Reborn Night Rise

Chapter 592 The Man in Gray

Chapter 592 The Man in Gray
boom!Above the heroic holy city, a beam of dazzling light descended from the sky and appeared above the highest holy church. The holy city has no night, and it will always be bright and bright under the shining of the holy light, but this bright city still cannot hide The brilliance that fell from the sky, that ray of light was full of shocking feeling, after seeing that brilliance, everyone raised their weapons and roared with passion!
The whole scene was full of excitement, and Zhu Xiaoming, who was not aware of the situation, was surprised for a while!
"What's that?" Zhu Xiaoming was shocked, and also puzzled by the bloody crowd around him.

"It's the Spear of Heroism: Solarion!" Arthur's eyes were also shining with a fiery light: "It's Lord Impris, and the Lord is going to take action himself!"

Zhu Xiaoming was taken aback for a moment, seeing Arthur's appearance like this, he thought to himself: "This Lord Impris is really popular!"

"Believers of the Holy Light!" A majestic and powerful voice resounded throughout the city. The majestic voice was heard clearly by everyone, and enthusiastic responses could be seen from every corner. Zhu Xiaoming's expression froze. Almost all professionals know this sound gathering skill, but the ability to cover the entire city, this guy's strength is unfathomable!

The scale of this city is not small, and its starting area is larger than any large city on planet D. It can cover the spiritual power and voice of the entire city. Zhu Xiaoming asks himself that he can't do it, even if he is the strongest person recognized by planet D today: Hei Huang who has reached the epic level: Guo Xiaoting, Zhu Xiaoming doesn't think she can do it, that is to say, this guy's strength is at least epic level, or even higher!

If this is the case, Senior Guo Lang may have chosen the wrong place at the beginning, and the power level of this plane has exceeded their range!
"Now the darkness is coming again. They are trying to destroy everything we have worked so hard to build for so many years, and turn the world into a Shura hell again! Can you allow it?"

"Not allowed!" The city responded enthusiastically!

"The magnificence of the Holy City and the moment of tranquility in the outside world are all bought by our hundreds of years of brave warriors with their flesh and blood. We will never allow anyone or anything to destroy it! Warriors, take up the swords in your hands, For our home!"

"For our home!!"

The speech was very simple, but the voice was full of appeal. It made Zhu Xiaoming, who was not in this world, a little flustered in his heart. He had the urge to raise his weapon and roar. Is this the power of the domain?

Zhu Xiaoming became vigilant inexplicably.

Although so far, this person named Impreis should be an extremely positive person in terms of evaluation and everyone's respect for him, but Zhu Xiaoming knows that as a leader, the people below cannot see him. In the true face of the leader, all rulers are bad people. This is the common sense of historians, including himself. Although he sticks to the bottom line, for the sake of his own race, he has done things that violate his conscience.

If he sticks to the bottom line, Zhu Xiaoming will accept some methods, but he always has reservations about the adult whom Arthur admires so much. The most important thing is the missing part in Arthur's cultivation system!
However, judging from the fact that those few people were able to survive, it seems that there is no lack of their inheritance!
At the very center of the sanctuary, Impris, who was guarding this time, left the throne with his heroic spear, and the figure that had been lurking for a long time finally appeared on the periphery of the sanctuary!

If Zhu Xiaoming sees it, he will definitely exclaim, this figure is exactly Alice who was called by Guo Lang to follow Zhu Xiaoming at the beginning!
"Phew, this guy is finally gone!" Alice dared to approach this church at this time!
At the beginning, she didn't even dare to sneak into this city, because she could feel the huge spiritual power that enveloped the city, and there were high-level life forms sitting in it, whose level was one dimension higher than hers. If she rushed in, she might be killed. Find.

These few days are the most difficult and meaningful days for Alice to exercise her latent ability. She keeps trying, dancing on the tip of the knife, from the outskirts of the city to the inside of the city, and then around the church!

With her heaven-defying talent, she used lurking to the extreme. In the past, she just kept using refraction to avoid the sight of people around her, and used blind spots to sneak in. But when she reached the gold level, she had to start avoiding the opponent's mental power .

This is a delicate task. It is necessary to accurately test the scope of the opponent's mental power, and to constantly use common sense. From which point to cut in will not be discovered. When probing, one must be very careful, not only to detect the alertness of the mental power. , but also to evacuate that point as quickly as possible so that he will not be discovered.

This kind of situation is very difficult to exercise, especially in the face of professionals who are one level higher than yourself!
One mistake and it will be wiped out!
This feeling is very exciting. It is the most nervous and exciting moment in Alice's history. It is different from the training ground. The high-cost training ground can also simulate advanced professionals to let you sneak in, but the nature is different. Why do you train? Field training is far less effective than actual combat?Because you know it's fake, even if you lose, get discovered, or fail, nothing will happen, it's just a training session!

Real battles are different. If you lose, you may die. Only at this time can you maximize your potential, and the same is true for realistic infiltration. Only when your life is threatened can your state be at its peak!
Alice didn't realize it herself. At this time, every movement of her was perfect, and her mental power and all aspects were brought to the extreme. In the few days she sneaked into the city, Alice grew rapidly!

But everything has a limit. When she reached the outside of the sanctuary, Alice knew that she couldn't go any further. Before she broke through the epic, she couldn't sneak in a closer distance. The gap is very realistic. A stalker should have Her calmness made her suppress her excitement forcibly!
Then began to wait patiently.

She has been waiting for the opportunity, because according to the plan, she knows that she will have a chance, yes, she has a mission to come here, and the huge panic outside is also expected by Alice. Everyone expected it!

Everything can be traced back to the initial arrival. In fact, Guo Lang's group and Abe Jingxuan arrived at the same time, and it was not the Holy Church that discovered the two forces at the first time: it was the man in gray!
They were immediately protected by the men in gray, while Abe was hunted down by the forces of the Holy Church!After drawing up the plan, Guo Lang and Zhu Xiaoming had the fat Robin wiped out of memory, and Carter and Alice were the executors of the plan.

In the original plan: Alice sneaked into the holy city to break the seal of the gods, and Guo Lang was swallowed into that world: it was bait!
(End of this chapter)

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