King's domineering fox pet

Chapter 328 Weird growth rate!

Chapter 328 Weird growth rate!

Chu Yang violently snatched the fruit back and took another bite.

"Little fox, this fruit is so delicious, even if it is really poisonous, I have to eat it until I am full!"

Baihu wanted to persuade her again, but the savage leader suddenly stuffed something into her arms.

She looked down and saw that it was none other than the fruit growing on this tree.

The leader of the savages had a smile on his face, while making gestures of eating towards her.

From the looks of it, it seems that he wants to invite her to eat!
Other savages also picked the fruit and sent them to Zhuang Chen, Suzaku and others.

They want her to eat. Could it be that this thing can be eaten? !
Baihu was puzzled, but he didn't bring it to his mouth immediately, but looked at Chuyang carefully.

The savage leader seemed to see her worry and doubt, and picked a fruit on his own.

He took a big bite, chewed exaggeratedly, and swallowed.

On the one hand, he shook at her the big gap he bit out on the fruit.

Seeing him eat it, Baihu brought the fruit to his lips.

Although surrounded by the fragrance of all the fruits, smelling the fruit still feels refreshing.

She carefully took out the dagger, peeled off the skin, and saw that the fruit was delicate in texture and full of juice, just looking at it, she immediately salivated.

Baihu took a small bite, only to find the sweet and sour taste, a bit like an apple, very refreshing.

When she turned her face to indicate to Zhuang Chen and others that they could eat, Chu Yang had already swallowed most of the fruit, casually spit out the seeds he bit into the ground, and continued to gnaw on the other half.

When everyone was eating the fruit, the seeds that fell on the ground were already undergoing great changes quietly.

Rooting, sprouting, first leaves...

Seeing a small tree grow taller by taking leaves little by little in front of his eyes, the fruit in Baihu's hand fell to the ground involuntarily.

"What's wrong?!"

Zhuang Chen dodged to her side worriedly.

Suzaku, who was nibbling on the fruit, sensed her thoughts and came over suspiciously.

Only Chuyang was still gnawing.

As for the savages, they looked familiar, and their expressions were very calm.

"Such a weird growth rate, could it be..."

Zhuang Chen glanced left and right at Baihu and Suzaku, and slowly uttered three words.

"Earth Spirit Orb?!"

(End of this chapter)

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