famous wife

Chapter 548 Time Bomb 8

Chapter 548 Time Bomb 8
Mother Wang squatted down distressedly, hugged Wang Lulu tightly and asked distressedly: "What's the matter Lulu, what's the matter?"

"Mom..." Wang Lulu threw herself into Mother Wang's arms without saying a word!
"What's the matter, Lulu, my good daughter, what's the matter!" Mama Wang looked at Wang Lulu crying so heartbreakingly, her heart ached.

No matter what Wang's mother asked, Wang Lulu didn't say anything, but just lay in her arms and cried bitterly.

Seeing that Wang Lulu was unwilling to speak, Mama Wang stopped asking.

It wasn't until Wang Lulu was tired from crying that she stopped.

"Mom... I did something wrong!" Wang Lulu said to Ms. Wang with a pitiful face.

"Good girl, what did you do wrong?" Mother Wang looked at her distressedly and asked.

"I did something that I'm sorry to my friend!" Wang Lulu felt guilty.

"Then you can apologize to her, and you can also redeem it!" Although Wang's mother didn't know what wrong Wang Lulu had done, she still guided her patiently.

Wang Lulu shook her head in despair: "No, it's too late...it's too late! I regard her as a friend, in my heart, she is my best friend, but I know, in her heart, I may not yes!"

"Silly girl..." Ms. Wang didn't know what to say.

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them! I believe that if you treat her as a good friend, she will definitely feel your feelings and treat you as a good friend... Moreover, no matter what wrong things you have done, She will definitely forgive you too! Do you know?" Mama Wang urged earnestly.

Wang Lulu bit her lower lip tightly and shook her head vigorously: "No...no..."

"Good, good..." Mother Wang hugged her into her arms and comforted her.

"Mom... I'm a sinner, I'm a bad person, I..." Wang Lulu began to suffer again as she spoke.

A painful pain.

"Mom, there is [-] million in this card. If our company really goes bankrupt at that time, you can use this money to compensate them!" Wang Lulu took out the money Liu Zixuan gave her.

"[-] million? Where did you get so much? Where did you come from?" Mother Wang was surprised when she heard this.

"Mom, don't worry, I didn't do anything to hurt myself!" Wang Lulu smiled bitterly, but she did something to hurt others.

She didn't know that she sent this photo to Liu Zixuan. For Han Ningmeng, it was like planting a time bomb, and the time was set by Liu Zixuan.

"You..." Mama Wang still wanted to continue asking, when she knew something.

But Wang Lulu stood up and said, "Mom, don't say anything, don't say anything else, just do as I say, I can't be sorry to the people in the company... this is my little compensation to them!"

"If it wasn't for me, these things wouldn't have happened, it was all me, I really deserve to die!" Wang Lulu is still blaming herself now.

For Wang Lulu, even if she died, it would be difficult to apologize.

Her current life belongs to Han Ningmeng, even if she dies, she has no right.

"Mom, I'm fine. Don't worry, I'll be fine! You do as I say..." Wang Lulu wiped the tears from her face, looked at Mama Wang with a smile and said.

Mother Wang could tell that the smile on Wang Lulu's face was all fake.

"En!" Mama Wang nodded.

So, Mother Wang accepted this card!

(End of this chapter)

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