Reborn Night Rise

Chapter 799 Ancient History

Chapter 799 Ancient History

In a relatively hidden corner of the library, Alice slowly flipped through the materials. As Xie Xiaohua, she was very cautious. From the beginning, her walking posture was very close to her usual personality. At the beginning of the library, she followed Xie Xiaohua's own habits to choose ordinary books to read, so that she could find out what she wanted slowly while exploring the magic surveillance here.

Just as she imagined, this free federation with some incomplete Ice and Snow family inheritances has inherited some useful things. From the moment she entered the big city, she felt the magic fluctuations monitored in some corners of the whole city. It's easy, and I usually don't worry about it, but I still have to be cautious when searching for information in this library.

With Alice's ability, after entering the library, it is very easy to use her talent to make the monitor and even the people in the monitor not notice her. I am very concerned about Xie Xiaohua. If I disappeared as soon as I entered the library, and even the surveillance could not find me, it would be too unusual, and someone who is interested will still find something is wrong.

So Alice didn't do anything, but like Xie Xiaohua, she slowly looked at some of her professional applications first. Alice chose Potions, which is a relatively unpopular major, and the Great Xia Dynasty was a martial artist. I have put a lot of thought into it, but my spirit of fighting for strength has not diminished, so most of them choose majors that are biased towards combat, such as magic and martial arts, magic bow. Even pure mages mostly like evocation, like what kind of curse? There are few choices for the department of sacrifice and the department of sacrifice, not to mention the department of potion, which is close to the profession of life, even girls are rarely selected.

After all, although it sounds like a kind of mage, in the eyes of everyone, he is just a more advanced pharmacist, far less popular than a pure evocation mage.

Under such an atmosphere, this major is extremely unfavored, and there are even few debating competitions, but in fact, there is a shortage of such majors in the federation, and after they come out, the salary is not bad, but most people still don’t like to choose this major .

Xie Xiaohua actually didn't want to choose this major at first, but there was no other way. Her test scores were very poor. If she wanted to enter the prestigious Xishan Academy, she could only choose the default assignment. Since it is the default, then naturally there is a lack of people for any major. Just throw her into that major.

When Alice imitated Xie Xiaohua's reading habit, she also briefly reviewed the characteristics of planting grass here. In fact, the assassin's course includes the course of making poison, so the assassin still has some knowledge about herbalism, although it is not as close as the survival ranger. Being able to identify hundreds of herbs is not as good as the alchemists of real potion science. They have a variety of uses for herbs, but they can still recognize most of the herbs. When they go to a planet, they will also let the intelligence collect some characteristics of local herbs.

Alice took a rough look, and with her life level, these contents are almost unforgettable, and Alice's aptitude is very good. Although she is mainly an assassin, her IQ is also very high. The logic calculation in her mind It's very smooth. If there was no disturbance between Guo Lang and those professionals, Laura planned to train Alice to be a doctor.

After reading the compendium of herbal medicine and some basic methods of energy-altering substances for almost a morning, Alice slowly walked towards the area she wanted to see.

There is the collection area of ​​Western ancient cipher texts.

After briefly looking at the titles, Alice picked up the two books: The Development of Western Buddhism and The History of Magic and Buddha Entering the West.
When reading these books again, Alice flipped through them very quickly. From the outside, it was as casual as reading a novel, not as serious as when she was reading herbology just now, so it seemed more normal from the monitoring point of view. Of course, the materials in their job should be carefully studied. As for these ancient books and historical biographies, they did not study epic, so they can naturally read them as novel biographies to pass the time.

On the surface, this is the case, but in fact, Alice's brain is operating at a high speed. While recording words quickly, she also performs reasoning calculations in her mind based on what she wants.

In almost an hour, Alice has almost finished reading the two books. The history of the development of Western Buddhism recorded in the book is very similar to some ancient books in Central Asia on planet D, and even some names are the same. , which made Alice very concerned.

Then there is the record of Mofo, which is also the person Guo Lang and she care about most. After all, that guy Camille has hinted at this character countless times, and he must be the key to solving all the puzzles.

According to records, the Demon Buddha came from the east to the west. He came to the Western Holy See as a scholar with an attitude of admiration. At the beginning, he held a gesture of communication. Later, he joined Buddhism and studied Buddhism, and soon became a At that time, a well-known Buddhist master in the Western Vatican power participated in various Buddhist debates on behalf of his temple, and he had never failed. His case was quickly noticed by the Buddhas in the Western Vatican, and was later recognized by the top Bodhisattva at that time. Character: Da Zizai Guanyin is a disciple of Avalokitesvara and practices supernatural powers.

Demonic Buddha's aptitude is excellent, both his comprehension of Buddhism and understanding of supernatural powers are far superior to ordinary people, he soon attained fruit status, became a member of the Western Holy See, was highly valued by the Great Bright Buddha, and even bestowed a treasure.

It is rumored that during a conflict with Dongfang Xianting, this Demon Buddha was still an Arhat, but he was able to fight against a God of War-level figure like Dongfang Erlang for three days and three nights. After this battle, his name was well known at that time. Through the world of immortals and Buddhas in the East and the West, he has become famous all over the world since then!
Dongfang Xianting also listed him as a high-level taboo figure!

At that time, the demon Buddha hadn't even passed the first round of 500 years of reincarnation, but he had already escaped suffering and achieved the Buddha's honor. He stood side by side with the eighteen Buddhas and became one of the future six Buddhas.

From the system of Western Buddhism, Alice knows that the Eighteen Buddhas are almost the highest level in the Buddha system, including six ancient Buddhas in the past, six Buddhas in the present, and six future Buddhas.

It is almost the top combat power of the Western Holy See, and is on the same level as the Great Luo Jinxian of the Eastern Immortal Court.

But I don't know why, when the Demon Buddha was [-] years old, he suddenly turned around and used evil methods to suck in the blood of the future Buddha Maitreya. After breaking into the six realms of the underworld controlled by the Western Holy See, he himself merged into hell, turned into a demon, created the bone way, and practiced evil methods, becoming the top demon in the world!

Even later, with his own power, the East and the West were severely damaged, and he single-handedly created the Dharma-ending Era!

(End of this chapter)

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