Chapter 883 Crisis
After the position was changed, Izumo's floating corpse fell down, just in time to be hit by the opponent's hand cannon, and floated slightly in the air again, and then Luo regretted throwing out the Gatling machine gun, and swept Izumo's male street fighter into the air until the wine on the far right above the bucket position.

At the same time as the floating corpse of the male street fighter was falling, Luo regrettably ran over, kicked the male street fighter up again with a back kick, then flattened X twice, and released a cannon, the floating corpse floated backwards, and then kicked back, Kick the male Street Fighter back to the edge, then continue to level X twice, and receive a floating bullet.

At this time, the floating corpse of Izumo Nan Street Fighter has a tendency to accelerate its descent, but the floating height of the full-level floating bomb is not low, so there is still some time before it falls to the ground.

At the same time, Luo regretted a sliding shovel backwards, opened the distance from the male street fighter, and directly used the 45-skill compressed shell. The moment the Izumo male street fighter landed, he released the compressed shell that had not yet fully charged.

There were no misses, and he accurately hit the male street fighter, hitting his blood volume until it was as wide as the fingernail of his little finger.

It was a bit of a fluke for Izumo that he didn't take one set away.

But the situation was not optimistic, and the female big gun clapped her hands again at this time, obviously throwing a quantum bomb.

Izumo's male street fighter had just stood up at this time, and was in the corner above the wine barrel. It was still unknown where the quantum bomb fell.

But he had no choice but to use a spiral sliding shovel in order to break through.

As a result, the quantum bomb landed on the left exit of the wine barrel, and Luo regretted that at this time, he aimed an anti-tank gun at the street bully Izumo.

The breakout was unsuccessful, and the strong man was gone forever.

In the first game, the result has already come out, it was a pity that Daqiang Luo won.

"This opponent is really strong!" Izumo sighed inwardly.

The second round has already started, and the map is a snow mountain.

Time countdown 3, 2, 1.

"If I still lose this one, then I will be eliminated..." Izumo muttered in his heart.

In this kind of game, everyone is under pressure, and the current situation, the pressure on Izumo is naturally greater, two wins in three games, the opponent has already won one game, if he still loses this game, he will miss the TGA game up.

The map of Snow Mountain is more beneficial to big guns, because the Y-axis field is not too big, but the X-axis field is very large, suitable for long-range straight-line attacks.

At the beginning of the second round, the male Street Fighter still rushed forward, but this time he did not use Shunpo, but simply rushed forward.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the game, Luo used the cannon forward.

Because he saw Izumo's male street fighter move down from the beginning, it was impossible for his anti-tank gun to hit the opponent in the first place.

Izumo seemed to have predicted that Luo would use the cannon, but at the moment the shell flew, he kicked it back and used the skill super body to push the cannon down.

Luo regretfully frowned, and then the flying cannon flew towards Izumo's original position.

At this time, Izumo chased to the left again.

Luo regretted that after falling, he shot in the air, jumped again, and fled to the right again.

There is no way, the opponent used continuous shooting in the air, the distance of the flying cannon is relatively far, even if Izumo's male street fighter uses Shunpo, he can't catch up.

All of a sudden, the two characters are divided into two screens.

"Hey." Izumo sighed, got on Yuexiang, and jumped forward.

He was afraid that Luo, who had already used up his potential explosion, had already found the right position at this time, and stood in a straight line with him. It would not be worthwhile if he was hit by the opponent's hidden gun.

This time Luo regrettably used the thin fire skill, which was constantly moving down.

Izumo's male Street Fighter sat down on the thin fire after Yuexiang took off and fell.

Fortunately, because of the whereabouts, he didn't get hit a few times, and his blood consumption was relatively small.

At this time, Izumo had only acquired the brick-throwing skill, so even if he advanced rashly, it would be difficult to launch a favorable offensive.

Since Izumo was hiding at the bottom edge of the screen, he had already entered Luo Xi's field of vision.

When Izumo just got up, Luo unfortunately fired another cannon from the side.

He should have calculated the Y-axis attack range, and he can indeed hit Izumo.

However, Izumo's reaction speed was not slow, and he immediately used the next C skill.

This skill is the exclusive skill of fighters - squatting.

Squatting can avoid many mid-level skills, such as the white-handed sword drawing, the raptor, the roaming active counterattack, the fighter's whirlwind kick, and so on.

Izumo dodged the cannon, got up and took the poisonous needle, and then threw a reinforced poisonous needle forward.

The four poisonous needles were scattered, and two of them hit the totem poles in the snow mountain.

"This guy hides in such a good position... The cannon attacks in a straight line on the X axis, while the poisonous needle attacks in a diagonal line on the Y axis. This angle spreads out and is just blocked by the pillar." Izumo analyzed in his heart.

It's a pity that Luo used rough fire at this time to prevent Izumo from jumping directly with the Diamond Crusher.

This time, Izumo didn't rashly use Diamond Broken, but used the poison bottle skill, and then used the throwing enhancement to throw the enhanced poison bottle.

