Chapter 867

He still smelled a little bit of blood on his body, he didn't want this bodyguard to scare Gu Tianxue.

Lv Yanyao never allowed his subordinates to appear in front of Gu Tianxue with the smell of blood.

Gu Tianxue also reacted immediately, "Is this the bodyguard who caught Herman for interrogation?"

Law Yan Yao nodded.

"What's wrong with Herman? Don't kill him. He killed so many people. Everyone should see this murderer, and let the parents of those girls who died in vain see the culprit."

Thinking of what Herman did, Gu Tianxue still felt a little nervous.

Gu Tianxue also asked Herman what he had done, but Lv Yanyao was vague and didn't want to tell her at all.

Gu Tianxue guessed that Herman must have done something excessive to those girls.

After all, Herman's behavior towards Gu Fan'an was extreme.

Ordinary people can't do such a cruel thing to a five-year-old child.

Gu Tianxue asked too many times before Lv Yanyao said that Herman made all those girls into puppets.

When Gu Tianxue heard it, she felt a little nauseous.

It's just too perverted.

Gu Tianxue was very angry in her heart, because the girls who died later looked very similar to her. To some extent, these innocent girls were all caused by such innocent disasters because of her.

Although Lv Yanyao is also brutal, but Lv Yanyao has always done things with reason. Lv Yanyao will never kill any girl indiscriminately, and he will definitely not be like Herman.

Herman simply killed innocent people indiscriminately. Those girls had nothing to do with him, but Herman was able to kill them.

Gu Tianxue has also read the dossiers from that year, and the ways in which these girls disappeared are somewhat similar.

In fact, the police once defined the deaths of these girls as serial murders. However, these girls did not have much contact with each other, and they had no common acquaintance. The police made various speculations, and finally , These conjectures were all overturned by them.

Herman is nothing but scum.

Gu Tianxue hopes that Herman's fate will be worse, and that Herman will be condemned by the whole society. Only by exposing Herman's crimes can the grievances of those girls who died tragically be cleared.

Lv Yanyao rubbed Gu Tianxue's hair, "I won't easily bypass him, but before handing him over to the police, I still need to know some news that I want to know."

He wondered if Herman had ever done anything.

After all, from Kai Luola's investigation report, Li Yanyao could see that before that, Herman had tried to attack Gu Tianxue.

Lu Yanyao wanted to know if Herman had any other arrangements.

Gu Tianxue was also relieved.

Gu Tianxue was afraid that Lu Yanyao would deal with Herman directly in a fit of anger.

Lv Yanyao has killed people before, moreover, he has killed no fewer people than Herman.

However, Lv Yanyao would never attack innocent people.

Lv Yanyao also despises Herman's approach. Herman has a psychological problem. If this kind of person is dealt with earlier, it will be a good thing for the society and the whole country.

After a while, Lu Yanyao's personnel cleaned themselves again and came again.

Seeing that Lv Yanyao's rule is to wash himself, this subordinate also took a bath before, but he was too anxious, he had a big news to tell Lv Yanyao, so he was in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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