Great Supreme

Chapter 14

Chapter 14
Chapter 14 I choose him
Just because of this, he will put himself to death, this handsome Yu is ruthless enough!

Xingyu was really unwilling.

"It's so difficult that he really dares to kill himself here?" Xingyu thought in his heart, he didn't dare to bet at all, seeing how fierce Yushuai's sword was, it seemed that he really dared to kill him.

Sun Dahai, who was watching the battle, had no intention of stopping it at all.

Seeing that the point of the sword was about to pierce Xingyu's chest, the students watching the battle couldn't help but exclaimed, and couldn't help feeling worried for Xingyu.

The sword, only one point away, had already pierced into Xingyu's clothes.

However, at this moment, things turned around suddenly. I saw Xingyu's body turned backwards in the air, and the sword stabbed by Yu Shuai was past Xingyu's chest, and his clothes were pulled away. Yu's life was finally saved.

Shuai Yu pierced the air with the sword in his hand, and while his body was rushing forward under the influence of inertia, he was a little stunned that Xingyu could dodge the sword. One side of his body avoided Yu Shuai's stabbing sword, and at the same time he stabbed the half of the sword in his hand towards Yu Shuai.

"Stop!" Sun Dahai's voice came immediately, with a hint of urgency in his voice.

"Stop?" Xingyu frowned. Sun Dahai's voice came at the right time. When he was about to die, he kept silent, but when he was about to hurt Yushuai, he stopped him with words. He——really 'Fair' ah.

A wave of anger rose in his heart, Xingyu didn't care about the consequences, if Shuai Yu wanted to kill him, even if he didn't really kill Shuai Yu, he would make Yu Shuai pay some price.

So the movement in his hand didn't stop at all, although the sword in his hand was half in length and had no tip, but the star pattern sword was so sharp, under Xingyu's force, it pierced into Yu Shuai's right shoulder.

Immediately, Yu Shuai let out a scream, Xingyu kicked Yu Shuai out without stopping, raised his foot, and pulled out half of the sword from Yu Shuai's right shoulder, dripping with blood.

"Xingyu, how dare you hurt me?" Yu Shuai lay on the ground with cold eyes, covering the wound with his hands.

Xingyu's eyes became colder, and he said fiercely: "You Shuai Yu has the intention of killing me just because your talent is not as good as mine, so how can I, Xingyu, not dare to hurt you?"

Speaking of Xingyu holding the sword, he walked towards Yushuai again, looking at Xingyu's murderous eyes, Yushuai couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of Xingyu.

"Xingyu, what are you doing, the old man told you to stop, didn't you hear?" Sun Dahai shouted angrily with his eyes wide open.

Xing Yu said: "Why should I stop? When Yu Shuai was about to kill me, why didn't Elder Sun let him stop?"

Sun Dahai snorted coldly and said, "Xingyu, do you dare to contradict this old man?"

"I'm telling the truth." Xingyu had no fear at all, the worst would be to be punished, or kicked out of Luoshu Academy.

"It's a good fact. I'll tell you what the truth is. Somebody, lock him up in the woodshed. No one can see him without my permission." Sun Dahai ordered in a cold voice.

"Slow down." Just as the two students were about to take Xingyu away, Ling Feng suddenly went up to the high platform.

Looking at Sun Dahai, Ling Feng said lightly: "Old Sun, it seems a little inappropriate for you to do this. Everyone saw the martial arts competition between Junior Xingyu and Yu Shuai just now. If you punish Xingyu Xue for this reason now Brother, it will inevitably make everyone feel dissatisfied and unfair, I think it's better to let it go like this, Yu Shuai's injury doesn't seem to be a serious problem."

"Ling Feng, are you threatening the old man?"

"It's just a case-by-case discussion. The fact is that Junior Xingyu is absolutely right. What do you think, Mr. Sun?"

The voices of the two were not very loud, only a few people on the stage could hear them. Although Sun Dahai was extremely angry at this time, he had to lower his voice.

Hearing Ling Feng's words, he said with hatred in his eyes: "Very good." Then he looked at Xingyu and said, "Xingyu, for the sake of Ling Feng's pleading for you, I won't hold you accountable today. If you commit another crime in the future, don’t blame the old man for being rude. But you don’t have to compete anymore, and the old man will disqualify you from the competition.”

Xingyu froze for a moment, then came back to his senses, glanced at Shuai Yu who was lying on the ground, and then at Sun Dahai.

Forget it, this kind of game is no better, there is no fairness at all.

In the end, he nodded his thanks to Ling Feng and walked down the high stage. The students watching from the audience naturally made way for Xingyu.

"Ling Feng, this Xingyu is really interesting, no wonder you help him." The woman who had talked to Ling Feng before stood beside Ling Feng and said again.

Ling Feng shook his head and said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to protect him a few times. His continuous actions have completely offended Sun Dahai. It's strange that Sun Dahai won't retaliate against him in the future with his character."

The woman said: "With you protecting him, how could something happen to him?"

Ling Feng said: "It's easy to hide from an open spear, but hard to defend from a hidden arrow. There are always times when I can't take care of it. But it's good, letting him suffer some setbacks will help his growth. Students like Xingyu A man of character is either strong in adversity or destroyed in adversity."
Today's incident made Xingyu suffocate, but all he can do now is endure.

He doesn't have the ability to protect himself now. When he was fighting with Yushuai before, if the last sword hadn't been for Long Ling's rescue at the critical moment, Xingyu knew that he would have died under Yushuai's sword.

Moreover, the Xingwen sword he used broke suddenly at the last moment, whether it was a coincidence or man-made, Xingyu naturally knew in his heart.

