Chapter 430 Little Demon Girl (10)

Lu Ruoxing recovered from the memory, looked at Gu Tianxue with a smile and asked, "Tianxue, why did you suddenly ask me to kidnap you and quarrel with Li Yanyao?"

"What happened to Lu Yanyao?" Lu Ruoxing asked Gu Tianxue in surprise.

It stands to reason that according to the nervousness of that guy Lu Yanyao these days, he should have been obedient to Gu Tianxue to a large extent recently.

Gu Tianxue stared blankly at Antique's surprised expression, and then, Gu Tianxue lowered his head, glanced at Lu Ruoxing, with an uneasy expression on his face, after struggling for a while, Gu Tianxue finally said, "He's not bad."

"It's me..." Gu Tianxue pursed her lips and said, "I'm pregnant."

"What did you say?" Lu Ruoxing reacted for a long time, then suddenly stood up, looked at Gu Tianxue and said with surprise, "Are you pregnant?"

"Congratulations!" Lu Ruoxing looked happy, "God, does Lu Yanyao know the news? He should be very happy if he knows."

"He doesn't know." Gu Tianxue nestled on Lu Ruoxing's sofa nervously, with an aggrieved look on his face, "If he knew, he wouldn't be happy. He must be the first to take me to the hospital and let me call Get rid of this child."

Lu Ruoxing shook his head confidently, and said to Gu Tianxue, "This is impossible, Tianxue, Lu Yanyao..."

"He told me himself. The night before yesterday, I asked him, and he said that if he had a child, he would let me kill it." Gu Tianxue looked at Lu Ruoxing with a calm face, "He said many times before, saying that I don't care at all. Unworthy to bear his child."

"Why?" Lu Ruoxing was puzzled.

Gu Tianxue lowered her head, and her fingers were tightly entangled, "I probably have a bad background, and I don't have any special skills, and I don't know anything about business. Lv Yanyao thinks I can't help him."

"Lv Yanyao is so confident, I'm afraid he doesn't think he needs other people's help." Lu Ruoxing looked at Gu Tianxue inexplicably, "Lv Yanyao is not a traditional person who pays attention to being well-matched."

"He didn't propose to me either." Gu Tianxue pouted her lips, her face full of reluctance, "I've been with Lv Yanyao for so long, and he hasn't expressed anything. Now, people still say that I'm his mistress ?"

Lu Ruoxing smiled lightly.

Uh, how do I tell Gu Tianxue? A few days ago, Lv Yanyao wrote a letter warning him very solemnly. In the letter, Lv Yanyao said that in a few days, he would propose to Gu Tianxue and let him marry him that day. No matter how far, if he dared to appear beside Gu Tianxue on that day, he would definitely kill him.

If I remember correctly, the day of the proposal should be today.

However...he kidnapped Gu Tianxue, he really kidnapped Gu Tianxue with his life today.

It seems that Gu Tianxue and Lv Yanyao have conflicts again.

Gu Tianxue clutched her stomach, and looked at Lu Ruoxing pleadingly, "Can you send me abroad? I have already contacted Tianxu, and Tianxu said that he can meet me abroad."

Lu Ruoxing did not expect that Gu Tianxue had already achieved this step, "Do you really want to go abroad?"

Gu Tianxue nodded firmly, "I must protect my child."

"You just need to send me to the airport. I have already arranged everything else with Tianxu."

Lu Ruoxing looked at Gu Tianxue with a smile, and then looked out the window. Unfortunately, Lu Yanyao had already arrived, and it was too late for him to send Gu Tianxue away. Moreover, he did not intend to send Gu Tianxue away.

(End of this chapter)

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