Chapter 476

The queen looked at Lord Shang Shu's eyes and became satisfied: "This matter is not up to me alone."

Lord Shangshu understands the empress' concern, and he vowed: "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry about these things, I will take care of you for your empress. As for the future emperor's choice, it depends on your empress..."

"Master Shangshu, you really understand the truth. Although Qin'er will not be able to enter the palace, but the future harem..."

The queen didn't say anything, she made it very clear...

Master Shang Shu knew what the queen wanted to express.

The empress is stepping down the steps for Lord Shangshu, facing the face given by the empress, Lord Shangshu will naturally accept it...

Master Shangshu lowered his eyes, and a hint of deep thought flashed in his eyes.

The empress controls the power, Huang Fei is just a concubine, and she has no rights at all in this harem, let alone, she is a concubine who is almost abolished?
Seeing Qi Liuye rushing in and out, Concubine Huang became anxious. When Qi Liuye came back, she grabbed Qi Liuye's hand and said, "Ye'er, how is the matter going?"

Qi Liuye didn't understand what progress Huang Fei was referring to, and he didn't want to understand: "Mother and concubine just stay here and live well."

If it wasn't for doing things on the scene, Qi Liuye wouldn't have come here...

Concubine Huang is a burden to Qi Liuye, and she has no help for Qi Liuye.

If Concubine Huang could be cautious in her words and deeds, Qi Liuye would not have fallen into such a situation...

Qi Liuye's defeat, Huang Fei has to bear a large part of the responsibility.

Concubine Huang was deeply dissatisfied when she heard Qi Liuye's words: "What are you talking about? You want Concubine Mother to stay here, what does Concubine Mother want to stay here?"

"The emperor has passed away, the concubine mother is going to the emperor's side, guarding the emperor..."

As soon as Concubine Huang finished speaking, she walked towards the door of the sleeping hall.

Qi Liuye intercepted Huang Fei: "Mother, what are you doing?"

"Do you think that if you cry a few times in front of your father, your father will see you? Will you wake up and issue an edict before leaving?"

"The matter is a foregone conclusion. The queen controls all the rights. If we make a mistake, we will fall into the queen's hands, and we will never recover..."

Qi Liuye's face was cold, every word hit Huang Fei's heart.

Why didn't Concubine Huang understand what Qi Liuye said?

The problem is, the only thing Huang Fei can do is this...

If Concubine Huang didn't do these things, what could she do?
Concubine Huang's face turned ugly, she grabbed Qi Liuye's hand, and said slightly tighter: "Ye'er, in the court, aren't there many courtiers who help you?"

That was once, not now...

What Concubine Huang can think of is when the scenery is beautiful, but what she can't think of is the scene when she is down.

Qi Liuye was disturbed by Huang Fei's words...

No one is more irritable than Qi Liuye. If we go according to the previous situation, Emperor Qi Liuye passed away, and Qi Liuye ascended the throne without any doubts. How can the first prince of the Qiliu Dynasty be more noble than Qi Liuyelai?

"You let those courtiers win over other courtiers, by the way, isn't there a prime minister?"

Thinking of Duanmu Yunpeng, Concubine Huang's eyes lit up, it was her last hope: "The prime minister will help us without us telling, Ye'er, you have to work hard, we must never let Qi Liuao get ahead of you... "

In terms of identity, in terms of status, Qi Liu is proud of Qi Liu Ye.

In terms of strength and connections, Qi Liuao silently stepped on Qi Liuye...

Concubine Huang's whimsy should be to a certain extent. What is she talking about now?

Does Qi Liuye have any courtiers to support him?

"What rights does the prime minister have in the court? Concubine mother, tell me..." Qi Liuye did not shatter Concubine Huang's dream.

This dream was fabricated by Concubine Huang, and Concubine Huang had to shatter this dream by herself...

What rights does Duanmu Yunpeng have in the court?
Concubine Huang was stunned by Qi Liuye's question...

She doesn't understand the affairs of the government, how could she know these things?

From Concubine Huang's point of view, if she can use one, she can use the other: "I don't care what rights he has, as long as he can help us..."

Qi Liuye sneered: "Mother and concubine don't even understand the situation. You may not understand what my son told you."

"The queen's ambition is greater than yours, and her power is also greater than yours. When you are doing these things, have you ever thought that the queen is doing the same thing? My son guessed that there are ordinary courtiers who are all given by the queen." We are drawn together, wait for an appropriate time to push Qi Liuao to the throne, when the time comes, there will be some for us to enjoy!"

"No...things like that can never happen..."

Concubine Huang was emotional, she let go of Qi Liuye's hand, and stepped back, she kept shaking her head...

She used to be the concubine Huang who was loved by thousands of people, and in the blink of an eye she became a concubine Huang, and in the blink of an eye again, she became a concubine who was neglected...

Concubine Huang waited patiently, waiting for the day when Qi Liuye ascended the throne. Unexpectedly, the time for Qi Liuye to be valued, like Concubine Huang, had a time limit.

Once the deadline is up, their existence is not needed...

"I want to be the empress dowager, absolutely don't be stepped on by the empress, let the empress fuck!"

Concubine Huang has such determination, and Qi Liuye is very pleased: "Concubine Mother, write down what you said, and listen to my son. You stay here obediently, and my son will settle the rest..."

Qi Liuye's eyes turned cold, and a chill emanated from his body.

If you don't make it to the last step, no one knows whose hands the final throne will fall into...

The queen is busy making connections with Qi Liuao, and Qi Liuao is busy investigating the murderer. Qi Liuyan is Qi Liuao's right-hand man. At this time, he should stay by Qi Liuao's side...

Seeing Qi Liuao's pensive and serious expression, Qi Liuyan sighed and said: "Brother Dahuang, the pressure is very great for my younger brother to come here."

Thinking of Concubine Xian's instructions, Qi Liuyan can't wait to go back to Concubine Xian's bedroom immediately...

Right now is the most sensitive time, if anyone wants to stop Qi Liuao from ascending the throne, the queen will not let anyone go...

Concubine Xian is not the queen's thorn in the side, and Qi Liuyan is not the target of Qi Liuao's dealing with him. He stands in the middle and is the one who suffers the most.

"Pressure?" Qi Liuao raised his eyes and glanced at Qi Liuyan, disapprovingly: "What pressure can you have?"

In Qi Liuao's eyes, how does he view Qi Liuyan?
It seems that Qi Liuao didn't realize the importance of the matter: "As long as the big brother finds out the murderer who murdered the father..."

Qi Liuyan approached Qi Liuao, and said in a low voice, he said half of what he said, but he didn't finish it.

Qi Liuao can understand the meaning of Qi Liuyan's words. After all, Qi Liuao has come to this point today...

(End of this chapter)

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