Chapter 490 Pregnancy reaction (4)

Gu Tianxue was indeed surprised, and when the news about Lu Shuiling and Chang Sixing appeared on the headlines the next day, Gu Tianxue was even more suffocated.

However, soon, Gu Tianxue didn't have any energy to worry about Chang Sixing and Lu Shuiling's affairs, nor did he have any energy to worry about Ji Shiyue's affairs.

Gu Tianxue's pregnancy reaction got worse day by day.

Gu Tianxue's stomach has been three months old.

In the first three months, when the doctors were worried that Gu Tianxue would have a pregnancy reaction, Gu Tianxue ate well, and when he was in a good mood, Gu Tianxue could still go out for a couple of laps, which scared Li Yanyao into a panic.

However, at three full months, Gu Tianxue's pregnancy reaction finally came late, and it was extremely intense.

Gu Tianxue was so uncomfortable that she could barely eat a bite, but for the sake of the child in her belly, Gu Tianxue still insisted on eating, but no matter how much she ate, Gu Tianxue vomited as much as she ate, and Gu Tianxue lost weight quickly.

Lv Yanyao was even more anxious, regardless of the work at hand, and stayed with Gu Tianxue all day long.

If Lu Yanyao could suffer for Gu Tianxue, he would definitely be willing, but a beauty can replace this kind of thing.

Gu Tianxue was still uncomfortable.

Gu Tianxue barely drank a bowl of porridge in the morning, and after only ten minutes, Gu Tianxue couldn't take it anymore and ran towards the bathroom.

Lu Yanyao nervously followed behind Gu Tianxue.

Gu Tianxue lay in the bathroom and retched for a while, then said weakly to Lv Yanyao, "Go out first, you must feel very uncomfortable."

Lü Yanyao has a cleanliness habit, so if he sees her like this every day, he will definitely hate her.

Gu Tianxue looked up at Lu Yanyao, besides, she must be haggard and ugly now.

Lu Yanyao naturally frowned and refused.

He never felt that Gu Tianxue was dirty, what's more, Gu Tianxue was so uncomfortable, how could he despise Gu Tianxue, he felt sorry for Gu Tianxue before it was too late.

Lu Yanyao squatted down, hugged Gu Tianxue, put his hand on Gu Tianxue's stomach lightly, and asked, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Gu Tianxue looked back at Lu Yanyao, then shook his head lightly, "It's better now."

Lu Yanyao put Gu Tianxue on the bed and asked, "Do you want to eat something?"

Gu Tianxue felt a little uncomfortable when he thought about eating. Gu Tianxue quickly shook his head and said to Lv Yanyao, "I don't want to eat anything. Let me take it easy. I feel so uncomfortable."

Lv Yanyao felt even more distressed. Lv Yanyao took Gu Tianxue's hand, but didn't know what to do to bear the pain for Gu Tianxue.

Gu Tianxue said to Lu Yanyao, "Go and eat quickly, you haven't eaten today."

Gu Tianxue also had a hard time eating in the morning, and Lu Yanyao fed Gu Tianxue a little, but forgot his morning meal.

Lu Yanyao has always been self-disciplined in life, going to bed early and getting up early, and has three meals on a regular basis.

However, after Gu Tianxue became pregnant, a few days ago, Lu Yanyao was also fine.

However, these days, after Gu Tianxue's pregnancy reaction got worse, Gu Tianxue couldn't sleep all night, and Li Yanyao stayed with Gu Tianxue.

However, Gu Tianxue hasn't started drawing recently, at most she just reads other people's pictorials in her free time.

But Lv Yanyao worked hard at night and had to work during the day.

Gu Tianxue couldn't bear it even more, Lv Yanyao was too tired.

Lv Yanyao didn't want to go out at first, but, looking at Gu Tianxue's eyes, Lv Yanyao knew that if he didn't go to eat again, Gu Tianxue would definitely be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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