Chapter 300
Qi Liuyan's words made Qi Liuao unable to understand. What is the relationship between Gu Qingge's disappearance and Qi Liuao's attempt to catch Qi Liuye by surprise?
Qi Liuao decided to ignore Qi Liuyan's words: "How is the matter that the king asked you to do?"

What Qi Liuao refers to is to let Qi Liuyan win over the courtiers. Most of the courtiers are on the side of Qi Liuye, choosing between Qi Liuao and Qi Liuye, It was a very difficult matter. Qi Liuyan spent a lot of thought to win over a few people. It seemed that his heart followed Qi Liuyan, but in fact...Qi Liuyan was not sure whether they were real or not. Willing to surrender.

Qi Liuyan didn't return to Qi Liuao's words immediately, but pondered for a while and said: "My brother remembers that the queen mother is above the court, and there are people..."

Who is the person who is secretly helping Qi Liuao? This is what Qi Liuyan needs to know, lest Qi Liuyan do something to offend others in the future and ruin Qi Liuao's reputation...

"The people my queen arranged for this king are people from my queen mother and have nothing to do with this king. This king wants you to win over the ministers in the court, and try your best to dig out the people from the third emperor's side. It won't work, if you use it hard, I don't believe it anymore, in the face of death, they will choose loyalty."

Qi Liuao narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, and there was a dangerous breath in his eyes...

Qi Liuyan was stunned by Qi Liuao's aura. He never thought that Qi Liuao would say such a thing. During the period of contact with Qi Liuao, it was Gu Qingge who acted on behalf of Qi Liuao and ordered Qi Liuyan does things, and Qi Liuao tells Qi Liuyan what is in his heart, which represents a kind of trust in Qi Liuyan...

Qi Liuyan does it with confidence and boldness, and Qi Liuao is behind everything.

"Don't worry, Brother Dahuang, I will do my best to help Brother Dahuang complete his great cause..." Qi Liuyan arched his hands and said respectfully, Qi Liuyan thought of Gu Qingge's matter again: "The matter of Dahuang's wife ..."

"I have my own plans for your eldest sister-in-law, so I don't need to worry about it..."

Qi Liuao's momentum was on the rise, and Qi Liuye finally realized that Qi Liuao was pretending in front of Qi Liuye before, and he was indifferent, and he didn't show his strength at all. As soon as it appeared, Qi Liuye fell into a stalemate.

Although Qi Liuye restored his image in front of Emperor Qi Liu, this image is not permanent...

One day, his true face will be revealed in front of Emperor Qi Liuye under the exposure of Qi Liuao. Qi Liuye must think of countermeasures for the following things, so as not to cause any trouble. Qi Liuye summoned several A confidant minister is discussing matters in the study.

Regarding Qi Liuao's change, the ministers agreed that it had something to do with Gu Qingge.

"Where did the great princess go? What does this... have to do with Princess Chuli?" Duanmu Yunpeng frowned, asking out the doubts in his heart with a dignified expression.

In response to Duanmu Yunpeng was a moment of silence...

This is a question that even they want to know. From the very beginning, Qi Liuye doubted the play that Qi Liuao and Chu Lishu jointly made. Liu Ye miscalculated, and didn't think carefully about what kind of person Gu Qingge is, and whether he used his disappearance to make a big fuss...

"No matter where the princess has gone, this matter has nothing to do with the third prince. The prince targets the third prince in everything, because he suspects that the third prince has attacked the princess..."

This is the only possibility, and it is what they can think of so far. Hearing the comments of the ministers, Qi Liuye just wants to sneer, a group of stupid things, the war between Qi Liuye and Qi Liuao is not the first day It's either that Qi Liuye is fighting for Qi Liuao, or that Qi Liuao is targeting Qi Liuye. It is impossible for them to live in peace...

"The king asked you to come here, not to let you discuss such insignificant issues..."

The biggest problem right now is to solve the difficult problem given by Qi Liuao.

There was a flood some time ago, and the relief time was handled by Qi Liuye. Among them, many officials in Qi Liuye's hands did things that people didn't see. Qi Liuao has all the handles for this matter. Last time, it was Qi Liuao who gave Qi Liuye a warning, this time, I am afraid that Qi Liuao is really going to make a move.

"Although the prince is in charge of disaster relief, he is not in charge. If the emperor inquires, the prince can shift the responsibility to the person in charge..."

This is to preserve Qi Liuye, sacrificing innocent people, it is not a perfect plan, but it is the best plan so far...

Duanmu Yunpeng was deeply dissatisfied with such an approach. If he did this, wouldn't Qi Liuye become an irresponsible person?In the future, how could Emperor Qiliu be able to safely hand over important matters to Qiliuye?
Once unable to work hard in front of Emperor Qiliu, Qiliuye will lose his value...

"There can be many people under the prince's command, and it is not impossible for some irrelevant people to be inserted among them."

Duanmu Yunpeng thought about it, and said meaningfully. Hearing this, the faces of all the people present changed. Qi Liuye narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Duanmu Yunpeng's expression, revealing deep meaning: "What do you mean?" yes……"

The marriage contract between Chu Lishu and Qi Liuye was a month later. Gu Qingge disappeared for half a month. Seeing that the wedding day of Chu Lishu and Qi Liuye was getting closer, the people sent by the Chuli Dynasty , was actually the original envoy, Chu Lishang, and Chu Lishang looked at Chu Lishu's eyes, full of complexity, and in only one month, Chu Lishu was able to do so many things...

Before Chu Lishang came here, he ordered someone to inquire about it. In front of the Emperor Qi Liu, the Empress and others, Chu Li Shu expressed his love for Qi Liuao. The object is to marry Qi Liuye who already has a princess and a side concubine. At first glance, Qi Liuye is a person full of ambitions. Chu Lishu's future path may be so easy...

When Chu Lishu saw Chu Lishang, tears almost fell down...

When Qi Liuye showed his true nature, Chu Lishu regretted his original decision, agreed to Huang Fei's request, lived in the Three Princes' Mansion, and had a marriage contract with Qi Liuye, and then, with the matter of Anxiang, Chu Lishu Li Shu agreed to Anxiang, and when Gu Qingge left, she was bound to help Qi Liuao to complete Qi Liuao's great cause.

Now, Chu Lishu has no choice at all...

She is in the Three Kings Mansion, so she is a member of the Three Kings Mansion. Chu Lishu has the final say on how things will develop.

(End of this chapter)

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