Chapter 305

"In the past, this country of warriors was also a country that closed the country, did not accept outsiders, did not join the world government, and even naval ships could not enter. However, the swordsmanship here is blooming everywhere, and hundreds of schools compete for it. It is known as the The Holy Land of Kendo. Almost every day on the street, you can see warriors with knives fighting and exchanging swordsmanship. It is not like now, although all the discussions are for eyeballs, hoping to enter Heitan Orochi In his eyes, he will become the guard of the Heitan family." Kuangshilang took a sip here, looking a little drunk, and a little bit dispirited, at a loss for what to do.

"Because of the Black Charcoal Orochi, the original kendo of this country has been broken. Even children nowadays think that the strongest swordsmanship in the world is the Orochi Double Swords Style. That kind of ridiculous swordsmanship is simply unbearable. eye."

He punched the table fiercely, and continued to shout loudly: "White Snake Great Swordsman, if you are only looking for swordsmen and great swordsmen to learn from, there are many more on this island."

Hearing this, Moers' eyes lit up, thinking he still had a chance!

But Kuangshilang's next words completely dispelled all his thoughts: "But if you want to find a swordsman who still has the heart of a swordsman, then please leave here! The only thing left here is a group of people who have lost their sword heart and sword way. It’s just a person with integrity.”

Speaking of this, Kuangshiro couldn't help but burst into tears, the former Wano Country was not like this.

Moers on the opposite side couldn't help complaining in his heart: "It's too bad, big brother, the drama is a bit over!"

He just shook his head, but it's a pity that Moers is not a hot-blooded boy in the second year of middle school. He was moved by his tears and immediately drew his sword to help. This kind of thing of saving the country and the world should be left to that second year boy of Luffy!He himself is just an ordinary navy, but he can't afford such an important responsibility.

Looking up slightly, he found that Moers was just smiling and didn't mean to pick up on it at all. Kuangsi Lang shook his head in disappointment. Sure enough, the admiral was not so easy to fool, and then he stopped saying a word, just drank wine silently with Eating side dishes.


"Then thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Guard."

Seeing the back of Moores gradually going away, Kuangshilang couldn't help flipping through his wallet, never expecting that the other party would be so impolite as to ask him to pay for the package, smiled and shook his head, only thinking that this The admiral was a little more fun than he'd imagined.

"We still meet, White Snake Great Swordsman, I hope you can hold back when the time comes." He stood there and muttered to himself, then headed towards the mansion of General Heitan Orochi.

Along the way, passers-by kept saying hello to him. In this city, his reputation is not bad. This is all due to his silent help to the residents in difficulties. You must know that other guards do not bully civilians That's pretty good.

Wano Country, Capital of Flowers, Mansion of the Great Shogun.

"What are you talking about, that bastard navy actually rejected Lao Tzu's invitation, who he thought he was, just a garbage navy, that's all, Kanjuro contacted the bastards of the World Government and told them to prepare if I would agree to their request It's better to change to an admiral!"

The person who spoke was a burly old man with a big head and mouth, and a bald head.What's interesting is that his face is square and square, and the dress on the top of his head is even weirder. He wears a crown on the left, a bun on the right, and dyed purple hair. It seems that the rumors of being obsessed with Xiao Zi are not groundless.

The funniest thing is that most of his hair is on the sides and back of his head, and the beard is raised upwards.Coupled with his two upper canine teeth, which are much longer than the others, it adds a bit of joy.

And his canine teeth are still blunt, which is completely different from the general pointed canine teeth.

Wearing a yellow kimono with many black crescent-shaped pentagonal patterns printed on it, and a black cloak with patterns on the back, the whole person gives people the feeling of a comedian.

But this seemingly funny guy is the great general of Wano Country, Heitan Orochi, who overthrew the rule of the Kozuki clan, broke Wano Country's kendo, and brought him into the boundless hell.

At this time, Heitan Orochi was holding a wine glass, his face was reddish, he looked drunk, and his tone was disdainful towards the World Government.

And the Heitan Orochi made this move because Kuangshilang just came back and revealed the content of the communication with Moers without leaving a word, which made the king who had been the king for a long time Heitan snake is completely unacceptable.

Heitan Kanjuro standing aside and Heitan Muchan who was hiding behind the scenes couldn't help rubbing their heads. Such words must never be spread to the outside world.

Who is Mers? That's a terrifying man comparable to the Four Emperors Kaido. That's a man called by the navy as the youngest monster ever. The decision to cut off an arm was made, and even if the other party agreed, the White Snake, who had lost the shackles of the admiral status, could not easily kill himself and others. He didn't believe that Kaido would fight to the death for them.

Thinking of this, Kanjuro couldn't help but give Kuangshiro a hard look. He always felt that this guy had bad intentions for Heitan Orochi, and it seemed that today his true form must be revealed.

Kuangshilang just knelt down on the ground and didn't intend to raise his head at all. He was afraid that he would burst out laughing.

"Bastard, Kanjuro, are you starting to disobey my orders?"

Seeing Kanjuro's own words that Kanjuro hadn't answered for a long time, Heitan Orochi couldn't help roaring angrily, and at the same time stood up slowly, carrying the flagon, and staggered out.

Not long after, Kageshiro, who was kneeling in the room, heard the other party's voice of communication.

"Hey! Is it the bastard of the world government!"

The person on the other side of the phone bug is none other than Spandam, who has become Gnar's personal secretary and flatterer. At this moment, it has been greeted suddenly by the black charcoal snake, disrupting all thoughts. answered.

Fortunately, Heitan Orochi on the opposite side started to continue talking without waiting for his answer: "I am the general of Wano Country, Heitan Orochi, if you want to agree with Laozi on the arms trade and give up the policy of closing the country, Just cancel the post of admiral named White Snake for Lao Tzu, and dare to ignore Lao Tzu's invitation."

Spandam was stunned, stunned by Heitan Orochi's crazy remarks. If it was possible, he wouldn't want to deprive Moers of the position of Admiral of the Navy, and then let Boss Gnar operate it. Including the other party in CP0, the strength of CP0 may reach the peak of history, and it might not be possible to directly fight the revolutionary army head-on.

"Hey, Spandam, you guys are in a daze, hurry up, if you say you can't find Sleeping Ancient Town today, I want you to look good, I heard that Moers recently discovered a game of throwing people into the sea to feed fish, If you don't give it a try..."

(End of this chapter)

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