A delicate green plum dressed as a traitor

Chapter 304 Pull the hook to hang himself, not allowed to change for 1 year

Chapter 304 Pull the hook to hang himself, not allowed to change for 100 year

Ah Zhi doesn't go to the theater, Huanhuan loses all desire to go.

Two little people, one pink and one green, were lying on the bed, looking bored!
"Huanhuan, do you know where Longhu Mountain is? I don't think I've even seriously asked about it."

The soft voice is full of laziness, yearning for it~
As a native of the Daqing Dynasty, Huanhuan grew up, and his parents were quite prestigious in the Jianghu. A big faction like Longhushan must know something about it.

The first thing to become a chivalrous woman in the Jianghu is to first understand the various sects and sects.

"The lotus bowl bids farewell to Wan Fengyun, and Xiaochun is in front of Longhu Mountain. It is far away from the capital, with Bronze City to the north, Liangzhang Mountain to the east, and three peaks from east to west. If you don’t have someone to lead you into formation, you won’t be able to reach the top of the mountain.”

"The number of disciples in Longhu Mountain is not many, only more than 100. When a disciple came out from there before, when he came to visit my father, he mentioned that it is magical. On the top of the high mountain, a Big, big house."

Ye Zhi's eyes flashed the script of martial arts, surrounded by undulating mountains and clouds, surrounded by an ancient sect, as if entering a fairyland and a divine mansion: "Wow, is it so powerful?"

"Yes, it will take at least a month to get there from our capital."

a month?

She came up with an idea: "Then when will we pick up Xiaochen? We can wait for him at the foot of the mountain."

Huanhuan heard the seriousness in his friend's voice, and his lazy consciousness suddenly came to his senses. He sat up and asked again: "You mean, you are going to Longhu Mountain to pick up Xiaochen in four years? Just the two of us?"

Is it too dangerous for two little girls?

Ye Zhi looked determined, she didn't go to sleep, and sat up: "Yeah, after four years, our martial arts will definitely be good, and we can learn from the characters in the storybook to walk the rivers and lakes. We are two heroines, No, I'll think of a nickname then."

Huanhuan's dream is to be a heroine of the rivers and lakes, to be free and easy!

Finally found like-minded people.

The opportunity is never to be missed, and it will never come again. Ah Zhi finally asked her out, and the worries just now have been put to the wind, so she nodded and agreed immediately: "Okay, there is a formation on the mountain that can't go up, we can wait for him at the foot of the mountain. Next, we have to practice martial arts well, and we can also learn from masters in the future."

Ye Zhi's face was shining brightly: "Okay."

One person stretched out a little finger to pull the hook, and said in unison: "If the hook is hanged, it must not be changed for 100 years."

This action is a promise made by several friends!
This year, the two little girls are eight years old~
I don't know that I will shine in the rivers and lakes in the future...

There are always one or two winds in the world, filling my thousands of dreams.

Suddenly, a clear female voice came from Qingyiyuan, revealing a burst of joy: "Miss, miss, little..."

It's Mingyan...

After Ye Zhi started to practice her inner strength and sink her qi into her dantian, her ear strength also improved.

Hearing the footsteps of the visitor from far to near, the girl who was trotting was in a hurry!

Called Miss for a long time, but didn't say anything serious...

When someone came to the room and opened the door, Ye Zhi immediately asked him, "What's the matter? You called me for a long time, but you didn't say anything serious."

Standing by the gate, Ming Yan stood up straight with her slim body, her face was innocent, her eyes seemed to be filled with smoke and affection, she hesitated to speak.

The impulsiveness just now has passed, and all that is left is Ai Aiqiqi!
There are only four words that can make her like this, Master Zhichen...

(End of this chapter)

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