dear miss jane

Chapter 960 A Fleeting Conjecture

Chapter 960 A Fleeting Conjecture

Xiang Yihang, who appeared at the door at some time, did not come in to disturb Jane Xin, but he listened to what they said just now.

Jian Xin's attitude towards Zhang Lanxin made him puzzled. Although the relationship between them was complicated, he always felt that there was something strange about it.

What could it be that can make Jane Xin hate her so much, and when she speaks of it, she will feel so hated.Is it just because she is Ji Changming's illegitimate daughter?

Ji Changming chose not to have her, Zhang Lanxin couldn't have known about it, so she acquiesced, but no one knew who Jian Xin's biological mother was, and no one came to see her, so what does this mean?
Could it be Zhang Lanxin?

A sudden idea moved Xiang Yihang's heart, but then he couldn't help shaking his head and denying it, why would Zhang Lanxin do this, isn't Jane Xin also her child?She can pamper Ji Linlin, but she only hates Jane Xin?
"Hang, when did you come back?"

When Jane Xin turned around, she saw Xiang Yihang, who frowned and seemed to be thinking about something.

"what happened to you?"


Xiang Yihang pulled out a smile, "I think you're coaxing the children because you're afraid of disturbing you."

Jane Xin looked back at the sleeping baby and smiled lightly. Now she was used to having a baby by her side. Although he was crying and making trouble, blood relationship couldn't be stopped.

Xiang Yihang's eyes hurt her. Maybe the secret of Jane Xin is that she doesn't want others to know that she was abandoned by her biological parents. If she cares about this, then he can't let them go. No wonder Jane Xin did something to him at the beginning. She decided not to say anything, her heart was still full of resentment towards them.

"Jane heart."

Xiang Yihang hugged her into his arms.

"I won't let anyone bully you."

"No matter what the reason, no one can hurt you."

"What's wrong with you?"

Jane didn't know, so, "Is it because of too much pressure recently, how are things in the company? Jiaxin..."

Jane Xin didn't go on, she didn't say a word about Jiaxin Xiang Yihang, she just heard that he went to the hospital, and she didn't want to ask other things if he didn't say anything, that woman spread the news everywhere like she was crazy, because she heard from him I can't get anything here, so I hate it and want to destroy it.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, just take care of yourself and your children, Jane Xin, I love you."

Xiang Yihang hugged her tightly, although her speculation just now was just a thought that popped up for a moment, although it sounded hard to believe, but he needed to verify whether this thought was true.

If it's true, then let him do it for her because of Jane's hatred.

"Are you really all right?"

Jane is still worried about him.

"Well, don't worry, Xiao Xu is involved in such a matter, and you will soon know who is playing fish."

While talking, Xiao Xu's phone call came, Xiao Xu sat in the car and watched the beaten reporter not far away waiting for Xiang Yihang to answer the phone.

"what's up?"

"I found out."

Xiao Xu was also very agile, and immediately said the person's name.

"Ji Linlin. She found a reporter, but it was the reporter's idea to reveal the relationship between Jane Xin and Ji's family. They are best at attracting attention."

Xiang Yihang hummed, greeted Jian Xin and left home. Today, he should invite Ji Changming and the others to meet.

"You want to see me?"

Ji Changming couldn't believe it.

"It's not just Director Ji," Xiang Yihang sneered, "and Mr. Zhang and Miss Ji."


Ji Changming didn't understand, but Xiang Yihang didn't say much, he just told him the location and time and he hung up the phone. Ji Changming was so depressed that he couldn't make up his mind whether to go or not.

(End of this chapter)

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