dear miss jane

Chapter 982 Beware of Her

Chapter 982 Beware of Her
Jiaxin had nowhere to go after escaping from the hospital. She was afraid that someone would be waiting for her when she got home, so she had to hide under the bridge where homeless people often stay and wait until it got dark before moving around.

Xiang Yihang specially arranged for Xiang Qingtian to go there, and now this place is the weakest, in case Jiaxin finds her, after all, it was his father who kidnapped her.

Now that she managed to escape, it was the time when her emotions were the most impulsive, and she was completely careless in doing things. Xiang Yihang couldn't help thinking how great it would be if Jiaxin came to him directly, and would do everything for him!

"Don't worry about us here!"

Li Jie looked at his son's worried face and comforted him, "Jiaxin dare not come to the house, let alone the crowds here, once she is caught, she will be sent directly to the psychiatric department!"

"It's you!"

Li Jie was very worried about him, "You must pay attention, Jiaxin is hating you now, and she hasn't specified what she will do to you, and Jane Xin, you two should pay attention no matter where you go, do you know?"


Xiang Yihang glanced at Jian Xin who was sitting beside him worriedly.

"Xiang Yihang, this Jiaxin is really capable. Not to mention the hijacking, it's mainly because of her brilliant mind, how can a psychopath have such thinking?"

Xiao Xu, who came to find them, walked over carelessly, not knowing whether he was praising or sarcastic. In his eyes, Jiaxin was both crazy and smart. No wonder he often said that there is only a thin line between a mental patient and a genius. He has seen it.

Xiang Yihang was not in such a good mood to speak out, Jiaxin's escape made him feel serious for the first time.

Knowing his worries, Xiao Xu couldn't help persuading him, "Don't worry, a woman doesn't need to take it to heart, as crazy people will always do things that us normal people can't think of."

"It's okay, you," Jane Xin sighed softly, "I don't know where Jiaxin went to help. She is penniless and hasn't even returned home, as if she has never heard from her!"

Xiao Xu is not in a hurry, Jiaxin will not always hide like this when she runs out, she must be waiting for the opportunity, after all he heard that Jiaxin said that she will definitely come to find Xiang Yihang, so it is better to just wait with.

"I said, don't waste your time thinking about it. What should come will always come. Jiaxin must make arrangements for herself when she suddenly comes out. I guess she won't show up in a while, and pay attention now She is not only you, but also the police and those reporters who are stalking, as long as she shows up, she will definitely be found."

Xiang Yihang and Jian Xin knew that his analysis was correct, but the worries in their hearts could not be eliminated in a short while.

"Jane Xin, why don't I find some bodyguards for you first, otherwise I won't feel at ease."

Xiang Yihang frowned and was worried. He didn't know what Jiaxin would do when he appeared again, but it's always good to be prepared.

"Yes, there must be bodyguards."

Xiao Xu also agrees, Jiaxin is elusive, if one day she pops out suddenly and they can't get there in time, it will be dangerous.

Jane Xin still shook her head and refused. Only by leading the snake out of the hole can I attract Jiaxin. She and Xiang Yihang are two live targets now. She believes that Jiaxin will definitely come for one, so she can't ask for bodyguards.

"Arrange for the child, I don't need it."

Jane Xin was very stubborn, and Xiang Yihang knew what she was thinking, and was both moved and worried.

Now he only hopes that Jiaxin can only come to her alone. Didn't he say that he hates him, so don't go looking for others!
(End of this chapter)

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