Chapter 325 You Owe My Life (3)

"Her biggest mistake was marrying a scumbag like Lu Zhongling." Lu Yanyao's tone was unusually cold, with deep hostility towards Lu Zhongling. man."

"After spending time and drinking outside, I still have to bring those women home and let them hurt their wives."

Listening to Lu Yanyao's tone, there was inexplicable anger.

Gu Tianxue rubbed against Lu Yanyao's arms, "You must have been very sad when she died."

Lu Yanyao didn't speak.

However, Lu Yanyao was obviously sad.

Gu Tianxue felt even more uncomfortable, because Lu Yanyao was so sad, yet still be suspected of killing Lu Ruoxing's mother.

"You won't be like Lu Zhongling." Gu Tianxue looked up at Lu Yanyao.

Lu Yanyao's face showed disgust towards Li Zhongling, "What are you talking about, how could I do that kind of thing?"

"However, when I first met you, you kept telling me to recognize my identity, and I could only be your mistress..." Gu Tianxue's voice was a little aggrieved.

At that time, she was sad and depressed every day.

The education she received made her never able to accept the word mistress, but Lv Yanyao stabbed her with these two words every day, and what was even more frightening was that she had faintly realized that she fell in love with Lv Yan at that time. Yao.

At that time, she could only paralyze herself with the fact that there were no other women around Lu Yanyao. Later, when Qin Mianyin claimed to be Lu Yanyao's girlfriend, she really planned to leave.

She would rather keep her dignity and leave far away, and she would never compromise and turn herself into the woman that everyone hates.

Lu Yanyao hugged Gu Tianxue tightly, "I only want you alone, that's just talking."

"Asshole!" Gu Tianxue stretched out his hand and twisted on Lu Yanyao's waist. What Li Yanyao said was true, it was too much to deceive her like that!
Lv Yanyao was hit by Gu Tianxue.

However, Lv Yanyao has been exercising all year round, and his muscles are very solid. Gu Tianxue twisted it but he didn't move it. Lv Yanyao looked down at Gu Tianxue's hand, "Does it hurt?"

Gu Tianxue was even more dissatisfied, "You made me so sad back then."

Lu Yanyao stretched out his hand and gently stroked Gu Tianxue's hair.

At the beginning, I didn't know what it was like to like, let alone how to treat people well.

He only knew that he wanted to keep this woman by his side, intimidation and threats were his usual tactics in his life, and he wanted to use this method to tie Gu Tianxue by his side for the rest of his life.

It never occurred to him that there would be other women.

He will only have a woman like Gu Tianxue in his life.

Gu Tianxue suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart as he looked at Lu Yanyao's slightly guilty eyebrows.

Lv Yanyao probably only has full IQ points, but has no EQ points at all. Every time he just knows to get angry at her with a cold face, obviously he doesn't think that way in his heart, but he wants to say something that makes her misunderstand.

Even though she is familiar with Lv Yanyao now, sometimes she still can't help but want to get angry, not to mention the time when she didn't know Lv Yanyao's nature at all.

Gu Tianxue leaned against Lv Yanyao's arms, feeling Lv Yanyao's fingers lightly passing through her hair, Gu Tianxue asked, "Lv Yanyao, don't you...don't like your mother?"

Gu Tianxue asked very nervously. After she met Lv Yanyao, Lv Yanyao never mentioned his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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