DNF's million counterattack

Chapter 722 Something Wrong With the Auction House

Chapter 722 Something Wrong With the Auction House

It took one day for Tianyu's downlines to buy 800 cash from Foil's studio at an average price of [-] a fate, almost buying all the liquid funds in the game into fate.

With a total of more than 170 billion funds, the amount of destiny purchased varies with the size of the district.

Afterwards, Tianyu asked the downlines to go to the big area they were assigned to list the fate of the hero.

the next day.

"Weak chicken, how many brothers are there in the group?" Feng Luanwu held a sparkling cigarette butt between his right fingers, and there were still a few smoking cigarette butts left in the ashtray made of soda cans on the table.

"There are about 70 left..." Weak Chicken typed back.

Kuangfeng Luanwu looked at the reply, crushed the cigarette butt in his hand into the can, and typed back: "Clean up the inventory of some ghost areas, and abandon those areas."


The situation of the Flurry team is different from Tianyu's. Although the battle line is also very long and spreads all over the regions, the Flurry team is not as careless as Tianyu, and it is planned to go offline for the regions.In addition, as far as management is concerned, Tianyu's side is united as one, and Luanwu's side is just a mercenary stinky congeniality. Once encountering a big storm, they will collapse on their own.

This is the case now.

Therefore, at the moment, we can only reintegrate, abandon some ghost areas with low profits, and concentrate "forces" in oil and water gathering places.

Just as Kuangfengluanwu finished chatting with Ruoji, his QQ rang a message notification.

"Do you want to deal with the unlucky bear?"

Luan Wu looked at the message sent by the judge, and immediately became interested, and replied: "What are your plans?"

"Yes, there are no more than three people who know it including you, so if you want to do this, you have to promise me to keep it a secret." The judge replied furtively.

"Secret?" Luan Wu frowned, thinking that this word should be difficult, immediately thought of a question, and typed back, "Can't you tell me even when you're offline?"

"Right, no one can tell!"


"If you want revenge, this method should help you. Although you won't earn any real benefits, it can affect the income of the unlucky bear."

Seeing what the judge said, Luan Wu weighed it up. Although he didn't know what the judge wanted him to do, judging from these few words, he would definitely have to pay for it.

"Is it difficult?" Luan Wu typed.

"It's not difficult to be difficult, but you must be tired if you are busy with more than 100 districts alone."

"I have considered this point. As long as I can avenge the last time, I will do my best."

"Okay, then I'll tell you the method, but before I tell you, show me the list of characters you've sorted out for each region of the unlucky bear." The judge typed.

The lists mentioned by the judge are, of course, the list of inventory characters in each region of the unlucky bear. Don't be curious about how Luanwu got it, how Tianyu and the others got the list of Kuangfeng Luanwu's offline ids, and how Luanwu got Tianyu's inventory number list.

After all, the price reduction last time was too blatant, and Luan Wu is not a fool. Naturally, the offline will record the IDs of the opponents who lowered the price in each area.

Flurry sent the list he had compiled to the judge.

"That's right, it's basically recorded, so I'll tell you how to deal with the unlucky bear now."

"Go ahead."

"You should first search for the material of 'The Fate of a Hero' in your own area, and see if there is an account from the unlucky bear on the shelves."

Following the judge's instructions, Luan Wu began to search for this material in the auction house, and then searched page by page. Facing the id form that she had calculated, she really found the character of the Zhejiang District [-] Unlucky Bear's inventory account.


"Okay, let me tell you how to do it. After you learn it, you can launch a counterattack in the whole area."

Then, the judge sent a text to Luan Wu. After reading it carefully, Luan Wu clicked on the auction house to try it out.

"Successful!" Luan Wu surprised and sent a sentence to the judge.

"of course."

"But how did you know this trick?"

"The unlucky bear has insiders, why don't I have one?"

Luan Wu looked at the judge's reply, was a little startled, and continued to type: "Then when the group asked about it, why did you..."

"I'm stupid! Why should I confess the rich man whom I have so hard to curry favor with for everyone to order?"


"However, mine is just a member of the test team, and there are no business opportunities to provide. At most, I am looking for bugs."

"Then I did it alone?" Luan Wu frowned and typed back.

"Do you still want me to go with you?" the judge typed with a wry smile.

"...and lend me this knife to work for you."

"Who made you hold a grudge against the unlucky bear? Anyway, he sells his fate, so it doesn't have a great impact on me. After all, there are so many sellers in the auction house. If he doesn't lower the price, someone will lower the price with me."

"Okay, I'll come to each district one by one."

"Don't let the fourth person know about this method! As long as this bug is not harmonious, he will suffer from bad luck in the future."


"More importantly, you can only deal with unlucky bears! Otherwise, if this bug arouses public outrage, it will definitely be harmed with lightning speed."

"it is good."

Immediately, Luan Wu closed the chat window with the judge, looked at the account list ids of more than 100 regions, sighed, and said to herself: "The offline people received emails before, this time it's my turn to click the auction house Point to throw up..."


On August 8th, the daily maintenance and bugs of card consumables were harmonized.

"Damn it! The materials for the deputy job just rotted in his hands, and the price now is the same as what he received at the beginning." After the offline notification card consumables bug was broken and Harmony, Luan Wu yelled angrily at the computer.

"Fortunately, I have found a way to deal with you, bad luck~ bear~." When he said these words, Fengluanwu had a wicked smile on his face.

Then he started taking turns to register, and registered all the numbers in his major districts.It took almost his entire day.

"Damn it! Unlucky bear, you would never have guessed that someone did this trick without anyone noticing it!"

The excited Kuangfeng Luanwu was really a little crazy at the moment, he almost looked up to the night sky and laughed.


It's September 8st.

"Brother Xiong, why do I feel that something is wrong with the auction house?" All kinds of troubles suddenly bubbled up and typed in the offline group.

"Something's wrong? What happened?"

"'The Fate of Heroes' isn't selling very well."

 As soon as it arrives, some Calvin-0-~
(End of this chapter)

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