DNF's million counterattack

Chapter 290 The Price of Dreams

Chapter 290 The Price of Dreams (Special Chapter)

"Unlucky bear, you won." Zhang Xin suddenly chatted privately with Yu through QQ.

It was the time for Tianyu and the others to finish their dinner.

Before dinner, Tianyu told Erxiu and Xiaobai what happened today.

Sister Du quit the game, and the business alliance fell apart. This matter is just a commonplace thing in dnf, but for people in several districts in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, there is more or less a feeling of trembling.

"Did Sister Du just leave the game?" Er Xiu asked while eating.

"In the past few days, I have seen people from the Shangmeng shouting non-stop to receive the goods. I didn't expect the Shangmeng to be disbanded like this." Xiaobai said with emotion.

"Silly bear, didn't the poisonous sister mention to you when she left that she intends to hand over her downline to you?" Erxiu asked, remembering the details Tianyu said.

"Well, she gave me a few QQs, and she should have told them something, and some of them even took the initiative to find me."

"Have you received it?"

Tianyu shook his head, and replied: "I am now offline with Yu Keliang and the three of them, and Du Jie and the others are offline. I heard Du Jie said that it is a contract system."

Tianyu remembered the sporadic chat with Sister Du before, and also mentioned the system of the business alliance.

"Contract system?"

"Well, it is to organize the ID card, personal information, and team benefit division system into a contract form, and then let the offline sign."

"Does this have legal effect?" Xiaobai wondered after hearing Tianyu's rough words.

"It should be there." Tianyu scratched his head and replied inexplicably.

"It's a bit similar to the online literature system." Suddenly, Er Xiu said.

Tianyu and Xiaobai looked at Erxiu, waiting for the next sentence.

"The same is true for online articles, but those clauses are basically the overlord's contract, which can only be read and cannot be changed. Especially for newcomers, they can't wait to receive a short message from the signing website. When the contract is sent, they sign the contract without even reading it."

"There is a lot of oil and water, everyone squeezes their heads and drills in. It is normal to have such a contract? The business alliance model is also a blessing for gamers. As long as you are free, stand on the street and shout, what is the plan?" There are people who will help you with the strategy, and you only need to wait to get the share, so there will be fewer people who want to join?" Xiaobai laughed.

Tianyu and Erxiu shook their heads at the same time.

"You only saw the bright side of the business alliance. Last time, the defective product, the double-cloth jacket, just received the goods, and the offline was tossed enough, and the goods had to be dumped, and the organization's arrangements had to be obeyed. The offline was not easy to deal with." , It's all about energy." Tianyu explained.

"I think you have been tossing hard enough. Last time when you were in the double-cloth armor, the two of you spent a few nights tossing around. Fortunately, you made a lot of money." Xiao Bai sighed and shook his head.

"I wrote 30 words, and finally received a short message from the website. Although it is a very unknown small website, I am very happy." Although Erxiu said that he felt happy, Tianyu and Xiaobai both agreed. It could be seen that Er Xiu looked sullen.

"Erxiu, have you signed a contract for your novel?" Tianyu squinted and shouted.

"Well, only 30 characters can be signed."

"Then congratulations, will you become a writer in the future? Have you received a lot of royalties? Are you... going to leave our small team?" Tianyu became more and more excited as he talked, but when it came to the last question At that time, the tone of voice suddenly changed and dropped.

"A lot of manuscript fees? I'm thankful for the manuscript fees... Seriously, my income from writing 10 words is not as good as [-] minutes in the game, which also includes electricity bills!" Erxiu said with a little indignation .

"..." Tianyu and Xiaobai were silent at the same time, looked at each other, and then looked at Erxiu.

"The website standard is [-] words per day for [-] soft girls, and [-] words for [-] soft girls. If the standard is not met on a certain day within a month, then the full attendance manuscript fee for this month will be forfeited."

