Chapter 504

It doesn't matter to Lu Qingge anymore, anyway, the situation, the situation cannot be changed by Lu Qingge.

See, what Lu Qingge said, life and death are nothing to Lu Qingge...

If Lu Qingge doesn't care, Qi Liuyan cares, he can't be as calm as Lu Qingge, he has to find a way to save himself, staying here is not the only way...

"Sister-in-law, I have offended you."

As soon as Qi Liuyan finished speaking, he dragged Lu Qingge away.

Unprepared, Lu Qingge was dragged away by Qi Liuyan. After running for a short distance, an assassin came after him...

Qi Liuyan took things from the stall and threw them at the assassin. Seeing Qi Liuyan's posture, Gu Qingge couldn't help admiring: "I see you are weak and weak, I didn't expect you to have such a side... "

What is Gu Qingge's description?
Qi Liuyan is not a woman, he is a man, and a man is manly.

"Sister-in-law, if you want to say that, I will be angry."

Qi Liuyan panted slightly, and complained dissatisfiedly to Lu Qingge.

Lu Qingge looked at Qi Liuyan with a smile in his eyes, but said nothing...

Qi Liuyan wanted to take Gu Qingge away again, and he had to clean up the group of people in front of him. He was really tired. Qi Liuyan suspected that it was a wrong choice for him to take Gu Qingge away...

There were three or two assassins who came in front of Qi Liuyan and blocked Qi Liuyan's way. They surrounded Qi Liuyan, but they didn't do anything to Qi Liuyan...

Looking at Lu Qingge, standing there, indifferent, Qi Liuyan was about to die of anxiety, he was not frightened by his own environment, but by Gu Qingge's environment: "Sister-in-law, if you don't run away, You're really going to suffer..."

The reminder of Qi Liuyan is not over yet.

Two or three assassins, armed with sharp swords, rushed towards Gu Qingge...

Lu Qingge narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the assassins, when the swords of the assassins were about to stab Gu Qingge.

A scream came from next to Gu Qingge's ear, and with a blink of an eye, the three or two assassins fell in front of Gu Qingge, curled up, and looked pained...

I can't see their faces clearly, but I can feel it from their eyes.

Lu Qingge has not yet seen clearly who is helping Lu Qingge, a figure stands in front of Lu Qingge with a strong aura...

The familiar smell, the familiar breath, Gu Qingge instantly understood that it was Qi Liuao, and it was beyond Lu Qingge's expectation that Qi Liuao would appear here.

Gu Qingge quietly stared at Qi Liuao's back, Qi Liuao exuded a cold aura...

It seemed that when Qi Liuao came out, the attacks of those assassins became weaker, and they didn't even have the intention to deal with Chang Jinglan and others.

Qi Liuao shouted coldly: "Kill all these people who don't know how to live or die!"

Qi Liuao gave the order, and what he gave was a murderous intent...

Chang Jinglan responded like the wind, blinked, and killed all the assassins.

When Qi Liuyan saw Qi Liuao coming, he breathed a sigh of relief. Qi Liuyan was hesitating whether to tell Qi Liuao what Gu Qingge said. Holding Lu Qingge's hand, he walked towards the palace without even giving Qi Liuyan a look.

Qi Liuyan was astonished, his existence in Qi Liuao's eyes was so low?

Qi Liuyan looked at himself up and down, but he didn't suffer any harm...

Compared to Lu Qingge, Qi Liuyan is really better.

Qi Liuyan sighed: "What should come, will always come..."

Lu Qingge didn't want to be dragged away by Qi Liuao, Qi Liuao took Gu Qingge for a short distance, and Gu Qingge began to break free from Qi Liuao's hand.

Lu Qingge's strength was great, Qi Liuao looked back, and only then saw the wound on Gu Qingge's face, Qi Liuao's face darkened and said: "What's going on?"

Qi Liuao stretched out his hand to touch Lu Qingge, but Gu Qingge slapped Qi Liuao's hand away calmly, not letting Qi Liuao touch it.

Lu Qingge is resisting Qi Liuao...

Qi Liuao could feel it deeply. He knew who arranged this assassination, but Qi Liuao had no choice but to explain it in front of Gu Qingge.

There is no need for Qi Liuao to explain, I believe that Gu Qingge has a bottom line in his heart: "My lord is very interested."

Lu Qingge chuckled, and put a certain distance away from Qi Liuao. After the distance was drawn, Lu Qingge looked at Qi Liuao's eyes and became contemptuous: "This scene is a proper benefit for you to perform."

"What do you mean?"

Qi Liuao frowned, with a look of dissatisfaction between his brows...

"What do I mean, the prince doesn't know?"

"Then what does the queen mean, the prince should know clearly, right?"

Qi Liuao couldn't be more clear about what the queen meant. To pull Gu Qingge away, Qi Liuao wanted to solve this matter...

Could it be that Lu Qingge didn't even want to give Qi Liuao any time?

"What I want to do, what I want to do, only I know, and no one can change my mind, stop my thoughts..."

Lu Qingge clapped his palms: "My lord said it lightly, but in fact, some people can block your thoughts and your actions..."

With one word from Lu Qingge, Qi Liuao fought back fiercely.

Hearing the words, Qi Liuao's expression turned ugly. Regardless of Lu Qingge's struggle to break free, he took Lu Qingge's hand and forcibly brought Lu Qingge to the palace.

Qi Liuao is in the palace, no one dares to stop him when he walks to that place...

Coming to Kunning Palace is like returning home. The maidservants saw Qi Liuao, and there was a hint of joy on their faces: "My lord, please wait here, the servants will go in and inform you..."

Where did Qi Liuao wait for the notification?

He ignored the existence of the maidservant, grabbed Lu Qingge and walked inside...

Qi Liuao kicked open the door of the Queen's bedroom. The rude Gu Qingge couldn't believe it, and suspected that he had read it wrong.

It's not wrong that the queen is Qi Liuao's biological mother, right?
Isn't it disrespectful for Qi Liuao to treat the queen like this?
Lu Qingge thought to himself in his heart, but didn't show it...

Come here now, let's see, Lu Qingge, what kind of play Qi Liuao is going to do for Lu Qingge to see.

The queen was sitting on the main seat, sipping tea, and was a little frightened when she heard the noise coming from the door. Just about to drink, she saw Qi Liuao walking in with Gu Qingge.

The queen restrained her anger, and said with a smile, "Ao'er is here?"

Qi Liuao didn't respond to the queen, and Lu Qingge didn't even look at the queen...

Respect or disrespect, in Lu Qingge's eyes, it's all floating clouds, there's nothing to say.

"Let's all go down..."

The queen drove away all the people in the hall, leaving only Gu Qingge, Qi Liuao, the queen, the queen slammed the table and said: "Murong Qingge, you are getting more and more unrestrained!"

The queen blamed Lu Qingge for the crime.

(End of this chapter)

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