In my eyes, you have always done things without sloppiness, why are you so hesitant towards Jiaxin, then Jiaxin is not a good person, she will definitely do things that are not good for the president, your wife or even Xiang Shi in the future, really Just let her go, do you agree?"

Jian Xin, who was dragged into the topic, still didn't know Xiang Yihang's decision in the company, and Xiang Yihang also understood the meaning of the person who spoke, but he couldn't kill a patient.

"I believe the president made this decision after careful consideration. Jiaxin's situation is also complicated. I trust the president's judgment."

Some people stood up to help Xiang Yihang, but some people still felt it was wrong.


"All right."

Xiang Yihang interrupted everyone's discussion, "I know your concerns, I will take care of this matter, I just hope you can put more energy on the company's development."

Xiang Yihang didn't tell everyone how he would deal with this matter. Seeing his attitude, everyone knew that it was meaningless to ask further questions, but it didn't mean they really let it go.


When the conference room was empty, Lin Hao gently called the man who was frowning, and he was very stressed and distressed.

"Jiaxin's matter..."

Xiang Yihang hesitated, "I plan to send her to the hospital for treatment."

"Sent to the hospital? Is her condition suitable for hospitalization? After all, her behavior still looks normal."

"But it's her brain that's sick, isn't she? Mental illness is sometimes more serious than physical defects. None of us can guarantee that she will really know how to repent after she comes out. Facts have repeatedly proved that she won't, so we always to do something.


Lin Hao was very puzzled. When the directors asked, the president didn't say a word at all.

"It's better to keep a low profile about this matter, after all, it's not a glorious thing worth publicizing."

As if knowing his doubts, Xiang Yihang explained with a sigh.

Lin Hao nodded. He was afraid that Jiaxin would not cooperate. That woman is getting more and more crazy now. Can she be stopped if she lives in the hospital?Not necessarily!

(End of this chapter)

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