DNF's million counterattack

Chapter 939 Declaring War

Chapter 939 Declaring War
In the evening, the nine of them were crazy enough, so they fell asleep. Of course, they were divided into two groups. After all, men and women are different.

The next day, January 2013, 1, a new year and a new day.

Izumo took Xiao Ye and Ruo Ling back, because they had to fly back to the imperial capital tomorrow.

Murong Xue and Tian Yu said their farewells, at least they got together again, and then went home alone, because today is New Year's Day, the company does not have to go to work.

Bones carried Tianyu and Erxiu back to Chenguang District, and shops and supermarkets still had to be opened up on New Year's Day.

"Are you dozing off?"

The two entered the door of their own house, and Tianyu asked the second one.

Erxiu shook his head and said, "Although we sang Night Cat last night, everyone went to bed early."

"Me too."

"Then let's go online and see the market."

Tianyu nodded, and the two went back to their rooms.

Before, the Tianyu team had an average of about 28 billion liquidity in each district's inventory account.

With the generation of the receipt, the downlines acted according to the order, and have gradually turned all the funds in their hands into inventory.

Erxiu made some statistics. Up to now, about 18 billion funds have been reinvested in each district, which has been turned into inventory.

As for the inventory, the situation in each district is different and very complicated.

Because there are many types of goods received, the quantity of many materials is very large, and the statistics are relatively cumbersome.

"If the statistics are troublesome, let's make a rough calculation. Anyway, when the goods are sold in the future, the game funds will be clear at a glance." Tianyu typed in the management group.

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to go."

"At present, there is an average of one billion funds in circulation in each district. Try to let the downlines pay close attention to receiving the goods."

"More and more people in the game are receiving goods, and I'm afraid the pressure of competition from offline players is also very high." Erxiu explained by typing.

"If the pressure of competition is high, the stipulated receipt amount can be appropriately relaxed."


After the two discussed, Erxiu began to convey Tianyu's meaning in the offline group.

Since the news that the 80 version will come soon has spread all over the city, so in the game, many players who don't usually do business or don't know how to do business will follow some game friends to stock up on something.

Because this revision is too big, it is somewhat comparable to when the 60 version was changed to the 70 version.

Back then, there were countless business opportunities from 60 to 70, but not many people could find them.

But the situation is different now. Compared with the previous years, there are very few new players in this period, and the vast majority of players can be regarded as old players.

Playing a game for more than four years, just like Tianyu back then, even if he didn’t have business acumen, he would still follow some “well-informed” people to stockpile things, so as to make a profit when the version was revised.

The more familiar you are with the game, the easier it is to do business in the game.

That's the case, with many merchants and few buyers, can this business be done easily?

To put it bluntly, there are many things that do not actually have real buyers, but are just a constant circulation among merchants.

Of course, since it is a major revision, there are business opportunities everywhere, and there are naturally business opportunities that can make a lot of money.

Those who can seize these business opportunities will get the most delicious cake in this revision.


"The price of the right slot has increased, and the price of pink jewelry at level 55 has also increased. It seems that the reaction speed of amateur merchants is really fast enough." Ghost God Boy and Xiaowen chatted through typing.

"Small colorless crystals, small golden crystals, all kinds of challenge books, and the price of Eagle Eye potion have also increased." Xiaowen replied by typing.

"The price increase of these materials is inevitable, and the power of 'civilians' is still driving it. It's just that the merchants took the lead. As for the equipment I just mentioned, it must be combined with future revision trends and analyzed by yourself. Get a price increase."

"People who can speculate on equipment are at least merchants, and most of them are merchants." The boy typed.

"Then do we need to intervene?"

"The main reason is that the principal of these equipment is relatively low, so we can't catch our eyes. However, if the quantity is large, it will be different. It's a pity that the current quantity in circulation outside has been reduced by half compared to the previous one. And The current price is several million more expensive than the previous price.”

"Then shall we continue to collect materials?"

"Materials are the safest, but profits are also the deadliest." The boy typed.


"If you find top-quality out-of-print jewelry in the area, come down in seconds." The boy typed.

Xiaowen saw this sentence and immediately understood.

The "extreme quality" that the boy refers to is that the scarlet letter is enchanted with a good orb, or the badge has double 25 attributes or something.

In short, these equipment, even when they are not out of print, the price has to be traded with nine-figure game currency.

"By the way, boy, it seems that not many people have noticed the double attack left slot at level 65." Xiaowen typed suddenly.

"Whether the price of the left slot at level 65 will increase depends on whether the new version will have a higher-level double-attack left slot. However, judging from the Korean server, there seems to be no double-attack left slot at level 70 and 75. .” The boy replied.

"That should raise the price?"

"It is said that the left and right slots at level 65 will not be out of print, but the output is there, and the price may have to increase. After all, even if you get to level 80, for the percentage occupations, there is still no left slot that can replace the left slot at level 65. Appear."

"Then I can rest assured."

"This is up to you."


"The price of the 65-level left slot in Shandong District [-] is unusual and has remained high, including unpopular professions."

After a while, Xiaowen suddenly sent another message to the boy.

"Shandong District [-]?" The boy was puzzled, because his and Xiaowen's jurisdictions were a dozen or so districts in Guangdong. What does it have to do with Shandong District [-]?

"My friend just asked me if there was any business opportunity for revision, and I told him my guess, and then he checked the auction house, and found that the price in the left slot did not drop much compared to the previous one, but it even increased. "Xiaowen explained by typing.

"Maybe other businessmen in Shandong District [-] took the first step."

"Does this prove that someone has the same idea as me, and there is still room for the price of the left slot to appreciate in the future?"

"Perhaps." The boy said uncertainly.


"In addition to those materials that will increase in price after the revision, the left slot at level 65 should also increase, because the Hanbok does not have a double attack left slot at level 70 and 75." The judge looked at about half a page of double attack left slots in his warehouse. Groove, chuckled softly.

At this moment, a series of messages sounded on his QQ.

"Happy New Year, Judge." This is the message Khan sent to Judge.

"Let's have fun together." The judge immediately replied simply.

"If you want me to be happy, accept my challenge."

This sentence, although the judge did not expect it, but the judge who had raised his eyebrows slightly before now stretched his brows.

 one more~
  To be honest, I'm really sleepy today...but it's only past 10 o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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