Gaishi Xiao Shennong

Chapter 30 Dye Factory Relocation

Chapter 30 Dye Factory Relocation
Lin Xuan had already done a lot of evaluations when he was working on the hairy crab project, and Liu Meifen had asked him a lot of questions about this before, so Su Xiaoyao couldn't possibly overwhelm him.

The more in-depth the interview went, the more surprised Su Xiaoyao was. He found that Lin Xuan's thinking and meticulousness in thinking about the problem completely exceeded what he should have at his age.

As a reporter, he has interviewed many "successful people" before, including many young people, and they are all much older than Lin Xuan.

Even so, their success is more due to their own family background, temporary hard work and luck.Few people can draw an accurate line, as long as you follow this line, there is a [-]% to [-]% chance of success.

Although it cannot be ruled out that this is just talk on paper, Lin Xuan still has something to say.

"These are my general plans. In the end, I want to tell you two points. First, my progress is now faster and smoother than planned before. The maturity of the first two rounds can give Xinghua Village and even the whole town It has shown enough results to attract those villagers who always want to open a factory. Second, my project is not just a hairy crab, it must have enough capacity to bring everyone prosperity together!"

"Before you said that the villagers of Xinghua Village also have the right to pursue wealth. I agree with this very much, but I would like to add a little more, that is, they have the right to pursue wealth while keeping the land left by their ancestors!"

"well said!"

Su Xiaoyao let out a long breath and cheered loudly for Lin Xuan.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that he has such strong persuasive power at such a young age, but Su Xiaoyao was really persuaded by the young man who was nearly ten years younger than him just now.

In fact, although Su Xiaoyao insisted on being neutral as a reporter, from his heart, he was also very disgusted with the situation of only focusing on economic development and ignoring environmental pollution.Otherwise, he would not have reported Pei Guotang's situation at the risk of offending the big shots.

"It seems that Reporter Su has been 'brainwashed' by me?" Seeing Su Xiaoyao's reaction, Lin Xuan also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Come on, I'm not being 'brainwashed'. It's just that you have such great determination and are quite capable, so I want to see if you can really fulfill your promise. Don't worry, my report will follow Your purpose is very similar. It's just that I can only do these things, and the rest, I can't help you."

"Then I'll thank you in advance. Hehe, in fact, if Reporter Su is willing to help us, there are still many things you can do." Lin Xuan felt that the distance between Su Xiaoyao and himself had been shortened a lot in his heart. Taking the opportunity to suggest: "For example, can you use people you know in the media to help us build momentum? The more customers come, the more we can stick to our current position, right?"

"Hehe, even though you are so young, why do I feel a sense of old treachery from you!"

Lin Xuan also laughed: "Illusion, this must be an illusion. When Reporter Su has been in touch with me for a long time, he will know that I am a very pure and kind young man."

Lin Xuan then took Su Xiaoyao to see his farm on the spot, explaining the current status.

Through the almost heart-to-heart talk with him, both of them feel a little sympathetic to each other.At the same time, from Su Xiaoyao's mouth, Lin Xuan finally confirmed his guess, and understood another reason why Fang Jianye is getting more and more confident now.

After Su Xiaoyao left, Fang Jianye remained unchanged, acting as if he knew with confidence that Su Xiaoyao would not write a report to publicly oppose their factory project.

But he was slapped in the face less than two days later.

Su Xiaoyao used a specially-invited commentary article to expose the fact that some workshops and enterprises in the county that had been found out before have begun to transfer to township-level units.

He also named Pei Guotang's dye factory, reminding them that they will continue to follow up to see if their new factory has pollution treatment equipment that meets national regulations.

And just one day later, Su Xiaoyao published another article, this time a suggestion article on rural development, in which besides pointing out the problem of pollution again, what kind of road to take was mentioned more.Although Lin Xuan's hairy crab project was not directly mentioned, he pointed out a lot of external experience, showing that even if the development of agriculture does not mean that you cannot be rich, the key is to open your mind and develop a new type of agriculture.

However, it is a pity that the places where these views arouse thought and heated discussions are all in counties and cities.After all, the media there is more developed, there are more scholars, and there is a more discussion atmosphere.

But in rural areas that really need the inspiration of this article, it didn't have much effect.

In a place like Xinghua Village, even color TVs are not popular yet, and apart from some official newspapers ordered by the village committee, there are not many serious newspapers.Even if the newspapers did come, most of the elderly villagers could read, but they would not be able to read such long articles.

However, Liu Meifen still publicized the content of the article through the big speakers in the village and visiting houses.It can be seen from this that the village cadres seem to have calmed down a lot after being interviewed, and they can look at the matter of attracting investment more calmly.

At the official meeting of the village committee, few people responded to Fang Jianye, and they also began to silently cooperate with Liu Meifen to carry out publicity.

At least in Xinghua Village, the propaganda of these village cadres who can be contacted in person can still replace the role of the media.

"Oh? That is to say, there are still some people in the village committee who support Fang Jianye?" Liu Meifen was also convinced. Why does Lin Xuan pay attention to something different from others every time.

"Yeah, after all, being able to set up a factory in the village is quite attractive to many people, right? It's impossible for us to unify everyone's ideas. But the support is much less than before."

"Auntie, first tell me who are the people who support Fang Jianye, I am useful."

"Ah? That's fine, I'll tell you first." Liu Meifen didn't know what use Lin Xuan knew about these people, but she still told him.

"Well, I know it well. In fact, the biggest effect of the articles published by Reporter Su is not to affect our village, but to remind those cadres in the county who support Fang Jianye. At the beginning, those people should have supported Pei Guotang and others to develop these small villages. As for the workshop, they were pressured by him to reveal the news before, and now, they have to weigh the fate of supporting Fang Jianye."

Liu Meifen asked: "Then do you think Fang Jianye can continue without the persistence of the county? Are we winning?"

(End of this chapter)

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