Chapter 837

In this world, you only need to meet up to six people to meet anyone in the world.This is the theory of six degrees of space.

But when Naughty got to know Unlucky Bear, he only got through to one person. This person was the former leader of the Business League in Zhejiang District [-], known as "Poison Sister"——Drug to the World.

"Unexpectedly, you still remember her." Naughty said with a gratified arc of mouth, typing.

"Have you heard from her?"

Although it has been almost three years since she lost contact with Sister Du, and she has never even met her face to face, Tianyu has never forgotten the kindness Sister Du has shown her.

"No, it is said that I went to Canada to study and wanted to live a new life, so I changed all the contact information... For a girl who can be so 'unfeeling' to this extent, something must have stimulated her." Naughty typing back.

"Back then, there were quite a few members of the business alliance in the Zhejiang District who betrayed the poisonous sister, so she might have lost interest in this game, so let her cool down." Tianyu recalled the scene back then, and continued to type and asked: "Yes Now, how did you and Sister Poison meet?"

"I have some business contacts with her dad. Once I came to WZ City to attend a business party, and her dad actually brought her to attend while she was still in college. So I was very curious about this girl, and approached her privately to chat. We chatted. Coincidentally, she also played dnf, and was still a businessman in dnf. At that time, dnf was just open beta. I share the same interests with her, so it is not difficult to add a QQ. Later, I pulled her into the group until one day she said she was tired and was going to go abroad to stop playing this game."

"So that's how it is..."

"When she chatted with me privately on QQ, she talked about you several times, saying that you are different, not only in business, but more importantly in character. So I built a small account in the first district of Zhejiang, and saw Your account. But at that time, your character had no bright spots except for a level 15 SS Taidao, and you didn’t even have an inheritance set, so I was quite disappointed.”

"What then?"

"But the poisonous world said that they are optimistic about you, and I don't have any good candidates, so let's just let it go. If you can rise strongly one day, then it's not too late for me to consider you. However, when I came to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to do projects, I met a kid, who do you think that person is?"

"How could I have guessed it?" Tianyu replied directly without thinking.

The intersection between Naughty and myself was only known by Sister Du in the early years. Could it be that at that time, I still knew naughty friends?
"That kid is 'Storm Dance'."

"...It turned out to be him."

"Guess what he was doing at that time."

"Guess again..." Tianyu muttered in his heart, typed and guessed: "Seeing that you said he was a kid just now, he is probably not very old, he should be studying."

"Stupid, if you read such a boring answer, I'll let you guess what. He was moving bricks on the construction site of the project I invested in at that time."

"Moving... bricks..." Tianyu was a little ashamed, chewing these two words in his mouth, it seemed a bit uncomfortable.

"But he was different from those migrant workers. It was noon at that time, and they rested after eating. Most of them were lying in the shade for an afternoon nap, and some were playing cards. He was the only one sitting in a corner with a cup in his hand. I'm writing a book and reading it."

"..." Tianyu replied with a series of ellipses, a little surprised.

"I walked over, talked to him, and had the following conversation."


"Little brother, what book are you reading?" Naughty looked at his back against the concrete wall. His clothes and trousers were covered with dust and mud marks, but his face was very clean, with a few beads of sweat hanging on his forehead. He sat on the ground and concentrated on reading. Young guy writing a book.

The guy replied without looking up: ""Human Resource Development and Management"."

Naughty frowned, looked at the boy carefully, and asked with a smile: "Do you think reading this book is useful?"

"It will come in handy sooner or later."

"At your age, you should be going to college, right?"

The boy raised his head impatiently, looked at Naughty, and saw that he was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and there was a beautiful woman in professional attire standing behind him, scratched his head, and replied with some embarrassment: "The family has no money, so I have to study by myself. But if you have the heart, where can you not learn?"

"It's not that you graduated from college, and without a diploma, many companies won't 'pay you'?" Naughty squatted down, making the height of the two of them stalemate, and asked with great interest.

"After I learn it, I will definitely be better than some people with diplomas!" The young man has good eyesight, and he can see that Naughty should be a respectable person. He immediately strengthened his confidence and replied seriously and affirmatively.

"Then do you think the diploma is more important, or ability is more important?"

"Diploma determines whether you can get a job, and ability determines whether you will be laid off."

"Secretary Wang." Naughty got up and said to the woman behind him.

"President Ju." Secretary Wang stepped forward and replied softly.

"Is there any lack of management in our company?"

"For the time being... there is no shortage." Secretary Wang adjusted his glasses to calm his emotions.

My own boss has a naughty and unique thinking, which is well known to Secretary Wang as a secretary, but it is the first time that such a thing has happened to a brick mover from the construction site to return to be a supervisor.

Even though Secretary Wang had seen Sikong's mischievous tricks before, he was taken by surprise this time.

"Then buy him a computer."

"..." Secretary Wang.

"..." Young man.

"You live in a dormitory now?" Naughty squatted down again and asked with a smile.

The young man was so shocked that he still hadn't recovered. He nodded hastily when he was asked such a naughty question.

"Secretary Wang, find him a rented house nearby. It must have a [-]M internet speed."

"..." The young man looked blank.

Secretary Wang wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied, "Understood."

"Boy, what's your name?"

"Dancing wildly."

"Well, I've made a note. In the afternoon, you and the foreman take a leave of absence. I'll show you a way to make money." Naughty said solemnly.

Zhang Kuangwu's eyes shined brightly, today can be regarded as meeting a nobleman.

So, in the afternoon, Zhang Kuangwu asked the foreman for half a day's leave, planning to follow Naughty to make a fortune.

The three came to a teahouse.

"Secretary Wang, go out and look for a rental house first." Naughty said to Secretary Wang.

Secretary Wang naturally understood the meaning of the naughty words. Finding a rented house was just a phone call away. Obviously the boss wanted him to leave here.

After Secretary Wang went out, Zhang Kuangwu immediately made tea for Naughty with rough hands.

Apparently he didn't know much about tea ceremony, he just learned how to fill the cup casually in the restaurant.

"Want to come to work in my company?"

"Your company is..."

"In a listed company in Shanghai, the salary of grassroots employees starts at about [-] a month. If it's a supervisor, it depends on the ability." Said with a mischievous smile.

 one more~
(End of this chapter)

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