Xiaobai's eyes widened, and he shouted, "That's not right, I also read online articles, and I see that many authors' monthly income has broken into four figures."

"That's a great professional writer. How many such great gods are there in the Internet? They may have been writing for seven or eight years. This business is the same as business. Those who entered the industry early and persisted until now have basically become gods. But newcomers It's too difficult to get along, basically they use the website as a guarantee, and the manuscript fee is really pitiful." Erxiu shook his head and sighed.

"Then you now..." Tianyu looked at Er Xiu, and felt a trace of desolation blowing on Er Xiu's cheek.

"The average daily manuscript fee can't even support the electricity bill...because the full attendance of the website is too difficult to get, [-] words a day, think about it, when we were in school, an essay required [-] words, and [-] words was ten essays Composition. Ten essays! I’ll go for it, as if I’m writing elementary school essays and only use you, me, him, and her to make sentences...” Er Xiu said more and more excitedly, with regret and helplessness in his eyes.

"Listen to you, it's not easy to get along in this job..." Tianyu took a breath, and was really frightened when he thought of the amount of ten essays.

"Yeah, so I finish the game every day. If I'm lucky, I can earn [-] or [-] a day. Even if I code a day, it's only [-] cents..." Er Xiu said very miserable.

"It's still not right. I heard that some masters can write [-] words in an hour! According to your calculation, if someone writes for a few hours a day, at least a few thousand a month is guaranteed." Xiaobai looked at Erxiu suspiciously. .

"That's right, I've heard it mentioned in the industry, but that speed is probably impossible in my life. Of course, it's impossible for me, but it doesn't mean that others are impossible. But eight thousand words in an hour, are those words really typed?" ?” Er Xiu shook his head, a look of surprise and envy flashed in his eyes.

"Then you still insist on writing 30 words?"

"Silly bear, you forgot, this is my dream. It's not for anything else, it's just because I have a lot of stories in my mind, and if I don't write them out, I'm afraid I'll spoil myself." Er Xiu said with piercing eyes.

Tianyu was taken aback for a moment, remembering that they had already talked about it the first night they lived together with Er Xiu.And my current dream is what I said in a university in Zhejiang that day: "I really hope that everyone in this society can eat enough, wear warm clothes, and laugh happily; those who have done good deeds should be praised and praised, Bad people who commit corruption and break the law should be punished; there is no hatred between people, only the belief of holding hands to weather the storm.”

wrong!When did my fucking meow become so noble and great?My current goal is five years one million!Now there are more than three months to a year. I only got 5000 yuan after excluding Izumo's sponsorship, including Erxiu and Xiaobai.Ouch, what have I been doing these past few months...

Tianyu yelled in his heart.

"Dreams? Erxiu, don't be ridiculous, just the few of us, we may not be able to talk about dreams after a meal, how can we talk about dreams?" Hearing Erxiu's explanation, Xiaobai couldn't help laughing.

Erxiu frowned in displeasure, and was about to refute, but was preempted by Tianyu.

"Xiaobai, everyone has their own dreams, it's just that you forget your own. No one can easily laugh at a person's dreams, even if his dreams are out of reach, vulgar, or even idiotic. But, as long as he still Persistence is worthy of respect!"

As Tianyu said, he clenched his fist tightly with one hand, with a courageous expression of struggle.

Erxiu gave an approving look, while Xiaobai was more puzzled and less disdainful.

Neither of them would have guessed what Tianyu was thinking: "Yan Wangye, I'll show you the money!"

(Just arrived in Hami, it was dark at 9 o'clock, so I thought it was in the afternoon, everyone was already at night, so I finished coding... Now go to eat. PS: The content of this chapter is a bit special, the writing environment is a bit noisy, and the time It's tight too, but it's still finished. Let's talk about it.)
 Not long after arriving in Hami, the biological clock has collapsed. It has only been dark for an hour here, and it has only been dark for an hour! ...

(End of this chapter)

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