The poison bottle was thrown into the air, and the venom spread all over the ground in a slightly larger area, hitting Luo Xi who was still spouting rough fire.

Izumo took the opportunity to run up, and when he was in a straight line with Luo Xi, he threw a brick.

At the same time, Luo unfortunately recovered from the stiff state of the poison bottle, and fired an anti-tank gun forward.

Both were hit again, but the Izumo male street fighter took several steps backwards because of being hit by an anti-tank gun. The two people who were already in the same screen were once again separated by the screen.

Izumo knew that this was an opportunity. Although he was kicked out of the screen by his opponent, he was standing at this time, so when he regained his senses, he immediately controlled the male Street Fighter and ran forward.

It's a pity that Luo has already solved the dizziness at this time, and he can probably guess that Izumo will run towards him, and he is hesitating what skill to use.

"Let's take a gamble!" Luo regrettably said in his heart as if he had thought of something.

Izumo just ran a few steps, followed by a Shunpo, and once again stayed in the same screen with Luo Xi.

It was at this time that Luo regretted that he had finished recovering from the dizziness, and made a judgment in his heart.

Izumo is also very decisive at this moment, because Brick has already thrown the CD at this time, so the only skill that can be used is the poisonous needle.

If the opponent is hit by the poisonous needle, it will cause the opponent to enter a longer period of stiffness. At this time, it is the best time to make a move.

The poisonous needles flew out, a total of four shots, but it is a pity that only two of them could hit Luo.

But two is enough!

Just when Izumo saw that Luo Xi was about to be attacked, Luo Xi made another attacking action.

"My God! Is this guy conscious this time, or is it pure luck?!" Izumo exclaimed in his heart.

Although Luo regrettably got two poisonous needles, he didn't go into stiffness.

The attacking posture that Luo regrettably assumed just now was a cannon.

The cannon is in a domineering state during the process of taking the gun and throwing the shell.

Although the dominance time is not very long, but if you control it well, you can compete with the opponent's Z skill.

Taking advantage of this short period of dominance, he survived the moment when he was hit by the poisonous needle, causing the stiffness to disappear.

On the other side, the cannon also hit the male street bully who had just finished throwing the needle and was still in a throwing posture.

This time the cannon passed through Izumo's body and exploded right in his back.

The explosion at this angle caused the Izumo male street bully to fly forward. Of course Luo, who could move freely, would not let go of this opportunity. He decisively ran over to BBQ and kicked up the male street bully who was about to land.

Then there was a floating bomb, and the male street fighter was hit again. After that, he put on the floating shovel, flicked the heavy fire, and then the floating shovel slid over, instantly shoveling the male street fighter who continued to fall.

Then back kick, flat X twice, make up a cannon, the floating corpse of the male street fighter flew back upside down again, continue to back kick, flat X, catch the floating bomb, run over by himself, flat X twice, then throw the thick Fire, then shake the fire, and then run over.

At this time, the floating corpse of the male street fighter is about to fall to the ground, and Luo regrets that the BBQ has finished cooling down, so he decisively kicks the male street fighter up again, and then directly uses the Gatling gun to send the Izumo male street fighter to the upper left of the screen. Fang, flew out of the sky.

Izumo's male Street Fighter had already lost a quarter of his HP. At this moment, his body was already falling in the air at an accelerated rate, apparently entering a state of protection.

However, due to the high enough height, Izumo's male street fighter did not land immediately.

In the process of falling, Luo regretted to assume an attacking posture again, which was a charged laser cannon.

Watch id fall from the sky, release, hit.

Izumo's blood volume suddenly remained at two-thirds.

"..." Izumo was speechless.

The positions of the two were separated again, and Luo Xi's potential burst could be used again, and the id disappeared from Izumo's display immediately.

There was no other way, so Izumo had no choice but to show an S-shaped running position and rushed forward.

The guerrilla war started again, and Izumo finally stayed on the same screen with Luo after being shot a few times.

Izumo was a little impatient at this time, probably because he was under too much pressure. Seeing that Luo was hiding in the upper right corner, after leaning sideways, he directly used the 45 skill Scarlet Storm.

But Luo unfortunately escaped with a flying cannon.

And the Scarlet Storm cannot be canceled directly, so Izumo's male street fighter has become a living target.

Luo regrettably shouted "Ma Ma" to the male street fighter who was still spinning, it was a quantum bomb, and at the same time gave Yun Lai an anti-tank gun.

The two skills hit Izumo, and Izumo was blown to the ground by a quantum bomb as soon as he finished his turn.

At this moment, Luo unfortunately moved down a little bit, and used the crude fire skill to sweep the floor of Izumo.

Izumo used his crouch skill again, dodged the rough fire, and threw the brick in an instant.

The current situation is similar to the last game, but unfortunately Luo also used the cannon.

But the result was different from the previous game. The cannon hit Izumo's male street fighter, but Brick missed Luo.

Because the cannon is judged by the Y axis, and the brick only has the X axis attack.

 The second watch is here~ Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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