DNF's million counterattack

Chapter 975 A post at the time of sensation 1

Chapter 975 A sensational post
"Stealing is good, it can narrow the gap between the rich and the poor among the people! It's really a big hit." Galen's classmate said in typing.

"Haha~ I really want to see Nabi's expression after being ransacked." Galen typed back.

"By the way, Jiuyang, how do you plan to escape?" the classmate asked.

"Anyway, my information in that group of unlucky bear merchants is fake, and they can't find me, and that QQ is my game QQ, at worst, I don't want it, what does it matter." Galen typed indifferently. .

"Then how much money did you get this time?"

"Two accounts, after doing some calculations, there are almost 3 yuan in exchange, but most of them have not been cashed out yet, so there is only [-] yuan in hand at present."

"I'm a ****! One thousand is still less? Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and treat me to a meal." Galen's classmate said while typing.

"What you're talking about is nonsense. Treating guests is for sure."

The above is the content of the chat between Galen and Galen’s classmates, but Galen’s QQ account and nickname are mosaic.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, after the human flesh is over, let alone QQ, even the account number of the BBS forum can be found for you.

"Brother Xiong, I plan to let my friend create some public opinion and put pressure on that grandson." Ruo Weihao typed.


"If the police deal with it directly, it would be too cheap for him. After all, it is difficult to get back my epic equipment... It may not be easy to be happy, and it is difficult to solve the hatred in my heart."

"...Uh." Tianyu naturally understands my feeling of pride.

"So, I plan to make this matter a big deal, and sound a wake-up call to the players, reminding everyone not to trust the people they know in the virtual world too much. By the way, I want to use the power of the players to harass and take revenge on him." I Ruo Weihao typed and explained.

"Okay! The brothers in the group will serve as your navy and help you post."

"Well, I'm going to send a dnf master, because there are a lot of people there."

"Success!" Tianyu typed this word, and immediately typed in the group and said: "If you don't have a Tieba account, hurry up and apply for one. This time we must help Brother Ruoweihao to make this matter worse!"

Ever since, Ruoweihao found his friend and started writing posts.

As for why I am proud that I didn't do it myself, it is because he is going to participate in the winter vacation cram school...

I joined the group of unlucky bears because it was fun, and I could meet many friends, and it was also convenient to buy things in the group.

Of course, if I am proud, I do obey Tianyu and their arrangements. When receiving the goods, I will do my best to collect them. When I sell the goods, I will also be ordered to sell them. Funds, swallow some goods, and help the unlucky bear team to circulate funds. Although the amount is very small, this heart is already much stronger than other people in the offline group.

This morning, there was a post on the dnf main forum that caused a sensation.

It was the post about Liao Jiuyang stealing the account.

In that post, a screenshot of Liao Jiuyang chatting with his classmates was posted, which attracted a lot of abuse from black friends.

Although this is also a kind of following the trend, but justice is at ease in people's hearts, and right and wrong are black and white, how can it be so easy to reverse it?
But there are always some people who have turned on the mocking mode, complaining about "If I am proud" IQ is worrying, and they are willing to lend their numbers to people they know in the game.

Tieba is a place where good and evil are mixed, and it is easiest to expose IQ and quality, so everyone is not surprised. Of course, there are also good-hearted people who can't stand it, and will spray these guys who stand and talk without back pain. After all, in the game Friends always need trust.

That post was a live broadcast post, and the process of human flesh, of course, was done step by step.

All of a sudden, the news about the hacked account, like maple leaves after autumn, floated to various forums.

Tourists from all directions acted as spectators, and many of them joined the "dog slaughter" camp.

Some people called Liao Jiuyang "Liaogou", while others called him "Professor Liao". Many people ridiculed him for having seen through everything.

Later, too many bar friends harassed Liao Jiuyang, as well as his counselor and girlfriend, so both his counselor and girlfriend responded.

But to the surprise of the majority of bar friends and viewers, his counselor actually shielded him, saying that he didn't play games that night, and also guaranteed that he was a good baby, and he looked completely harmless. How could he act like that? What about cockroaches and dog theft?

His instructor said this, of course he also has his purpose, after all, he is his student, and it is understandable to protect his shortcomings. Although it is somewhat against professional ethics and conscience, it is not easy for people to make a living. In the end, the teacher's morality was defeated by reality. .

If it is said that his mentor did this, everyone can barely understand, but even his girlfriend protects him... Maybe, he really loves him.

But many netizens joked: "Girl, even such a person is willing to follow, are you really blind, or you have to love after death? Today he can steal brother's account, maybe he will fuck you someday My best friend's bed..."

Anyway, for a while, all the bar friends made a big wave of pointing and pointing at his mentor and girlfriend, and some more radical bar friends searched the ancestral graves of his mentor and girlfriend.

After all, it did cause outrage.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen so many people shameless together.

This incident went on for three days, from the main bar to Xiamen Fishery College, and even some bar friends edited Baidu Encyclopedia and mentioned a sentence: "Xiamen Fishery College is famous far and wide because of Liao Jiuyang's account hacking."

Of course, although this ridicule passed through Encyclopedia for a few days, it was quickly corrected back.

"... hastily!" Liao Jiuyang pulled out the SIM card from the phone, threw it directly into the toilet, and shouted.

In the past few days, the bombardment of harassing calls and text messages has been almost 24 hours a day, and even his mentor and girlfriend have been affected.

So Liao Jiuyang changed the phone card helplessly.

Finally, on the third day, Liao Jiuyang appeared in the post of the main bar, and he was subdued. I hope that my proud friend will be merciful and stop spreading the news.

Then he wrote an apology on various forums, admitted his hacking behavior, and hoped that the majority of players would give him a way to "live" and stop pressing him every step of the way...

Afterwards, the police came to the door, and I Ruoweihao also contacted Galen, and the two agreed on compensation.

If I know that Galen's parents are not easy, and the revenge is really crazy these days, and I am addicted, I will deal with it lightly and ask for [-] compensation.

As for the stolen game coins in Tianyu's inventory, Galen recovered all of them.

Of course, this is also three days later.

(Note: There was indeed a post at that time, but it should have been deleted now.)
 When it hurts, the USB flash drive is lost... the fine outline is gone.I don't know if I can get it back. Today's second update, I guess there will be some water... I'm worried

(End of this chapter)

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