"Long Ling, thank you for saving my life. I will absorb the power of the stars that I have cultivated in the past few days for you." Xing Yu has always been a person who knows how to repay his kindness. Long Ling saved him, so he will naturally repay him.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Long Lingcai said: "It's good that you have this kind of intention. As for the power of the stars, I'll just absorb some of them normally. You can use the rest for your cultivation. It seems that you are here at Luoshu Academy. The situation is very difficult, and we must strengthen ourselves as soon as possible."

Xing Yu said: "Long Ling, why don't you think of me as my master, so that we can each absorb the power of the stars we need. But don't worry, I will definitely not look at your servant when the time comes."

"Xingyu, if you want me to recognize you as the master, you must meet my conditions. Your character is very suitable for me, otherwise I would not take the risk to save you today, but your strength is still far behind. Just work hard." Long Ling still didn't agree to Xingyu, and while disappointing Xingyu, he was also full of fighting spirit.

Although Long Ling still refused this time, it was obviously different from when it was in the Nanyang Mountains. It had already accepted itself somewhat.

Xingyu said: "I will definitely work hard to strengthen myself, but now I have offended Sun Dahai, do you think it is possible for me to enter the Luoshu Academy's Combat Skills Pavilion to choose combat skills?" This is what Xingyu is most worried about right now. The problem is that if you don't learn combat skills, no matter how high your cultivation is, it's useless!
"I don't have much hope." Long Ling said casually, then fell silent, Xingyu walked slowly towards Star Master Academy, when he was approaching the gate of Star Master Academy, Long Ling's voice suddenly came.

"With this dragon spirit, it doesn't matter if you don't learn the combat skills of Luoshu Academy."

"Long Ling, are you going to teach me combat skills?" Xingyu was extremely happy to hear Long Ling's voice that sounded like heaven.

"That's right. But it will take some time. The combat skills mastered by this Dragon Spirit are extremely powerful. If you learn it too early, it will affect your body. In this way, when your cultivation base reaches the third level of the Star Qi Realm, your physical strength will increase." After you have acquired a certain foundation, I will teach you. How about it? Of course, before that, you can still go to the Luoshu Academy’s War Skills Pavilion to try it out, and you may be able to choose a battle skill.”

"Okay." Xingyu agreed very happily.
When he came to the pavilion of Star Master Academy, Xingyu knocked on the door a few times, and after hearing the sound of entering, Xingyu pushed the door and entered.

At this time, there were no less than a hundred people inside, except for the star pattern master students, they were the star pattern master mentors of Luoshu Academy.

Xingyu passed through the crowd and soon found Mr. Li.

Xingyu greeted Mr. Li, and Mr. Li looked at Xingyu and said, "Is that Xingyu?"

Xingyu has the potential of a ninth-level star pattern master, so Mr. Li has a deep impression on Xingyu.

It's just that the way Xingyu looked at Mr. Li at this moment was obviously different from yesterday, and he couldn't say exactly what it was.

Xingyu asked: "Old Li, I wonder if the mentor I chose chose me?"

Xingyu chose a mentor named Yang Lin in the information. If Yang Lin chooses Xingyu again, then the two can become a mentor.

Mr. Li shook his head and said, "No."

Xingyu was completely stunned by Mr. Li's words. It is impossible for Yang Lin not to choose him. Since he has the potential of a ninth-level star pattern master, his mentor must be vying for him. How could Yang Lin not choose him? But think about it carefully , everyone's personality is different, maybe Yang Lin doesn't want to accept him.

So Xingyu said: "Old Li, I have to choose a mentor again, right?"

"It's like this under normal circumstances, but you don't have to." Elder Li seemed to be very helpless to say this.

"Why?" Xingyu couldn't figure it out at all, why could others do it but he couldn't?
Mr. Li remained silent, as if he didn't know how to answer Xingyu, then a voice came from the door at this moment, it turned out to be Yu Shuai's.

"Xingyu, do you want to know the reason? Well, let me tell you." Yu Shuai's wound has been treated, but there is still some blood on the clothes on his right shoulder. He looked at Xingyu coldly, with It was a bit of a joke, he said: "Because no matter how you choose, the instructors of Luoshu Academy will not choose you."

"Are you playing tricks behind your back?" Xingyu was a little annoyed.

"I don't have that ability yet." Yu Shuai twitched a smug smile, and said, "As for who it is, I think you can guess even if I don't tell you."

"It's Sun Dahai!" It seems that Sun Dahai has started to act. Indeed, with Sun Dahai's status in Luoshu Academy, it is not difficult for these mentors not to choose him.

Yu Shuai smugly smiled and said, "Even if you know, what can you do, the mentors of Luoshu Academy will still not choose you, and you, Xingyu, are a waste of potential nine-level star pattern master in the sky. Hahaha."

Hearing Yu Shuai's words, and looking at Xingyu's painful face, many star pattern masters and mentors had a look of pain on their faces. They all wanted to accept a disciple like Xingyu, but they had more energy than they wanted. They can't afford to offend that person.

"Xingyu, why don't you hurry up and get out of here? Even if you stay here for a year, no one will choose you." Shuai Yu didn't pay attention to Xingyu at all. It's comparable, but no matter how good the talent is, if the later training can't keep up, it will also become a useless person.

And the halo of that first-time genius ultimately belonged to him, Yu Shuai.

"Which bastard said that there is no one to choose Xingyu, isn't this old man a human being?"

Yu Shuai, who was in a state of complacency, heard this loud shout, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and was stunned in place. He couldn't imagine how anyone would dare to accept Xingyu.

(End of this chapter)

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